I asked the financial manager to pay all the wages owed to the employees, and everyone received a generous bonus. The enthusiasm of the employees was high, and their support and worship for me were growing day by day. My status in Lanxin villa reached the peak.

I patiently implement my plan. With money and people, I have a good foundation. What I need to do is to show all my thoughts.

With the cooperation of Mo Han and Xiao Lizi, my plan is well developed and the effect is also very good. Lanxin villa is on fire day by day.

Mo Han has been with me all this time, helping me take care of Lanxin villa and my daily life. When we are free, we will go for a walk together. Every sunset these days has left me and Mo Han in some scenic spots on the mountain.

Since I realized that I was careful about Mo Han, I took extra care of her. Mo Han was naturally sensitive and had a deep understanding of these details. At a certain moment, she would always stare at me with her bright eyes, and her hot eyes almost melted me.

Mo Han said that this was the happiest time in her life. She had lived in vain for more than 30 years, far less than this week.

This evening, I took Mo han to a reservoir in front of him. This reservoir is the largest in guanwan city. When the weather is fine, many people nearby like to fish here.

There is a barren land around the reservoir, the ground is full of grass plants, all kinds of vines, miscellaneous trees, weeds and so on.

Mohan likes it here, because it is not only quiet, but also has many unknown wild birds. I accompanied Mohan for a walk in the wasteland. Mohan was in high spirits all the way, holding my arm and looking around.

I found Mo Han's eyes searching around, so I asked her with a smile:

"what are you looking for?"

"Nothing." Mo Han said so, but when she saw a beautiful wild flower, she stood still.

"Do you like it?"


Mo Han nodded heavily.

This wild flower blooms in a pile of weeds, and the weeds are entangled with thorns. It's not easy to start.

However, Mo Han likes it. I have to pick it for her anyway. I picked up a dry branch on the ground and poked away the thorns in front of me. Don't blame my friends for their hard work. If I want to get the biggest wild flower, I have to sacrifice these innocent thorns.

Mo Han smiles at me doing this for her. These thorns are too tightly intertwined and too dense. He pushes them one layer after another and finally touches the wild flower.

I even picked the branches with flowers. In this season, flowers are not common. Chrysanthemums are very common and can be found everywhere. This kind of wild flower is rare.

There are also many barbs on the branches. I'll pull them out one by one, so that Mo Han won't be stabbed. After making these, I'll pass the wild flowers to Mo Han.

Mo Han didn't take it immediately. Instead, he said something that startled me:

"husband, let's remarry."


How did Mo Han want to remarry me? She asked me to pick wild flowers. Did she just want me to propose to her with wild flowers?

Mo Han saw my hesitation and said: "husband, I'm really happy these days. I can see that my happiness is only related to you. As long as I have you, I'll be happy. It doesn't matter where I do anything. I'm greedy. I want happiness to follow me forever. Are you willing to give me such happiness? "

I said in embarrassment: "Hanhan, we have already agreed on it. We will talk about it later."

"Why in the future? Is it because of Lan Xin or your son Ye Luo? "

"Do you know them?"

"Of course. I have lived in Lanxin villa for such a long time, and I don't know anything else. Besides, I knew about Lanxin before you went back to Hangzhou, but I don't blame you. Lanxin is a good woman. She died so miserably, and I don't care. If you mind the existence of Lan Xin and ye Luo because you are afraid of me, then I can tell you from the bottom of my heart. Compared with my happiness, things in the past are unimportant. Anyway, ye Luo is also your son, the brother of our son Mo ran. I don't think Mo ran would mind having a brother. "

"You really don't mind?"

Mo Han thought for a moment and said: "if I say I don't care at all, it must be false. My husband has children with other women. A woman will be angry when she knows about it. I don't deny it. When I first knew about it, I was very disappointed and even hopeless to you. I didn't come to you when you went back to Hangzhou, because I can't put it down completely. But then you came to Hanmeng villa to find me and my son. All this changed. That is to say, from that night on, I decided to forgive you. Since I can't put it down, why do I put it down, right

"Hanhan -"

Mo Han waved his hand and said: "I don't want to mention the past, because it doesn't have any meaning. You don't have to tangle, and I don't have to worry about it anymore. You and I might as well start over, and the past gratitude and resentment will be wiped out and gone with the wind. Husband, I really love you, in this world, I just want to be with you, and Mo ran, and ye Luo, I am willing to take care of him for Lan Xin, if so, are you willing to agree to my request? Would you like to? "I am silent, Mo Han made such a big concession, words all talk about this, what can I say, but want me to remarry with her, Manyu how to do?

The problem of falling leaves is solved, but what about Manyu?

Of course, I don't want Mo han to accept the existence of Manyu. It's unfair to Mo Han and Manyu. Even if Mo Han wants to, Manyu can't.

What is Manyu's temperament? How can she accept such absurd things? Mo Han and I can't accept such absurd things.

Even I don't think so. I believe Mo Han never thought so. The reason why I think of Manyu at this time is that I know that once I agree to Mo Han's request, there is no room for maneuver. This is a single choice question. If I choose Mo Han, I will miss Manyu, and I don't have the courage to do so.

And Mo Han may have Bian Yiyang's child. I promise her at this time. Once this is true, I really don't know how to end it in the future.

There are too many variables in me.

"Hanhan, please allow me a little time, I -"

"what's the matter with you? Even if I make such a big concession, don't you agree? " Mo Han said with some disappointment. She paused for a moment and then asked, "are you hesitating all the time because of Su Manyu, because you still like her, because you are afraid of losing her completely after you are with me?"

"It's not just her."

Mo Han became angry and hummed coldly: "if it's not her, what else? I don't believe you can make up any lies. Say it

Mo Han has not yet realized the fact that she may be pregnant. Up to now, I have to say it. Sooner or later, it will have to be revealed. Now is the time to let her know her situation.

"Hanhan, you -"

"what's wrong with me? You don't want to say it's my problem

"It's really your problem."

"Well, what can I have? I don't believe you can find fault with me. "

"You're pregnant, you know?"


"Really. Haven't you noticed that you always like vomiting recently? Last time you were at the top of the mountain, two days ago in my office, and this morning after you got up, haven't you noticed? "

Mo Han looked at me in a daze. Her face was very blue. She pointed to my nose and said angrily, "don't slander people. If you don't agree, you don't agree. Why do you slander me! How could I be pregnant? I didn't do anything. How could I be pregnant? You said, "whose child am I carrying?"

"Bian Yiyang."


"Bian Yiyang."