Gene fighters are also human beings, or the living dead. I don't believe big monsters can endure any more.

Sure enough, the big monster looked at me, his gray eyes suddenly brightened, and the fierce light in his eyes became more and more fierce. He opened his mouth and showed his sharp teeth. My dear, his teeth changed, not flat teeth, but sharp fangs.

Its teeth are bigger and sharper than those of normal people. At this moment, I think of many kinds of animals, such as cats, tigers, leopards, lions, crocodiles and so on. When they show their teeth, it's such a terrible sight.

The big monster finally lost his breath. It moved and attacked me again. After three or two lunges, he rushed to me, because my body couldn't move, so I couldn't dodge, so I had to fight him head-on.

The big monster's attack method is simple and rough, and there is no unnecessary fancy action. He raised his arm as thick as a pillar and punched my head. This fist is as fast as a storm, with the wind blowing. If the blow is real, he has to move his head and head.

But you can't fight with him. If you do that again, you may be buried in the mud. Sooner or later, the big monster's fist won't give me time to think about it.

The fist came to the tip of my nose in the blink of an eye. Before the fist arrived, the style of the fist came first, which made my nose ache.

My brother is not vegetarian either. I spread out my hand and gently plucked it to release the strength of the big monster's fist. This is a kind of four or two plucking method. I can't fight the enemy, I can only choose to defuse it with skillful force.

Once the battle starts, either it will die or I will live. There is no possibility of stopping. The big monsters will attack more and more fiercely.

Its fist is too fierce and hard. Every time it hits a fist, the whole water plant will shake with it, and the water splashes everywhere, just like water arrows scattered all over the ground.

The big monster's fists are falling like raindrops, one just left, the other hit again, endless, it may want to completely conquer me with violence.

Blow my head, this is the only idea in the big monster's heart, and I am the object of its vent.

I use my hands to pull the power of the big monster with the strength in my body, and resolve the attack of the big monster again and again.

This kind of playing method is easy and effective, but it can only protect itself and can't hurt the enemy. My brother fell into the mire and got deeper and deeper. Just now, the mud had not reached my chest, and my chest was stuffy. The air in my body couldn't be lifted up, and I was almost hit in the head by a big monster.

My whole face was choked by mud, and my face was flushed. My breath was no longer even, and my breath was heavier and heavier. What's worse, the big monster had seen my disadvantage, stepped up the offensive, and didn't give me a chance to breathe at all.

I was bombarded by the big monster's random fists. At first, I could use my strength to fight. Gradually, my chest became more and more stuffy. I couldn't lift the position of the temple where I was hit by the big monster's fist. My brain was buzzing all the time, and countless small stars appeared in my eyes. In front of me, such a big man even shook countless figures.

The big monster succeeded in one move, and then continued to attack one after another. I dealt with it all by feeling. Unfortunately, I was hit by the big monster several times. The big monster's fist was like asking for money. I was almost flattened by his fist.

Every time I'm hit by it, it's like a truck running over me. If there is a mirror, I must see what I've become.

You Ya of, oneself grow ugliness, unexpectedly want to destroy my appearance, don't take so envious person.

Blood seeped out from my mouth, ears and eyes. It was horrible. My brain was smashed into a paste and my eyes were confused. I could hardly see the big monster clearly.

My body continued to sink. It had gone beyond my chest to my neck. The mud wrapped my chest. It made me feel like I was sandwiched between two mountains. I couldn't breathe at all. I adjusted my breathing. My brother could hold his breath for an hour, so it wouldn't kill me to stay in the mud for an hour. Just an hour later?

Man, it's not loach. You can stay in the mud for a lifetime.


This is a fuckin 'way to die.

When the big monster started to fight, he had a whim. He wanted to hit me in the mud with one punch and hit me on the top of my head from top to bottom. This punch accumulated all the strength of the big monster and was sure to win. If this punch goes on, there will be another corpse in the world.

The big monster is proud in his heart. Suddenly, it appears unexpectedly. Its powerful fist disappears without a trace. On the contrary, there is a strong force to pull it into the mire.

I concentrated the airflow in my body on my palm and tried my best to absorb the big monster's fist. With the powerful suction of the mud pool, I combined the two forces to steadily absorb the big monster.

I instantly became a medium, a medium to convey the connection between the earth and the big monster. No matter how powerful the big monster is, can it compete with the earth?

The resultant force forms a strong gravity, which leads the big monster to sink into the mire. The big monster feels that something is wrong and tries to pull back to get rid of my medium. How can I let it succeed? I gather the air flow all over my body and strike the big monster one by one to stop it from throwing me away.Sludge and I pull the force of this joint force of the big monster more and more, the big monster how also can't throw away, it Mao full strength back, pull hard, whew, a clay figurine was thrown into the air.

Ha ha! Saved!

Brother showed weakness for so long, finally let the big monster catch my way, "take the initiative" to save me.

If it wasn't for the big monster, my brother couldn't come up so easily. Thanks to him, since he helped my brother so much, my brother couldn't treat him badly.

It's time to repay him.

I jumped up and shot a heavy blow in the air. This blow concentrated all the air flow of my body and could smash a big stone with one blow. I would kill it with one second.

The big monster was just unstable and rushed to fight. My heavy blow collided with the heavy blow that the big monster smashed in the air. The big monster was down-to-earth and relied on his strength, but I couldn't hang in the air. Rao is so. In this battle, the two of them were neck and neck.

I rolled in the air, raised a foot and kicked it on the big monster's stomach. The strange muscles on the big monster's stomach bounced up and took off my strength. Then the muscles on his stomach sagged, forming a powerful vortex, and sucked my feet in.

My body is falling at this time, so I can't pull it out. The big monster takes this opportunity to smash his arm on my knee, which is to break my right leg.

This is not cruel!

Hum, I think it's beautiful. I thought it would do this. It's just an empty move. The real killer is the left foot.

I didn't care about the big monster's heavy blow, but my whole body rotated 180 degrees to follow up with a left foot, which I aimed at the big monster's life.