If so, I would rather starve than insult my kung fu.

Boss sun thought about it and said, "do you mean you don't pick your opponent?"

I lightly said: "as long as the challenge arena, as long as there are opponents, no matter who, I will go all out."

"Deal. Is there anything else to ask for? "

"Last request, you need to advance my appearance fee in advance."

Boss Sun said with a smile on the phone, "you're an interesting person. There are still many conditions."

I tell you the truth: "you should understand my current situation. I don't have any money, otherwise I won't fight for you."

"No problem. I agree to that. "

"When does it start?"

Boss Sun said, "I'll take you to get familiar with the venue first. I'll send someone to pick you up where you are."

I said a place, this place is very close to the hospital, out of the hospital to turn two corners.

One of boss sun's bodyguards picked me up and took me to a place far away from the hospital. It took him an hour to get there.

It's very strict here, but with the escort of boss sun's bodyguard, everything is not a problem. We take the elevator to the bottom floor, which has a large area and bright lights, just like day.

Boss sun is sitting in a VIP room with a group of bodyguards. At this time, besides boss sun, there are several big bosses in the room. They have many experts around them.

Don't ask me how I can see that the other side is a master, murderous, they all have a murderous.

Boss sun saw me and asked me to stand behind him. At this time, the progress of the challenge arena was playing on the screen. The player in black shorts beat the player in red shorts and knocked him down in a few times. The player in red pants lay motionless on the challenge arena.

Ten seconds after the countdown, the referee announced that the boxer in black pants had won.

It's not the first time I've seen such a scene. Eight years ago, when I first met Wei Wenjie, he was in an underground black boxing ring. At that time, he made trouble for us one by one and asked me to fight with an Islander.

Time flies. Eight years have passed. How time flies.

I watched three matches with him. The boxers in red shorts lost the three matches. Later, I learned that boss sun's boxers were wearing red pants.

Boss sun didn't speak much that night. He seemed to be in a bad mood and lost a lot of money. After three games, boss Sun left the private room to see me out in person, and went out with me for a supper.

At the wine table, boss sun asked me, "are you sure you can beat the one in black shorts?"

I asked casually, "he's very good?"

Boss sun nodded and said, "as you saw just now, I sent three people to fight with him tonight. None of them could take half of the advantage. They all let him fight a few times. Brother, to tell you the truth, this man is very powerful. He has been in this ring for more than half a month. He has played no less than 50 games, but he has never lost

"Is he the boxer called boss Li?" When I was in the VIP room, I saw that the fat man opposite boss sun was always happy. They all called him boss Li, so I guessed like this.

"Yes. That boss Li is my old opponent. His status is not simple. I don't know where to invite such a master. I lost nearly tens of millions to him in the past half a month. "

Boss sun was very disheartened and sulky. He had a few beers with me and was absent-minded all the time.

I thought for a while and said, "boss sun, when will the match be arranged?"

Boss sun looked at me and said, "tomorrow night. What do you want to do? "

I said calmly: "make arrangements tomorrow night. I'll go up

"Are you sure?"

Instead of saying yes or no, I asked him, "how much do you bet at a time?"

"Not sure. Sometimes millions, sometimes tens of millions. "

I thought for a moment and said, "double tomorrow night. Boss sun, I only play seven games to seize the opportunity. "

Boss sun saw that I was so confident, but he didn't have enough confidence after all. He just heard that I was very good at fighting, but after all, he didn't see me fight with experts. Seeing is not necessarily true, and hearsay is even harder to say.

I don't like to say anything more. If he wants to believe me, he'll make a big bet. If he doesn't want to believe me, he'll make a little fuss. Anyway, I'll do what I should do well. Other things have nothing to do with me.

After supper, boss sun sent someone to take me back to the hospital and gave me a card, saying that there was 100000 yuan on it. In the future, my appearance fee will be paid in the card on time.

Boss sun is a good person. At least he is generous. He is not a pusher.

The next morning, I went to the mall to apply for a new wechat and bought a new one.

WeChat needs to bind the bank card. This card is not processed by my ID number and name. I do not intend to use it. I do not have a bank card on my body, so I can not transfer money to WeChat for the time being.I have to swipe my card for everything I do. In fact, it's very inconvenient to swipe my card. Many small stores don't have POS machines, so I have to go to bigger shopping malls when I buy things.

I rented a house with two bedrooms and one living room in a good community near the hospital, so that Lanxin can bring ye Luo back to live. Instead of living in the narrow corridor, she only needs to visit the hospital every day.

I bought some beautiful clothes for Lan Xin and many snacks, toys and daily necessities for ye Luo.

I put the things I bought in the rental house, and asked a furniture store to send some furniture over. Then I cleaned the house a little, and went to the hospital to pick up Lan Xin and ye Luo.

I didn't disclose anything to them in advance. I just said that I would take them to a place. When I took Lan Xin and ye Luo back to the rental house, they were both stunned by the sight, especially Ye Luo, who had never lived in such a good house since he was born.

When ye Luo saw the toy, he immediately ran around the room with it in his arms. He went crazy in an instant.

After I went out yesterday, I didn't know how much money I had to spend, but I didn't want to say anything.

Lan Xin is such a smart woman. She knows everything in her heart. She doesn't say anything because she believes in me. She believes that I'm not a person who has no bottom line for money. She believes that I won't do anything harmful.

Believe to believe, but she will eventually worry for me, although the mouth does not say, the heart will certainly think so.

I am holding orchid sitting on the sofa in the living room. Ye Luo has already gone to the bedroom to play with toys. There is only orchid and I in the hall.