Is the road ahead blocked by the fishing net?

I felt parallel to the left and right, soft, but also encountered some hard objects, feeling like daggers and other things. I was surprised. It seems that this is not an ordinary fishing net, but a fishing net with many sharp knives and daggers and other lethal weapons on it.

I pulled out a dagger at my waist to cut a hole in the net. I worked hard for a long time and got nothing. What the hell is the net? It's so strong. Maybe it's made of some special material. Ordinary daggers can't cut it.

I immediately let out a breath, MMP, Xu Mengyao this woman work is really leak, I originally thought can drill a loophole, did not expect that she thought of such a small loophole, and the layout is so seamless.

If I can't get through it, I can only go back the same way. I can't always be trapped under the water. My friend is not a lobster crab. He can really stay in the water all his life.

It's hard to hold my breath in the water, and it hurts my body. Although I can do it, it doesn't mean I can do it at will without paying the price.

One hour is my limit. If I really stay in the water for one hour without replenishing fresh air, the consequences will be very serious, which is equivalent to half of my life. If I can't do a good job, I will be reimbursed.

I want to go back as soon as possible, because I am now living near the water Pavilion. The monitoring system in this area is the strictest. As long as I come out of the water, I will be found by the other party in seven or eight cases.

I don't sleep in the middle of the night. I sneak in here in this bad weather. Do you think they think I'm here to swim? Maybe it's a shuttle for me.

My friend didn't drown. I guess he'll be shot into a sieve, too.

I was just about to go back, but I didn't mention it in one breath. I broke my breath at the critical moment. It's a big taboo. My internal breathing suddenly became disordered. I can't hold on for long.

Ah, it must be that I drank too much last night, and I didn't eat a few meals, so I couldn't keep up with my physical fitness. In addition, I broke up with Manyu, which affected my mood. My state was extremely poor, and my strength was less than half of the peak period.

In such a dangerous situation, I need to come out of the water for breath immediately, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. Mom, I have no choice this time. I hope these guards are sleeping. It's time to sleep at this point.

In the face of this situation, I can only take a hard bet. It depends on my luck whether I live or die.

I slowly came to the surface of the water, peeped out my head and breathed deeply. I almost suffocated my brother. I came out of the water for less than a few seconds, and a bunch of light came from the pavilion. Who yelled: "who?"

I'm not going to be found on my back, am I?

My first reaction was that I wanted to dive into the water again, but I saw that the other side was carrying a submachine gun. If it was a shuttle to me, my brother would not be alive.

It's not about making a movie. I can't hit the target with the aura of the protagonist. It's so big here. I can't get out in a short time. It's only when he sweeps around and doesn't hit me with stray bullets that he believes in evil.

And the sound of the gun will alarm other people. They come and shoot together. Can you hide?


No way.

If you can't escape, you will put yourself in danger.

You've got to hold each other before you find a way out.

"Brother, don't shoot. Don't shoot." I raised my hands in the water, indicating no malice. The other side pointed a gun at my direction and told me to swim slowly.

His shouting really shocked other people. There were seven or eight of them. Ye Yingying said that there was a group of people here, twelve of them. I mobilized more than half of the guards at one time. I was paralyzed, and my brother was alone. As for those who were so active, were not afraid of my brother's moving tiger away from the mountain, and other people took the opportunity to attack?

There are n guns pointed at me in the pavilion. I have no other idea but to do as they say. I swim slowly. There are escalators on both sides of the pavilion. I climb up the steps step by step.

"Hold your head and squat." As soon as I entered the pavilion, three or four guns came up against my head, and a man kicked me down in the middle of the pavilion.

This is a long Pavilion, which is composed of three large pavilions and several small pavilions. The pavilions are connected by corridors.

The pavilion is very large and elegant. It is estimated that it is also a scenic spot in ordinary times. It is a unique scenic spot of Hanmeng villa.

They told me to squat with my head in my arms. I can only squat with my head in my arms. Otherwise, what else can I do.

A captain like man came up and told the people in the pavilion to be on high alert. There was an invasion. Then he moved a chair and sat down in front of me and began to interrogate me.

I stood with two of his team members on the left and on the right. They watched me die.

The captain looked at me coldly and told me to look up.

If you look up, look up. Who is afraid of who.

I looked at the team leader and pretended to be afraid to look at him. His eyes shrank back and he was so scared that he shivered. The team leader stared at his round eyes and yelled:

"who the hell are you? What do you do in the middle of the night at Hanmeng villa? ""I-I."

"I don't know what I am! Come on, I'll shoot you! "

"No! No! Brother, I'm a tourist from other places. I accidentally fell into the lake and was washed here by the flood "

" tourist? "


"Who is it?"

"Jiangdong province."

"Let's listen to some Jiangdong dialect."

He told me to say, I said, it's not that I won't, brother's authentic Jiangdong accent, but I'm afraid he'll cheat me.

I said in Jiangdong dialect, "brother, I'm really from Jiangdong."

The captain said suspiciously, "how could a man of your age fall into the lake?"

I said with a bitter face, "I was blown by a typhoon. Big brother, count me back, and I don't want to, OK

The team leader looked at me for a long time, but didn't see anything wrong. They just searched my whole body, but they didn't find any dangerous things. My brother is not stupid. He lost his dagger before going to the pavilion.

What's more, if I want to attack Hanmeng villa, I won't wear this dress. I'm kidding. I need at least a suit of diving suit for such a wide lake. If I want to cross the lake in my usual clothes, who has the ability.

The captain thinks that no one in the world can do it, at least none of the people he knows. It's just a fable. He's not a lobster or a crab. He can run around the lake in armor.

My clothes made the team leader believe my words for seven or eight points. Look at me with a submissive look. I'd like to hire one. A bloody man like him hates me most.

Even if I want to do something bad, I have to have this ability.

The captain looked at me with disdain. Maybe I was just a tourist who accidentally fell into the lake and was rushed here.

The captain thought for a moment and then said, "no, how can such a heavy rain not drown you? Can you survive in this environment? Can you be an ordinary person