Xiao Yuran said with a smile, "how do you know if you don't try. Mr. Ye, let's make a bet. "

When he was pointed at the head with a gun, Xiao Yuran regarded his brother as a lamb to be slaughtered, which was too small for him.

I asked indifferently, "how do you want to bet?"

"If you can get out of this room, I can give you whatever you want, including myself. If you lose, you must tell me the real purpose of your coming here, and you are not allowed to leave here without my permission. "

"Miss Xiao, you bet a little too much on yourself. Don't you think you will win?"

"Of course."

I said with a smile: "do you look down on me like this?"

Xiao Yuran stretched out a little finger and shook it gently, saying, "how can it be? You are the king of the underground. Mr. Ye, I have studied the video of you defeating the last underground king. The whole process is impeccable. How dare Yuran look down on you. Gambling is just a heartbeat. What's the point of winning without losing? It's not called gambling, but bullying. It's only interesting when the game is five or five open. What does Mr. ye think? "

I nodded and said, "that seems to be the meaning."

"Since you agree with me, Mr. Ye, would you like to take it?"

I said with a smile, "Miss Xiao, I don't think that's necessary. Believe it or not, I have no grudge with you in the past and no grudge in the near future. I don't mean anything when I come here. I just want to ask for a bowl of rice. Since you are not welcome, I will go. "

Xiao Yuran said with a smile: "it's not up to you to bet or not. Mr. Ye, I'm neither a vegetable market nor a tavern. You can't come and go as you like. If you want to do this, you have to ask whether the bodyguards at my door agree or not. "

"Miss Xiao, according to what you say, ye must gamble today?"

"It's a gamble."

I hummed coldly, "hum. Miss Xiao, since you are so elegant, ye can't spoil your interest. If you insist on this, ye will have to offend you. "

I'm going to take the guns from them. With my skill, I can quickly start to sneak into them before they shoot, let them use the mousetrap, and then grab the guns.

But the ideal is plump, but the reality is bony. When I was about to move, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my heart. Then my whole body was weak, my feet were weak, and I could not stand steadily like noodles. I collapsed to the ground.

What's going on?

I'm lucky. Shit, when did I get poisoned.

How did I get poisoned?

I think of the smell of Xiao Yuran and the fact that she has just been trapped in her nails. There must be something hidden in her nails.

This woman is really worthy of her reputation. She really has two brushes to be a powerful woman in Hangzhou. She has seen through my identity for a long time, but she has been holding on to me for a long time. It turned out that she secretly left me such a hand. I raised her by myself and always thought about her. But she was not paid attention to by a female generation. It's impossible to count that she had such a talent.

At the moment, I even think that Xiao Yuran's initiative to seduce me has two purposes: one is to paralyze me, poison me and delay time; the other is to speed up the blood circulation in my body, so that the toxicity of my body will attack faster.

This is still a plan of two birds with one stone.

Xiao Yuran's deep heart makes people shudder when they think about it.

Xiao Yuran's bodyguards rushed in and took the opportunity to take me down. By the way, they put handcuffs on my hands and feet, and then put me in front of Xiao Yuran.

"Kneel down!"

A bodyguard kicked me heavily at the bend of my leg, trying to force me to kneel down in front of Xiao Yuran. What kind of personality is my brother? How can I kneel down to a woman.

I secretly raised a breath, hold back the chest pain, stand straight, just don't kneel down.

When the bodyguard saw that I couldn't get down on my knees and wanted to give me a few more cruel words, Xiao Yuran waved his hand and said coldly, "don't be rude. Mr. Ye is a distinguished guest. How can you treat such a distinguished guest like this? Let's go out. "

Xiao Yuran began to speak, others did not dare to be presumptuous, now my hands and legs are bound, can not turn out a few small waves, they safely back out, and then help us close the door.

After the bodyguard left, Xiao Yuran stood up from the sofa and walked slowly to me with her bare feet on the floor. She glanced at me and said triumphantly, "how about Mr. Ye? Are you convinced of the loss?"

Xiao Yuran thinks she wants to see my joke. How beautiful it is for her to pick up an underground king so easily. I think Xiao Yuran must be very proud at this moment.

Men take conquering the world and women as fun, while women only take conquering men as fun. The more powerful a man is conquered, the stronger a woman's pride will be. This is the biggest difference between men and women.

Xiao Yuran ridiculed me with an invincible tone. I began to look pale and straight. Suddenly my face was ruddy, and the corners of my mouth even contained a smile. It was just a moment. Looking at Xiao Yuran, I was stunned.I said foolishly, "Miss Xiao, do you really think so?"


"Subdued me."

Xiao Yuran saw that I had just returned to my gray head and face. In the blink of an eye, I was like a different person. Not only did I look better, but also I was so calm that I was in the mood to talk and laugh with her.

Xiao Yuran smelled an unusual smell, but look at my hands and feet are locked by handcuffs, and her bodyguard seems to be a little afraid of me, deliberately added a pair of insurance, that is to say, my hands and feet are at least two pairs of handcuffs.

After all, I'm just a flesh and blood body, and I'm not a superman. I can't fly even with a pair of wings if I'm so shackled. Is it still human if I can escape? Therefore, Xiao Yuran thinks that I'm just bluffing.

Maybe anyone who saw this would think so.

"Mr. Ye, I know you are good at it. I can't help those useless bodyguards, but now - ha ha, I think you'd better not waste your efforts or your tongue to deceive me. If you lose, you are a man. If you lose, you will lose. You are not allowed to default on a woman's account

"I didn't want to default. Miss Xiao, to tell you the truth, I'm afraid you'll default. "

"Hum. Mr. Ye, I didn't expect you to be humorous. I didn't find that just now. "

"It's not too late to find out."

Xiao Yuran put away his smiling face and said coldly, "I don't have time to grin with you. Come on, who sent you? My patience is limited. I advise you not to give yourself unnecessary trouble. "

Xiao Yuran suddenly didn't want to play any more. It's meaningless to play alone. I put away my cynicism and said with all my heart:

"Miss Xiao, self-confidence is a good thing, but too much self-confidence makes me stupid. Remember, my friend, eyes often like to deceive people. What you see may not be true. "

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yuran frowned and stepped back. She seemed to smell something dangerous.