Big fat brother so cooperate, I don't need to point a gun at him, I am close to big fat man, if he dare to play any heart, I can be him for the first time.

Man, you have this confidence.

I took back the gun and asked, "what's in the control room? I'm afraid it's not so easy to get in."

"Yes. There is a bulletproof door outside the monitoring room. Only the team leader and the monitor can enter the room with their fingerprints and pupils. Other people are not allowed to enter. You don't have a heavy weapon. You can't get in with this gun alone. "

"You can't get in either?"

"Yes, I am no exception."

I thought for a moment and said, "if you have something important to ask your captain, what will you do?"

"Through a headset or walkie talkie."

I was surprised. How could I forget this? I've been talking with big brother for so long. If his headset and walkie talkie were working, wouldn't I have been exposed earlier?

Thinking of this, I felt like I was being teased. I grabbed the fat man's collar and said angrily:

"you are playing with me!"

"Mr. Ye, you are --" I said turning over, without any sign. The fat man's face was confused. I don't know why I suddenly got angry.

"Pretend! Pick up the dress

"Mr. Ye, I don't know why you are angry."

Looking at the fat man pretending to be innocent, I couldn't get angry.

"Did you give your captain the whereabouts of Laozi through your earphone and walkie talkie?"

If the fat man had some understanding, he said, "Mr. Ye, you were angry just now because of this?"

"What? Is it a small matter? "

Big fat brother said with a bitter face: "Mr. Ye, you are the brother of Tianyan, which is equivalent to the benefactor of my seal. No matter how bastard my seal is, he will not betray his benefactor."

"Hum, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Do you want to fool me with your eyes?"

"Mr. Ye, what I said is true."

I said suspiciously: "what is steamed and boiled? I have been with Tianyan for so many years. How come I have never heard him mention you?"

Big fat brother said with regret: "it's no surprise what kind of person Tianyan is. When he was a soldier in the early years, Tianyan was the God in our hearts. I always worship him as the God of war. I know him, but he may not know me."

"Have you seen him?"



"For many years, he saved my life and was my great benefactor. Of course, Tianyan saved a lot of people. Maybe this is the most common thing for him and won't leave any special impression, but for my seal, it's like rebuilding."

Since Sun Jianbing saved his life?

That's right. With sun Jianbing's ability and mission in those years, he should have saved a lot of people. It's no surprise. It's just that this person is the seal I met tonight. Is it too coincidental.

A coincidence is called coincidence. When two coincidences meet, can they still be called coincidence?

Coincidence is called coincidence because it is rare. When two rare things come together, it is likely to be a trap.

I don't know if it's a seal trying to trick me.

I want to check whether what seals say is true. I always believe that when a person tells a lie, the more he says, the more wrong he is.

"Tell me about your impression of the heavenly eye."

Without thinking about it, the seal said, "I first heard that the name Tianyan was in the military camp of the special forces brigade. At that time, I participated in the special training competition, but it's a pity -"

"it's a pity that I didn't choose it."


"You want to be a special forces soldier?"

"Of course. As long as you don't want to be a guy. Special forces are the king of soldiers, the real strong. Although I didn't regard myself as the king of war, I was lucky to have seen the eye of heaven once, and it's not a waste of my life. "

I've never been a soldier, so naturally I'm indifferent to this kind of soldier's sense of honor. However, sun Jianbing and Wei Wenjie are so powerful and coax fans, but they are also envious.

It suddenly occurred to me that Tianyan is a very special and enigmatic figure. It is said that all the people who have seen Tianyan have died. Only the team-mates of the first phase of Tianlong special team know who Tianyan is. Sun Jianbing said that the only surviving team members of the first phase are Tianyan and Guiying.

Since the seal has not been selected as a Special Forces officer, how can he have a chance to meet sun Jianbing? Even if he meets sun Jianbing, how can he know that sun Jianbing is the eye of heaven? There must be something strange about this. Either he is bragging or he is trying to mystify and paralyze Laozi.

It's not that my brother is suspicious of being seriously ill, but it's related to Laozi's life safety and whether I can sneak into Hanmeng villa smoothly.

If what he said is true, with the relationship between sun Jianbing and me, this person can do a lot of things for me. If what he said is false, it will be a serious matter. What he is doing to Laozi is not good.I have seen that this fat man who calls himself a seal is not an ordinary person. If he does not handle it properly, the initiative may become passive immediately, and I am likely to be surrounded by them.

No way.

We have to make sure as soon as possible that his real intention is to keep him to help me or to do it on the spot. It all depends on his later performance.

Of course, what I did was not to kill him, but to let him sleep for a few hours. Don't let him spoil Laozi's good deeds.

"You just said the eye of heaven saved you. What's the matter?"

"This is a military secret, I can't say," the seal said in embarrassment

"You can't even talk about retirement?"

"You can't even say it when you're dead."

I know that some secrets have to be kept for a lifetime. For example, sun Jianbing has many unknown secrets that will rot in his stomach for a lifetime. He can't reveal half of them to me and Begonia. Therefore, I didn't force the seal to death. If he doesn't tell me, maybe he really has some difficulties.

I changed the topic: "how many years have you retired?"

"Seven years."

"Have you been working for Xu Mengyao since retirement?"

"No. I was with the captain two years ago

"Captain? Is that the tall man with a scar on the corner of his eye who just interrogated me? "

When the captain interrogated me, the seal was not on guard in this pavilion. He only knew that a teammate had just picked up a man in the lake. The captain interrogated me. First, he ordered the whole pavilion to be on guard. Later, he said that he was just a drowning man. He told us that we should have a rest and don't make a fuss.

In this way, the one who just interrogated me is most likely their captain, and from my description, it is seven or eight points similar to his captain. The seal nodded and said, "that's right. It should be him

"If he can be your captain, he must not be an ordinary role?"

Seal said: "our captain is really good, but it depends on who we are compared with. Of course, we can compare with several of us, but if we are compared with you and Tianyan, our captain is just like that."

Listening to the seal's voice, he seems quite dissatisfied with their captain.