Shit, are you happy too soon?

Between the lightning and flint, I concentrated the air flow to my chest and resisted it. Suddenly, my body was like a kite with broken line, flying out of my control.

Before leaving the challenge arena, I hook the railings around the challenge arena with my feet, climb up the railings one by one, and jump into the challenge arena again.

Nigger was about to raise his hand and howl to celebrate. I didn't want to go back to the challenge arena again. He patted his big black bald head and walked around impatiently.

Just now that kick made my chest stuffy and my breath disordered. If the big nigger takes advantage of the victory, I'm afraid it will be more or less. Unfortunately, he didn't rush to attack. Instead, he vented his temper in the challenge arena and gave me a chance to breathe.

When the big nigger reacts and attacks again, I'm almost ready. It's time to fight back. The big nigger opened his arms and pulled my arm again. I spread out my speed like a loach shuttling in front of him. It's self humiliating to compare strength with him. It's a fool's way to take a short shot. I almost hung up just now. How could I give him such an opportunity.

My clever shuttling in front of the big nigger made him unable to catch me all the time and gave him a few chances. Although I couldn't hurt him seriously, he couldn't touch my body at all and had nothing to do with me.

The nigger has been fighting for a long time. He is more and more irritable, but I am more and more calm. This kind of war of attrition is about patience. He can't hold on to this kind of play for a long time, and it must be me who will win in the end.

Sure enough, the nigger ran over the challenge arena for more than ten minutes, and flaws appeared frequently. I caught the opportunity to give him a few times to fight him to the core.

At first, the nigger was able to fight hard and wanted to fight me to the death. Unfortunately, I took advantage of it and slipped away. I seized the opportunity to fight again. When I got to the back, the nigger was kicked on his knees by me and knelt down in front of me.

Such a big man has been running over the challenge arena for more than 20 minutes, but he has been attacked constantly. It's a pity that he doesn't kneel down.

In fact, I don't like it either. Although I won in the end, I was already exhausted after being tangled by one person for such a long time. If it wasn't for this big man's hard bone, he wouldn't give in how I hit him. In the end, I had no choice but to kill him and kneel down directly.

At the end of the second game, I was so tired that I was sitting on the challenge arena. Just at this time, an old man jumped up directly from below the challenge arena. He was estimated to be over 70 years old, white and skinny. He couldn't cut a few kilos of meat from top to bottom. He was light and floating. I suspected that he could fall down with any push.

I'll go, sir. If you don't stay at home and have a good rest, why do you come here to join in the fun? Don't you want to come to me?

The old man looked at me and said faintly, "are you from Mingyang Ye's family?"


Did you meet an acquaintance?

I quickly stood up, arched and said: "old man, do you know the Mingyang Ye family?"

The old man glanced at me again, with some disdain, and said, "what if you know, what if you don't know. Young man, come on, I'll play the third game with you. "

In fact, I have long guessed that this is the third boxer arranged by boss Li, and I have seen that the people he arranged are more and more powerful.

Small man just sent warm-up, big nigger want to consume my physical strength, and the real fatal blow to me will be the old man in front of me.

But what I can't figure out is that the old man is very old. Is it necessary for him to take part in this kind of thing? He is short of money or something. But he doesn't look like a man who can't afford to eat and has to fight black boxing to make a living.

When I think of this, I blush. I'm not qualified to laugh at others. I'm good at fighting black boxing.

Ah, whatever the reason, as long as I'm in the challenge arena, I'm my opponent. In the challenge arena, there's only myself and my opponent, and the only thing I have to do is how to defeat them.

Since the old man dares to enter the challenge arena, he is naturally qualified. I have no doubt about it.

The old man put forward a starting position, I shit, Taiji, this is a Taiji master.

My grandfather once told me that there are two main uses of Taiji: one is ornamental and health preserving, which is mainly used for self-cultivation. For example, the masters in the park are practicing those functions. The other is super combat. The real Taiji masters are all experts in the family, and their strength is unfathomable, which makes me sure to meet such people in the future Be modest and don't conflict with others.

I always remember my grandfather's words, low-key life, high-profile work, never take the initiative to cause trouble, but today I met someone who wanted to embarrass me, sorry, brother is not a vegetarian, you have Taiji inner strength, I have ye's inner strength, it depends on the east wind overwhelming the west wind, or the west wind overwhelming the east wind.

Ride a donkey and look at the account book - you can walk.

I played two games in front of me in a row, which consumed a lot of physical strength. In this case, the old man is suspected of taking advantage of me at this time. However, I am dozens of years younger than the old man, and I already have physical advantages. Once I come and go, they are even, and no one takes advantage of me.

I turn the air flow around my body to get rid of fatigue. The old man looks at me with burning eyes. He seems to be surprised that there is air flow in my body.I can't see or touch the air flow, but I think the old man is so powerful that I can feel it. Maybe I can see some clues from some parts of me.

In fact, this matter is very easy to understand. For example, we can't see the wind, but we can find its existence through other things, such as swaying branches, blown down wheat, whistling wind and so on.

As long as we understand the rules of these things and observe them carefully, we can certainly find some clues.

The old man and I saluted each other, and then we started. This time, I started first. I know that Taiji's playing method is to use static restraint to cope with changes. Moreover, the old man thinks that I'm a younger generation. If I don't start first, it's hard for him to start first.

I quickly attacked a few moves, the old man solved one by one, he spread his hands on my hands, I fast he followed fast, I slow he followed slow.

My hand tried to get out of the control of his hand, but our hands seemed to be stuck by Wannian glue. We couldn't shake them off.

Tai Chi's entanglement is really powerful. Once it's entangled, it's even more difficult to get rid of it.

He entangles me. If I can't get rid of him, I won't get rid of him. I always believe that if the world's martial arts are fast, I don't believe he can keep up with me.

The faster I hit with both hands, the faster I started up. After a while, there was only a shadow left in my body. My move slowly worked. At first, the old man could keep up with my rhythm, but later, the harder he worked. Finally, he found that he couldn't control me, so he immediately pulled away the entanglement and took the initiative to distance himself from me.

I seize the opportunity to bully myself forward. This time, if he doesn't entangle me, I will take the initiative to entangle him. I will disturb his rhythm and let him counter me.

The old man instantly saw my intention. He sneered and suddenly changed his fist way. He used some avoidance force. He felt that his body was slippery and I couldn't get around him.