The cave is far away from the entrance to the top of the mountain. It is located in a remote location. Most people rarely go there. In addition to these terrible legends, the cave seems to be a forbidden area.

I was very curious about the cave, so I glanced at it from a distance. The moonlight was shining near the cave, and it was gloomy, which cast a shadow on the terrible atmosphere.

I never believe in ghosts. I think these things, even if they exist, will never pose any danger to human beings. There are three reasons why people are afraid of these things:

one is because they can't see or touch, and they are afraid of the unknown world; the other is because they scare their own people by spreading false information; the other is because they are pure in the heart I'm afraid of ghosts.

My brother is upright and open-minded. He is afraid of the ball. Otherwise, if he had been alone in Longdao for four years, he would have been scared to death by the terror of Longdao.

But when you look in the direction of the cave, you always feel uncomfortable. I can't tell why.

I hold Mo han to make a wish on the lover's stone. The lover's stone sleeps on the edge of the cliff. It's a natural giant stone about 2.7 meters high and 1.2 meters wide. The shape of this giant stone is irregular. It's high on the left and low on the right. From a distance, it looks like a couple of lovers holding together, so it gets its name.

Mo Han closed his eyes and made a wish. She didn't tell me what she made, and I didn't ask her. It's said that the wish should be hidden in the heart of the person who made the wish, and it can't be said easily, otherwise it won't work.

After making the wish, Mo Han said she was not in a hurry to go down the mountain. She wanted to walk around with me on the top of the mountain.

The most beautiful scenery at the top of the mountain is the lover's stone. There are no other features. Most of the guests on the mountain are lovers, either making wishes or blowing the wind. That's all.

I don't think it's better in the evening, but if Mo Han likes me, I'll follow her.

Turning around, I turned around the cave. The closer I got to the cave, the more terrible I felt. I didn't know if I was making trouble in my heart. I thought there was a special smell in the air, and Mo Han suddenly covered his mouth and bent down to vomit.

It's OK just now. Why did you vomit?

Could it be that

When I felt tight in my heart, a bad premonition came to me. This scene was too familiar. I remember that when Mo Han was pregnant with Mo ran, he vomited like this.

Mo Han's constitution is more virtual. Women with virtual body have more severe pregnancy and vomiting. Is mo Han pregnant again.

Watching Mo Han vomit happily, my doubts are more and more serious.

In my heart, several strange ideas rushed to me. If Mo Han is really pregnant, it's obvious that the child is Bian Yiyang's. I haven't been with her for eight years, so it can't be my child.

Think of Mo Han may be pregnant with other men's children, this moment I feel very sad, no matter how Mo Han was my woman, watching their own things occupied by others, and I can't even fart a, this kind of shit mood must be everyone can understand.

Mo Han vomited hard this time. He couldn't straighten up. He only knew how to vomit.

"Hanhan, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Mo Han's pain, I was flustered and squatted beside him. Mo Han vomited for a while and finally eased down. Then he raised his head slightly and said with a smile:

"it's OK. don't worry. It's just disgusting. "

"How could that be?" I asked, but in my heart, I decided that Mo Han was pregnant with vomiting, because her reaction just now was very similar to pregnant with vomiting.

Mo Han wiped the dirty things on his mouth and said, "I don't know. I just smell a strange smell nearby, and then I feel like vomiting."

"Strange smell? What's the taste? "

"I don't know." Mo Han returned a sentence and vomited again.

I smell it carefully with my nose. It seems that there is a certain smell in the air, but it's very weak. I can't tell what it is. In a word, it smells bad.

In fact, when we just came here, I smelled it, but I didn't care about it at that time. After a long time, I got used to it, and the smell in my nose was saturated. It was much more difficult to distinguish this kind of smell.

This keeps up with the same principle of the toilet. As soon as you enter the toilet, you can smell the bad smell, but if you stay in the toilet for a while, the smell will fade. In the end, you may get used to it and don't think it stinks.

Mo Han said that the air here is not good. It's strange. I'd better send her back to the villa early to have a rest.

Because Mo Han's sudden vomiting makes me suspect that Mo Han is pregnant with a child again. My brother is in a strange mess, but it's hard to ask her face to face.

Mo Han saw my dignified face, gave me a smile, comforted me and said: "don't worry, it's really OK. Maybe I've been tired recently, and I've been living in a pile of flowers since I was a child. I'm used to the smell of flowers. Once I smell this disgusting smell, I feel very uncomfortable. Maybe I vomit like this. "

"Hanhan, let's go back."


I helped Mo Han back. It's easier to go down the mountain than to go up the mountain, but the risk factor is not lower than when I went up the mountain. Besides, Mo Han may be pregnant, so I need to take extra care of her body.All the way, I was worried that the cold wind would make Mo cold. Pregnant women are most taboo about getting sick. If they get sick by the cold wind, they will be in great trouble. One can't get an injection, and the other can't take medicine. They can only carry it hard and suffer a lot.

I care about Mo Han from time to time. Mo Han is smiling like a child. She is always happy and has been laughing happily. She also asked me how I suddenly care about her body, which was something I didn't dare to think about in the past.

I said that she is a woman and I am a man. It's natural for a man to take care of a woman, so it's my duty to take care of her. There's no fuss.

Mo Han happily said that being a woman is really happy, especially being my woman. How could I not be enlightened earlier? If I had been enlightened earlier, she would not have been sad for so many years.

Mo Han's words seem to be complaining, more like coquetry, or I hope I can promise to spoil her forever like tonight.

I don't know how to reply to her. If Mo Han is really pregnant with Bian Yiyang's child, can I keep Mo Han by my side and ask her a question mark? How can I spoil her forever?

Mo Han and I have only been married for about one year, while Bian Yiyang and she have been married for at least several years. What qualifications do I have to keep her? Moreover, once they have children, everything changes. Even if they are divorced recently, I have no reason to keep her.

Even if Mo Han himself is willing, Bian Yiyang will not agree, Xu Mengyao will not agree, and I am determined to do it.

I don't dislike Mo Han, I really don't, but I am responsible for Mo Han and her children. Her children are innocent, and Mo Han is innocent.

Her child needs his own father, and this man is Bian Yiyang, not me, ye Chutian.