Maybe the continuous heavy rain in recent days caused the water level to rise and washed away the big wooden boat. Without the wooden boat, Lan Xin and I were at a loss when we looked at the endless sea. How could we return to the land unless we incarnated as seagulls?

The torrential rain cut off our way back and dashed our hope of going back. Lan Xin and I were extremely depressed and went back to the cave.

The only big wooden boat that we could escape from disappeared. It's a dream for us to escape from this desert island with our bare hands.

If I was the only one, I could try my luck in the sea. Just like in Longdao, I escaped from Longdao with the tsunami.

It's a pity that now I take such a burden as Lan Xin and ask me to abandon her and run for her life alone. I can't do it, so I abandon all other unrealistic ideas. I can only guard this desert island empty and let the passing ships rescue us.

But when will ships pass by?

Lan Xin and I are at a loss. Maybe tomorrow, maybe a month, maybe a few years later, or even a lifetime without a boat passing by.

Although we were depressed, we didn't give up hope completely. She and I are not such people. As long as we have a glimmer of hope, we will strive for it. Especially I haven't given up after being trapped in Longdao for three years. Besides, now, I'm just worried that Lanxin can't stand it.

Lan Xin has never lived on a desert island. She has no special feeling for just a few days of traveling and camping. But once she has a long time, she will know that this kind of life is not human life at all. She is always in danger and lives the most primitive life with animals.

To my surprise, Lanxin is much stronger and calmer than I expected. She is not only not frightened by the difficulties in front of her, but also comforts me. She smiles and tells me that I used to live alone on a desert island, lonely and lonely. Now it's OK. She comes to accompany me, so we are not lonely.

This is an optimistic woman. Her humor and optimism infected me and inspired me. I decided to build a small nest from tomorrow to prepare for long-term garrison on the desert island.

Lan Xin and I discussed where to build the nest. Lan Xin said that it was windy at the top of the mountain, and there was no water source, so it was not suitable for long-term living here. Therefore, she suggested that we build the nest near the forest, where there was water source, and there was grass not far ahead, and we could open up wasteland and grow vegetables.

What she said is not unreasonable, but there is also a problem. Close to the forest, you will be closer to the attack range of the beasts, which is equal to competing with them for territory. Naturally, the risk factor is much greater.

I told Lan Xin about my worry. Lan Xin thought about it and said that it was easy to do. We could build a fence outside, which could not only prevent the beast from sneaking attack, but also play a deterrent role.

Lan Xin, after all, is a woman who has run a farmhouse. She has a lot of ideas about this. I think it's feasible. They just hit it off.

In the next few days, Lan Xin and I were busy building a small home. I built two huts, one for me and one for Lan Xin. We also built a kitchen and a bathroom.

I fenced these cottages and made a lot of vines on the fence. Some vines had thorns on them, which could deter some wild animals from sneaking attack.

It took me more than a month to build these houses. Lan Xin and I were busy for more than a month. Although the days were ordinary, they were not boring. In short, they were much happier than when I was alone before.

After the completion of the thatched cottage, Lan Xin and I were very happy. I went to the forest to play a lot of game and came back to celebrate. Lan Xin also dug a lot of wild vegetables in the grass in front of me.

That night, Lan Xin and I ate a lot of game and wild vegetables, and drank a lot of wine. From now on, even if we have a home, we will have a place of peace of mind. Women's attachment to home is always more direct than men's. Lan Xin can rest assured and I will be relieved.

With a place to live, our little life is like this. Every day, Lan Xin and I take turns to go to the beach to guard, for fear of missing the boats passing by. But every time we go with hope, we come back with disappointment. Disappointment after disappointment makes Lan Xin and I realize a problem. Maybe there will be no boats passing here in our life.

Later, we gradually went less and less. We didn't deliberately wait. We only looked at the sea when we walked by occasionally, hoping for a miracle.

In the blink of an eye, half a year later, Lan Xin and I lived together on a desert island for half a year. These days, we are dependent on each other, and we can't live without each other. Our feelings are gradually warming up with three meals a day and mutual support.

There are Manxue and Mohan in my heart, so I dare not have any other ideas about Lanxin. Although I think she is very beautiful and suitable for living, I have a wife and children, so I dare not be paranoid. I still want to go back to Hangzhou or Shencheng to find them one day.

I just regard her as a friend in need, a partner in life and death.

However, I found that Lan Xin had some other thoughts on me. I can't say how to say it. It may be an illusion or because Lan Xin has some dependence on me, which makes me feel that she has some thoughts on me.

These days, I go out hunting every day. Lan Xin looks after the house at home. She opens up two vegetable fields on the front lawn, raises a group of wild rabbits, pheasants, ducks and some wild goats.These things are all caught by me digging holes or putting hidden traps. Lanxin keeps them when she has nothing to do. One is because she is well prepared. She can eat live things whenever she wants. It's convenient. Another one can be used as a pet.

With these pets, life must be much more interesting.

Whenever I go hunting, Lan Xin will send me out of the house, and when I come back from hunting, she will stand at the door waiting for me to go home. If the sun goes down and I haven't come back, Lanxin will go to the nearby woods to find me. Sometimes she will go far, far away.

I remember once I chased a wild boar all the way. Before the sun set, I didn't go home in time. Lanxin came to the mountain to look for me in the moonlight. At that time, I had a fight with the wild boar. Now I'm not what I used to be. I dare to challenge the wild boar with a dagger.

I used to kill a brown bear with a dagger. I peeled off the bearskin and made a bearskin coat for Lanxin. It was warm.

Since I killed the brown bear by myself, my self-confidence has expanded unprecedentedly. As long as it is an animal, there is nothing I dare not do, such as wild sheep, wild boar, roe, wolf, etc., as long as I am alone, I dare to chase them and take advantage of the opportunity to kill them.

I was fighting with the wild boar at that time. When Lanxin saw me holding the wild boar together, she turned pale with fright. She ignored everything and ran up to help. She picked up a branch on the ground and beat it on the wild boar. The skin of the wild boar was rough and the meat was thick. Lanxin didn't pay attention to its lethality, but it couldn't stand the provocation of Lanxin.

Let go of the dagger and I'm going to attack the boar.