I fled to the forest. There were many things covered up here, and the eagle did not dare to come in rashly. Besides, I was a big killer, and I was not so easy to deal with.

I ran for a while and hid under a big tree to observe. After waiting for a long time, I didn't see an eagle come in. It seems that they are not afraid of anything. They have a kind of chase to come in.

I yelled in the woods for a while, and then laughed. It was a bit of self entertainment. There was no popularity in this place, no one to play with and talk with me. I was afraid that after a long time, I would become a mute, and I would be suffocated if I didn't become a mute.

I'm half resting on a big tree. This battle is really enjoyable. I've only seen it in the animal world column before. Today, I've witnessed it with my own eyes, and I'm personally involved in it. Only then can I know that the seemingly calm forest and grassland are full of murders.

I may be really tired, lying unconscious fell asleep, when I wake up again, the sun has been West, this is the rhythm of going down.

This ghost place is so terrible during the day, and I can't tell what will happen at night. I feel cold when I think about it.

For today's plan, the first thing to do is to build a fire. Most beasts are afraid of fire. It's safer to have a fire. By the way, you can also bake a fire to drive away the cold.

I picked up the dry branches in the woods. The dry branches can be seen everywhere. In less than half an hour, I made two bundles. I tied them with vines, and then picked them up with a thick branch in the middle. When I was in the countryside, I did a lot of such work, and I was familiar with the road.

I chose an open place in the forest with a wide view. There are several big trees in front of me to block the wind. Moreover, these big trees have many branches. If I encounter any danger, I can also flee to the trees for the first time to escape.

I spread some hay, leaves, vines and twigs on the ground. This is where I live tonight. The ground is dry and airy. As long as there is no beast attack, there is no problem to make do with the night.

I made my bed and made a fire. These lighters are the only fire source I can rely on. I can save money. If there is no fire, I really don't know how to live here.

After the sun sets at sea level, night gradually falls. I lie on the grass bed and look up at the starry sky. The night here is beautiful and the whole forest is very lively.

All kinds of birds are flying on the branches, busy to go home, chirping, cicadas chirping and insects chirping, and the fragrance of flowers not far away. If you come here occasionally for a holiday, it's really a good place.

The night is getting darker and darker. The forest is finally quiet. The stars are coming out and the moon is coming out. Maybe because there is no air pollution here, the stars and the moon here are much brighter than outside. The moonlight is scattered on the ground and the treetops, which has a warm feeling.

I lay for a while and sat up again. I used to go to bed late. I didn't feel sleepy at all when I went to bed so early. But I didn't dare to leave the fire. Being accompanied by the fire can embolden me and drive away my fear. Otherwise, I might be attacked by beasts at any time in such a quiet night.

I took out a pheasant and chewed two legs. This is my dinner. I had enough to eat and drink. I began to count the stars with my head up. Anyway, I had nothing to do.

When I was counting seventy-eight or eighty stars, there were a few strange calls in front of me about a few hundred meters away, which were very terrible, just like a baby crying.

This kind of strange sound is getting closer and closer to me. It seems to be coming towards me. I'm so scared that I feel numb. What's this?

The forest on this island is extremely strange. I only stayed on it for less than one day and one night, but there are strange things one by one. I am nervous and highly alert.

I got up from the grass bed and walked by the moonlight. I vaguely saw a blur in front of me. The baby's cry was loud and small. It seemed that it was getting closer and closer along with the night wind. I pricked up my ears and carefully identified that the sound probably came from my one o'clock direction.

I remember that there was a large area of water source in that direction, where the water was fresh water instead of sea water, which could be drunk directly. I had drunk water in that area during the day.

The water there is cool, the water is luxuriant, and there is a mess of stone pestles. When I pass by in the daytime, I can see many big stone crevices and caves. I glanced inside at random outside the cave, and I don't know what the hell lives inside.

I'm afraid that if it's a snake or some other dangerous animal, I won't dare to look in.

Now there comes a strange sound, which adds a bit of terror to the silent night.

I sat for a while, but the voice was more and more joyful. I became more and more curious. I followed the voice and wanted to see what the devil was making trouble.

I crept over and hid my body in a deep grass. At this time, the moonlight was scattered on the water. It was quiet, only the sound of frogs and insects. I hid in the dark and secretly observed the scene in the rocks. The sound just came from the rocks.

I stayed for more than half an hour. During this period, it was calm and nothing strange happened. I was waiting for no fun and was preparing to leave quietly. Suddenly, I saw a huge frog jumping on a rock in the rubble.I have lived in the countryside for quite a long time since I was a child. Frogs are the most common in summer. Therefore, I know frogs quite well, but I have never seen such a big frog before.

This frog weighs at least one or two Jin. For a frog, it can be regarded as a giant.

I saw it jump to a big rock, and then lie motionless, as if enjoying the quiet night, after a while quack a few.

Soon after its cry, a huge shadow came down from the sky and fell on the rock, swallowing the frog.

The big frog was attacked by something and was eaten before he could make any response. There was only a huge figure on the big rock. By moonlight, I could see the appearance of the big monster clearly.

Its body shape is a bit like a lizard. My first reaction was to encounter a large lizard, but when I look at it carefully, it doesn't look like a lizard. Its head is flat and blunt, its mouth is big, and it has no eyelids. Its front part is flat, and its tail gradually turns to be side flat, and there are obvious skin folds on both sides of the body. In my impression, lizards are not like this, and many of its features are not right.

The big monster swallowed the big frog and cried a few times. Ah, it was the cry of the baby. Damn it, I immediately reflected that it was not a lizard, but a giant salamander.

Is this giant salamander the one who just attracted me to cry?

Giant salamander is also called giant salamander because its cry is very similar to baby crying.

Giant salamander is one of the largest amphibians. The length of this giant salamander is at least one meter. I can see that it is one meter eight. If it can stand up similar to me, its weight will not be less than one hundred jin. Such a big thing does not look terrible, but it is also cute.