Sun Jianbing's house was less than ten minutes away from Manyu's house, so I was eager to see Manyu. I walked much faster than usual, so I didn't spend ten minutes at all.

When I enter the residential area, I have to use the access card or the owner's ID card to open the door. Where can I get the access card and the owner's ID card? I negotiate with the security guard of the security booth, hoping that they will let me in. I tell them that I came out a few hours ago to make it convenient for them.

The security guards didn't believe me at all, and they said that all foreign guests had to register and get the consent of the owners to enter. I gave Su Manyu's name and house number, and a security guard hung up a phone to Manyu's house. The phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

I didn't get in touch with the owner. The security guards didn't let me in. The high-end community is the high-end community. The management is very strict and everything has to be done according to the rules.

I say they just don't agree. I think some things may not be in place. They say that money can make the devil push the mill. I don't believe that they can't be stunned.

I left the security booth and went to a life street in front to buy some yellow crane towers.

To my surprise, the security guards here are very principled. They say that if they can't do it, they can't do it. They don't want my things, and they don't even want a cigarette. They repeatedly leave a sentence: as long as I can contact the owner and get the owner's permission, I can go in, otherwise I won't talk about it at all.

For the first time, it's useless to send things. Is this the strongest security guard in China.

In fact, it's hard for me to go into the neighborhood with so many meals. I can't do it without guard.

I feel depressed.

Anyway, I couldn't get in, so I stayed at the gate of the community. I found a clean place to sit down and smoke. No one cared about my smoking outside.

After sitting on the ground for a while, I gave sun Jianbing a phone call. The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. What the hell took so long!

I want to swear.

"Mr. Ye."

"Jianbing, please give me Miss Su's phone number."

"That's it?"

"Well. That's all

"Good." Sun Jianbing cleanly hung up the phone and sent a number in less than ten seconds. I called according to the number above and turned it off. It turned off.

I'd like to go to Japan.

I think about it. I can't get in touch with Manyu. It's not a good way to sit and wait. I have to go in and see what happened to Manyu. Manyu has such a strong personality. Don't let anything happen.

Man Yu's phone is always blocked, which makes people worried.

I put my things in the security office, which they are willing to help. I left the security booth and went around to look for their weak links outside the community.

I went through the obstacles to enter the community, and then found Manyu's villa. The door outside the villa was closed, and the plan to enter through the main door went bankrupt.

But it's hard for me. I went around to the back of the villa, stepped back more than ten meters, took a deep breath, and several run-ups climbed up through the wall.

That's me. It's not so easy for other people to go up barehanded.

I went up to the small balcony behind the second floor of the villa, and along the small balcony, I touched the windowsill outside a room of Manyu. At this time, the glass windows were tightly closed and the curtains were tightly drawn.

I lie on the windowsill and hear the sound of water. I go to listen to the sound. Isn't Manyu taking a bath?

Thinking of the picture of Man Yu and me taking a bath through a window, I am boiling with animal blood. This scene is too provocative.

But I don't dare to be too presumptuous. Although I can't see anything when I lie on the window, it's a bit too much to steal. It just made Manyu sad. How dare I make such a mistake?

If the previous one just failed to hold back for a while, then this one will involve the issue of morality and character.

Listen or not?

I tangled, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, missed may be missed for a lifetime, my heart itching, as if there are tens of millions of ants crawling, they gnawed my heart, let my heart pull together.

I'm wandering between listening and not listening.

Manyu is so attractive to me. In the past eight years, I have fantasized about this picture for countless times. Now I have the opportunity to listen to all this. How can I miss it.

I'm afraid I'll regret this opportunity for the rest of my life.

MMP's, anyway, the curtain pull up Manyu will not know, did! Whether I'm shameless or a hooligan, I'll go out and do it again.

I put my face tightly on the cold glass window. The transparent glass was covered with layers of water mist. In addition to the curtain, I really didn't see anything. I could only listen to the sound and chat with myself. Even so, I had endless aftertaste.

I lie on the windowsill and eavesdrop for a few minutes, until the sound inside stops suddenly. Because I can't see the situation inside, I think Manyu is foaming bath gel. After waiting outside for a while, the curtain is suddenly pulled open, and a Miaoman's body wrapped in a bath towel appears in front of me.Through the glass window with water mist, this extremely beautiful body looks hazy, but it is this kind of looming feeling that makes it covered with a layer of mysterious color, making this kind of beauty more hazy and charming, irresistible.

Why did Manyu suddenly pull the curtain open?

Oh, maybe Manyu wants to open the window after taking a bath?

I'm flustered. Isn't it because of Manyu?

At this time, I was sticking on the window and had no place to hide. The windowsill was so small, and I was so big, where could I hide, and there was no time for me to react.

Man Yu suddenly saw a person lying on the windowsill, shivering and screaming with her mouth covered. Maybe because of her big action or excessive fright, the bath towel she was wearing fell down. Just because of her surprise, I had a panoramic view of this scene.

Manyu stood in front of me without clothes. This scene was so amazing and beautiful. I was totally stupid. I stared at her body foolishly. I was afraid to miss any detail. Suddenly, a stream of liquid rushed up in my nose.

I cover my nose with my hand. It's bloody nose in malagobi!

It's nosebleed!

I have a bloody nose!

Damn it! I lost my share to grandma's house!

The nose blood splashes on the glass window, which makes the embarrassment of this scene more and more intense. Manyu stayed for more than ten seconds to react. She quickly closes the curtain, and Manyu and I disappear in each other's sight again because we close the curtain.

Manyu's extremely beautiful body disappeared in front of my eyes for a long time before I came back to my senses. I was so flustered that I was caught alive by Manyu. This time I was in trouble!

Disaster is coming!

Manyu mistakenly thought I was a hooligan in the morning. She was very disappointed with me. Maybe she won't forgive me any more. However, when it happens again at this moment, can I clean myself up?

This time I'm afraid I can't bleach with bleach!