Just give the dog a bath. How many petals do you need?


Man Yu does things in an unusual way. Do you want to be so different?

You have to laugh at others when you say it.

Su Manyu said that this bottle of shower gel is also for Eskimo Dogs. I'll go. What brand is it? It's full of foreign language. I'm sorry, I haven't seen it at all.

I take the Eskimo Dog into the bathtub. This guy likes to take a bath. He swims in the bathtub. The dog is born with the ability to swim. Manyu often bathes him, so his swimming skill is not bad.

It's easy for me to let it play freely. It's white and clean. I don't know how to wash it. In my opinion, this dog is much cleaner than me.

When Man Yu saw me standing on one side like a nobody, she only knew to watch the excitement and let her dog live and die. She frowned, pushed me away and said, "go away. I'll do it myself. "

Su Manyu took off her small white suit and wore only a tight white shirt with black stockings and a black skirt.

Black and white is for nothing.

Sun Manyu squatted down to give the Eskimo Dog a bath, and I started at the side. Manyu's work was just to help a dog take a bath. His face was serious and serious, and he put bath gel on his whole body to make his white hair shine more and more.

Because of squatting on the floor and only wearing a shirt, Manyu's chest bulging pair of things become more prominent, towering and straight, quite a bit of the grandeur of the Alps.

Black stockings with half skirt wrapped round small hips, with Manyu body every time forward, stockings seem to burst open, but did not burst.

This kind of picture is full of imagination, and the visual effect is explosive.

I'm thinking about what it would be like if the explosion broke. It's maddening to think about it.

I found the best angle of view. I squinted sideways and saw a deep gorge from top to bottom. The two walls of the gorge were made of white jade, and the middle was not deep. I looked straight at it.

Over the years, Manyu's figure keeps getting better and better. For example, the two mountains in front of her have the momentum of seeing all the mountains.

The more I look at it, the more shortness of breath I feel. My brain is stiff. My reason has already lost my way. I don't know what I'm doing, and I don't think whether it's appropriate or not.

My eyes only know to appreciate, to take, and even to plunder greedily.

With more and more visual information accumulated, the changes in my body become more and more obvious. I feel like a hot iron, stiff and hot all over. A certain part of my body suddenly wakes up from a deep sleep and suddenly becomes ferocious.

"Turn it around and wash it on this side." Manyu seems to be squatting a little tired, casually wiped on the face, this fascinating action, let me swallow saliva, a burst of dry mouth.

I couldn't get out of Manyu Grand Canyon. I didn't hear her talking to me at all.

"Hurry up." Manyu urged me to look up at what I was doing when I didn't move. She found that I was not right. She stared at her chest and body. Manyu stood up immediately in surprise and said to me: "Yezhong, what do you want?"

I'll go. Manyu is too open. Come up and ask me if I want to do it?

It's good that Manyu doesn't say this word. As soon as she says this word, it immediately reminds me of a lot of content. The beautiful pictures that I was with her in the past suddenly came to me.

In front of me lies the picture of drizzle.

I collapsed in an instant.

I said, "yes," without thinking about it


Manyu was confused by my anger, looked at me angrily, pointed at me with wet fingers and said: "do you believe me to buckle your eyes again?"

Manyu is shy and angry at this time. She blushes and looks good. I am completely dazzled by Manyu's beauty. It's like falling into a flower bush. There are only flowers in her eyes and heart.

I can't help but take a step forward to further shorten the distance between them. She and I were so close just now that we could both feel each other's breath.

In the face of the attractive lamb, my breathing is heavy and turbulent, while Manyu's breathing is disordered because she is frightened.

I seem to step into the devil's way and forget Manyu's advice. I don't want to care about anything. I miss her and miss her very much. I want to hold her in my arms and love her.

That's what I think. I want to do more than just think.

Manyu saw a clue in my fiery eyes like a wolf, but it was too late. She wanted to remind me, warn me or even scold me, but I didn't give her a chance to speak at that time.

My body leaned forward a little more. At this time, Man Yu's body was less than 20 cm away from me. Man Yu screamed and wanted to hide. Behind her was the bathtub. Where could she hide?

Manyu's left leg was tripped by the bathtub, and she fell straight back. I was quick with my eyes and hands, and I hugged her body to prevent her from falling into the bathtub.Man Yu's body was hanging in the air, scared to death, and looked at me diffusely.

I take Manyu's body in front of me, and immediately our faces are close to each other. I hold Manyu tightly and find her lips, which is a burst of explosion.

I'm crazy. I know I'm crazy.

In eight years of emotional repression, in the temptation of Manyu scene after scene, this moment I want to be released.

Manyu desperately wriggles the body, throws the small head not to let me succeed, I do not care her struggle, hugs her tightly, kisses her.

While struggling, Manyu told me to calm down. I took Manyu to the sofa, and I pressed her heavily on the sofa and continued to kiss her.

Kiss her smooth forehead, small nose, white jade neck.

Manyu began to struggle, and then gradually gave up resistance, she lay motionless, like a corpse, no enthusiasm, no temperature, only tears, Manyu eyes exuded tears drop by drop across the cheek, wet my shirt sleeve.

Tears wet my arm through the sleeve of my shirt. I was awakened by Manyu's tears. I sat up and looked at Manyu at a loss. What's wrong with me? How can I use Manyu?

I have just been bewildered and committed such a serious crime, which makes me feel extremely ashamed and regretful, as well as deeply remorse.

Manyu's white shirt was torn off a few buttons by me, and most of the white underwear inside was exposed. I saw most of the balls exposed outside, but at the moment, I didn't have the courage to savor.

I was timid, scared, and even embarrassed.

Su Manyu looked at me with cold eyes, suddenly got up and gave me two loud slaps.

I was completely awakened by these two slaps. I'm not a human being, I'm a beast. I keep saying that I love and respect her. As a result, do I love my favorite woman so much?

I looked at Manyu foolishly. Manyu seemed to be still angry, and then smoked me a few big mouths.