Lan Xin made a table full of delicious dishes, all kinds of delicacies. In fact, these things are not delicious for us to eat every meal every day. There is a lack of everything here, but there is no lack of food.

Lan Xin and I had a bottle of wine, which was equivalent to our wedding wine. After drinking this glass of wine, Lan Xin became my bride, and I was naturally her bridegroom.

I feel very sorry for Lan Xin. Such a beautiful and good woman is willing to entrust her life to me with nothing. There are no new clothes, no new house, no relatives to celebrate, and even no blessing.

But Lan Xin doesn't think so. She is very satisfied. At least she feels very happy.

After drinking the wedding wine, we went into the bridal chamber hand in hand. At first, Lan Xin was still a little shy. But when I held her tightly and kissed her, she gradually relieved herself and turned from semi passive to completely active.

When I and orchid zero distance contact, I lost in the tenderness of orchid inside, and orchid also in my overbearing and gentle sink.

The wooden bed keeps creaking, as if accompanied by a movement.


After that, Lan Xin and I hugged each other and fell asleep. Both of us were too excited to sleep. So we lay flat on the wooden bed, opened our eyes and chatted in the dark.

Lanxin asked me to give this desert island a name. After thinking about it, I chose one word in my name and Lanxin's name, Chuxin island.

Lan Xin likes this name very much and always praises it for its nice sound.

Now that I'm starting a new life, I have to say goodbye to the past. I also want to change my name. I asked Lan Xin what her name should be. Lan Xin thought a little and then said it's better to call her Ye Zhong.

Lan Xin explained that "heavy" has two pronunciations, one is "Chong", which means to start afresh, and the other is "Zhong", which means to be steady and take responsibility more seriously than Mount Tai.

I think this name is very in line with my mood at this time, so I changed it to Ye Zhong. From tonight on, I will not call her Lanxin, but xiner.

Since we were really together, life has become more and more happy. Lanxin is happy like a magpie, humming songs from time to time. On a snowy day, we are busy preparing for the coming year. I made a batch of bows and arrows with bamboo, and dug several pits in the back mountain forest, laying more than ten sets.

I take Lan Xin to hunt. Lan Xin likes to stick to me. No matter where I go, she wants to follow me. The newly married woman is especially attached to her husband. In addition, there are only two people in Chuxin Island, I and Lan Xin, who are company with each other. If she doesn't follow me, she can only stay at home and wait for me to go back.

Lanxin didn't want to stay at home alone, and she was willing to follow me around in the woods.

As time went by, winter came and spring came. In the busy farming season, Lan Xin and I reclaimed a small piece of grassland in front of us and planted some vegetables. We found these vegetables in the grass. We collected the seeds last year and planted them this year.

Lanxin also found a lot of rice seeds in a depression in front of her. I got some fields to plant some rice.

We live the life of men and women, working at sunrise and resting at sunset. This kind of life seems quiet and sweet.

When I'm not busy, I will take orchid to the hillside in front of me to watch the sunset. There is a lawn on the hillside, full of flowers. Orchid and I sleep in the flowers, fragrant and affectionate. Anyway, there is no outsider here. When we can't help ourselves, we will repeat our love on the hillside several times.

Soon Lanxin found out that she was pregnant, maybe for a few months. Lanxin said that her aunt hadn't been here during this period of time. She had some doubts for a long time, but she couldn't confirm it.

Recently, however, she is always having nausea and vomiting. Lan Xin and I are both very old. We are aware of a problem. Lan Xin may be really happy.

I take care of her carefully. Besides being busy with things outside, I spend most of my time at home with her. There is no problem with nutrition. There are hundreds of wild eggs, wild ducks, wild goats and bison at home. They have enough milk to support orchid.

After another seven months, Lan Xin gave birth to a boy in great pain. She was so fat that she and I were very happy. At last, a new member of our family came into our family. I named him ye Luo, which means Ye Luo comes back to our roots.

I hope my child will not be trapped on a desert island like his mother and I. he should have a better life and return to the real crowd.

With children, our life is more nourishing and our family is more lively. Watching Ye Luo grow up day by day, we are happy from the bottom of our hearts.

In the twinkling of an eye, another three years passed, and ye Luo also turned three years old. Counting the days, it's been eight years since I left Hangzhou. It's really fast. Eight years is empty in a twinkling of an eye.

When the leaves are big, they will ask orchid and me some strange questions, such as why does the sea talk? Why do leaves fall? Why do trees grow taller but not shorter?

Children always like to ask some childish and funny questions, and we adults always take the trouble to answer with him, but some questions, Lan Xin and I can't answer him.

For example, once Ye Luo asked me, "Dad, what's on the other side of the sea?"I said, "it's land."

Ye Luo asked, "what is there on the land? Is there anything like us? "

Ye Luo was too young to realize the difference between himself and animals, because he was the only human here except for Lan Xin and me.

I said, "yes. And there are many, many. "

Every time I say this to Xie Xie, she will ask me, "since there are the same things as us, why don't we stay here instead of being with them?"

I can't answer his question because it's always bothering me and I can't solve it. Sometimes Ye Luo will ask me other questions, such as how did he come here? Why is he different from lambs? Why is the sky so high and the sea so blue? Why can a bird fly but he can't?

With the emergence of a question and a question of Ye Luo, I gradually realized a problem. Lan Xin and I can live here for a lifetime, but ye Luo can't.

He can't be a savage all his life like us. He should have his own life and choice, which should be decided by himself, not imposed by us.

Once again, I have the idea of leaving here, but how can I send them out safely.

With the improvement of my inner strength over the years, my strength is growing by leaps and bounds. In those years, three strange elder martial brothers taught me the skill of closing my breath on Longdao. After several years of cultivation, I can now hold my breath in the sea for several hours, so I am confident to escape from the desert island.

But Lan Xin and ye Luo won't shut up. No matter how powerful I am, I can't take Lan Xin and ye Luo to leave Chuxin island.

In those days, I fell into silence and often sat alone on the hillside in a daze. Orchid often came to the hillside with Ye Luo to look for me.