Black wolf looks at Yan Qingcheng with a puzzled face. He can't believe what he sees in front of him. He can't pretend to be so much like Bian.

"He's angry but not angry, or he's really uncomfortable, but he's far from being so angry," Yan said

"Young and old, then why does he want to show an inexhaustible look of anger?"

Yan Qingcheng said with a smile: "why can we test our attitude, or try to paralyze us. Don't we tell him these things to test his attitude towards the Mo family? "

"He saw our purpose?"

"Of course. You can't see anything so obvious. Do you think my aunt will like him? "

The black wolf was puzzled and asked: "little, the black wolf still doesn't understand. Since you know he can see it, why do you want me to say that? It makes him suspicious or disgusted. Isn't it counterproductive? After all, our purpose is to attract him. "

Yan Qingcheng said unfathomably, "it's better to say something clearly than not, and it's better to say something clearly than not."

These two words are too abstruse, and black wolf is still confused.

"All right. Don't think about it so much. Keep an eye on Bian Di and ye Chutian and report to me at any time. I think it's time for Bian to go back to Hangzhou these days. "

"Yes. Big or small. "


I followed Mo Han nervously. Oh, I'm going to see Mo ran soon. There's no reason for me to be nervous. I've seen Mo Ran's photos and naturally know what he looks like. Even so, I always fantasize about him in my mind.

I'm about to see Mo Ran's real body with my own eyes. I can't help but feel excited and uneasy. People who have never been a father will not understand it.

Mo Han took me to the innermost room on the second floor. She gently opened the door and told me to be careful. Mo ran was sleeping. He was very nervous about his study every day and needed to get a good sleep.

This is mo Han's explanation, and I have a feeling that Mo Han doesn't want Mo ran to see me.

I think it's normal. Mo Ran's age is old or young. I haven't appeared in eight years. If I suddenly jumped out and stood in front of him, I might scare him.

Although Mo Ran is not an ordinary child, he is only a child under the age of ten. He is not mature in psychology. He must be weak in endurance. Don't scare him when such a big accident happens.

Mo Han and I crept into the house. Mo Ran's room is really big. It's a suite. There is a hall outside and a bedroom inside. Mo Ran's bedroom is bigger than the whole house I rent. It makes me a shame to be a father. My father is not as good as his son.

Mo Ran's bedroom is extremely luxurious with various paintings on the walls.

The contents of these paintings are mostly military supplies, such as maps, warship models, camouflage suits, fighter models and so on.

I can't see that Mo ran, like I was when I was a child, was a military fan and liked to collect these things.

Mo ran fell asleep. The quilt was less than half covered. I went up to help him cover the quilt again. I stood in front of the bed and watched Mo ran. The little guy grew up a lot. His young face was even darker than when I was a child. I thought he would often be exposed to the sun.

I still remember that when Mo ran was a baby, he looked more like Mo Han, and now he is almost a copy of my childhood, with at least a seven point portrait.

The more I look, the more excited I am. This is my son.

Mo Han looked at me and then at Mo ran. A happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She pulled the corner of my coat and said softly, "is my son good-looking?"

"Good looking."

"you see as like as two peas, you have a face, forehead, ears and chin, but your eyes, nose and mouth are very much like me."

If Mo Han doesn't say that I haven't noticed these details, after her reminding, when I look at Mo ran carefully, it's not like what Mo Han said.

Mo Ran's face is the same as mine. It's thin and angular. It's beautiful and durable, but it doesn't lose its heroism. His forehead is smooth and flat, and his ears are small and exquisite. When I'm small, my ears are smaller than those of other boys. There's an old saying in my hometown that children with small ears are smart, while children with big ears are obedient.

If there is any scientific basis for this sentence, let's not discuss it first. It's certain that you are smart when you are young, and you are very naughty. There is nothing we dare not do.

Mo Ran's chin is the same as mine. It's sharp and has perfect radian. It's beautiful.

Besides, Mo Ran's eyes are as big as Mo Han's, because Mo Ran's eyes are closed when he is asleep. Now his eyelashes are all exposed. His eyelashes are really long, dense and beautiful.

Mo Han's nose is high, small and cute. His lips are red and sexy. I didn't expect that a little boy's lips would give people such a feeling. Maybe it's because he is my son.

Mo Han saw that I had been foolishly observing Mo ran and was obsessed. Suddenly, he said with pride, "is my son no worse than you?""Of course. Hanhan, it's hard for you. " I slightly looked up at Mo Han's eyes and said sincerely.

Mo Han raised Mo ran so well, I sincerely appreciate her, really, these are my heartfelt words, not just a simple polite words.

When I said this, Mo Han was obviously stunned. After a while, he said softly, "he is your son and I, and I should take care of him. Why are you so polite to me?"

"I -"

Mo Han is right, but according to the relationship between me and her now, it's OK for me to say that. The fault is that she and I are no longer husband and wife.

At that crossroads eight years ago, we had already missed it.

Mo Han looked at me expectantly, her eyes shining with obsession, this is a woman's look at a man's eyes, but also a wife's look at her husband's eyes.

This kind of eyes full of deep meaning, I was almost trapped in her rhythm.

Mo Han means a few things. Is it because of the complicated relationship among me, Mo ran and her that she is so addicted to this atmosphere that she forgets her present situation?

Mo Han has Mr. Bian, and I have su Manyu. She and I can't go back to the past. It's impossible.

I didn't know how to take the call.

When Mo Han saw that I didn't answer her, he suddenly realized something, and her reason gradually returned. Her big eyes rolled with tears in her eyes. Several times she wanted to flow down, but she forced her to stop.

Mo Han secretly wiped tears, it seems to really cry.

Why did I make her cry all of a sudden? Just as I didn't know how to comfort her, Mo ran suddenly turned over when she was asleep, which scared Mo Han and me.

Mo Han immediately ignored his emotions and pulled my clothes tightly and said, "go. Don't wake up your son. "