Silver fox's body is really soft, but at this moment, I only regard her as a stove, and I don't move any other crooked thoughts at all. My brother has only half of his life left. How can I have any other thoughts.

"Are you cold?" I asked the silver fox shivering.

"It's not cold."

How can it not be cold? The cave is already cold. In addition to the cold weather in the middle of the night, silver fox doesn't wear thick clothes. She wants to warm up a big ice block like me with her own body temperature. Isn't she "asking for hardship".

Fortunately, there is a big fire in front of us, otherwise silver fox and I would have been frozen to death.

I and silver fox tightly hold together, the body is more and more cold, my teeth are trembling, silver fox is not much better, the body is shaking.

Inside the cave suddenly quiet down, only outside the cave occasionally came a few calls of night birds.

"Talk about the conversation, be distracted, or it's too cold."


Silver fox said: "if you want to talk about something, I'll talk with you."

I can't find a good topic at the moment, so let's talk about the topic that both silver fox and I are interested in.

"Let's talk about you."



Silver fox shy smile said: "I have nothing to talk about, so simple a person."

I said, "you're not easy. Silver fox, I'm curious about you. Let me know you as well. "

I took the initiative to understand the silver fox, silver fox of course happy, so smilingly said: "good. Whatever you want to know about me, whatever you want to know. "

"Let's talk about it briefly. You can talk about it from when you were in the orphanage to how you became a scientist later."

Silver fox thought for a while, said: "too small memory is too vague, I will not say, I have memory from the time to speak of good."


Silver fox slowly recalled: "I spent a total of five years in the orphanage. Although those years were miserable, my sister Bai Hu took good care of me, and my life was very happy. Then one day, he came to the orphanage to donate money. He followed a lot of people behind him and pulled a few trucks of things. That was the first time I saw him. He was not very old at that time. He was less than 20 years old. He was very young. He was very popular. Hee hee. "

When Yin Hu talks about the scene of meeting Yan Qingcheng for the first time and his impression on him, he seems to be quite good, using some commendatory words. When Yin Hu realizes that he praises another man in front of his beloved man, it seems inappropriate, and he can't help but smile awkwardly to hide it.

Of course, my heart is not so small. Yan Qingcheng is always elegant. He must have been a beautiful young man in those years. With super money, most girls would be excited to see him.

Silver fox saw that my face was still not angry, so he was more relieved, so he continued to say:

"later, I learned that this orphanage was also built with the money of the minority, and all the expenses in it were borne by the minority. Many of these orphanages have been built by Da Shao. Every year, a group of people will be sent to take them away. Several times before, he didn't come to our orphanage in person. This time, he came to pick a few people in person. Bai Hu and I are two of them. "

Yan Qingcheng, a little bastard, is a thief. He specially selects orphans for training. Orphans are lack of care. Yan Qingcheng can buy their hearts at a little cost, and then spare his life to work for him.

Once these orphans were tamed by Yan Qingcheng, there was no emotional bondage, but his life was his destiny. This kind of power was extremely terrible.

I shudder in my heart. At that young age, Yan Qingcheng had such far-reaching vision and extraordinary courage. It was really extraordinary.

Yan Qingcheng is able to make a breakthrough under Xu Mengyao's eyes, which is inseparable from his ability and vision. Yan Qingcheng is really extraordinary.

"Did Yan Qingcheng still choose people like this these years?"

"Well. As far as I know, more than 80% of the people under his command are orphans, and he is loyal to him. He will go through fire and water at his command. "

Damn, this move is really cruel. It's the same as I expected.

"Does Yan Qingcheng have any criteria for selecting people?"

"Yes, very strict."

"What standard?"

"The criteria for selecting different talents are different. In short, different people will receive different training and learning. In fact, when he was in the orphanage, he began to do so. He would order the dean to inspect these orphans secretly and make a comprehensive assessment according to their usual performance. However, the most important concern of college students is loyalty, which is the most important item in the evaluation weight. "

"Have you ever selected talents?"

"Yes. I'm trusted by my parents. They basically let me go out for a walk every year. "

"Then you have trained a lot of talents."

"Hee hee. I hope it's not a mistake. " Silver fox lovely tongue, said smilingly.

"You brought out so many people, there is no one loyal to you?"Silver fox said: "I don't know, these talents are selected for the company, and the company cultivates them. It doesn't have much to do with me. I just provide them with an opportunity."

Yan Qingcheng may have anticipated these problems. No matter who is the head of these orphans, Yan Qingcheng is their only master. No one can replace him in the eyes of these orphans.

"When did you and silver fox separate?"

"Since we were taken away, we have been separated. We have hardly met each other in recent years, but we only contact each other occasionally."

"How did you get in touch?"

"Social software developed by the company."

"Yan Qingcheng won't let you contact him?"

"There is no explicit regulation, but this is the company's default rule. If it is not for work, we can't contact frequently in private."

In doing so, Yan Qingcheng must be worried that they would unite against him, the Birdman, and nip any danger in the cradle.

After a brief understanding of Yan Qingcheng through Yinhu, he is really a super talent with a high level of management. The key is that his city is very deep and his vision is unique. Once he is an enemy, it's not easy to deal with him.

"Do you have any hobbies?" I casually asked silver fox this question.

"I like new things. If I don't understand anything, I just want to understand it. That's it. So sometimes I'm bored. I always hide in a corner to study this and that."

What silver fox says is concentration. If a person can concentrate, what else can't be done. Unlike myself, I'm more impetuous, unable to calm down and accomplish nothing.

I really admire Yinhu. She is a little younger than me. She can't catch up with me in her achievements. Talent is on the one hand, attitude and character are on the other.

"It's not boring, but concentration. Few people can do it, such as me."

"Hee hee. I know that it's better for women to be lively and easy for men to like. It's hard for a dead woman to win men's favor, isn't it? "