Mo Han is a raw melon egg. He doesn't know how to cooperate with me. It's all up to me. I have a shadow in my heart. There is always a woman's figure in my mind, which makes me dare not go further.

This is doomed to be a failure experience. I take a deep breath. Is Lin Manxue going to be the shadow of my life?

No way. I have to overcome this fear, this fantasy, I and she have passed, is the past tense.

I turn off the light, close my eyes, and imagine Mo Han as Lin Manxue in my mind. No matter kissing her or doing anything else, I regard her as my favorite woman.

Mo Han is very happy. Her every cry declares her happiness from her heart. During the whole process, Mo Han closed her eyes. When she was lying on the bed in a big sweat like mud, I knew that I succeeded. I succeeded in capturing her heart.

This effort is not in vain, let Mo Han temporarily put down her heart, believe that I love her, care about her, really want to be with her for a lifetime.

Women's mind is really strange. I can see so many problems just by a successful couple's life. I don't understand it, and I may never understand it.

Mo Han and I went for a shower, and then we went to sleep together. Mo Han was very down-to-earth, smiling. I had never seen this kind of satisfaction and happiness before. This was the first time and the most profound and clear one.

In fact, at the moment, I don't want to sleep. I just want to smoke a cigarette on the balcony to relieve my boredom. Compared with Mo Han, my heart is full of loss, which can't be filled with some kind of joy. It occupies my whole heart, just like taking me out.

I didn't get up secretly for fear of waking Mo Han. If she found out something was on my mind, she might be confused again. I had a hard time pacifying her. I can't give up all my previous work.

I stayed at home with Mo Han for more than a month. During this period, we didn't go out much. Most of the time, our activities were limited around this villa.

During the day, I accompany her for heart to heart talks and walks. At night, I sometimes accompany her. A woman who has just tasted the life of husband and wife, and has got some kind of happiness, is always willing to give everything and get the love of her husband.

Mo Han is also learning, her performance is getting better and better, she is more gentle and considerate than before, our life is more harmonious.

In my heart, I regard Mo Han as Lin Manxue. Every time we are together, I have to close my eyes and think about Lin Manxue's figure, so that I can run like a runaway wild horse.

Xu Mengyao will come to visit us every other time. Every time she comes, she will find a reason to support me, and then talk to Mo Han about something in secret. However, Mo Han never conceals anything from me. As soon as Xu Mengyao leaves, she will take the initiative to tell me.

Xu Mengyao is a woman who is afraid that I am in caoying and my heart is in Han. She is very concerned about the life between our husband and wife. When Mo Hanhong tells her some details of our life, Xu Mengyao is thoughtful and has a smile on her face, which makes it hard to figure out what is in her heart.

Xu Mengyao doesn't allow me to take Mo han to leave Hangzhou. It was agreed before. She must approve me to leave Hangzhou, but will she approve me?

I never hope for it.

So I am very conscious of staying in Hangzhou and living a life of a prisoner.

As time goes by, two months have passed in the twinkling of an eye. Now Mo Han is pregnant for seven months. His stomach is getting bigger and bigger day by day. It's difficult to walk.

I have nothing to do all day in the villa with Mo Han, Mo Han see I am depressed all day, let me go to big head they play.

In fact, in recent years, we often get together, but I'm not that kind of character, I don't do anything, I can't stay idle.

These days, I abide by the agreement, did not contact Lin Manxue, only secretly called Lin Yunfeng, Lin Yunfeng said that Lin Manxue has been released, at present at home to rest, I asked him how Lin Manxue's mental state, Lin Yunfeng did not answer directly, he did not answer the question, but asked about my situation, I did not say anything, just let him take good care of Lin Manxue.

Lin Manxue came out safely, and the big stone in my heart was finally able to put down. After that call, I threw away my previous mobile phone card and replaced it with a new one. It's time to say goodbye to the past completely.

I said silently in my heart: man Xue, please have a good life and be happy.

When Xu Mengyao saw that our husband and wife were getting sweeter and sweeter, she gradually put down her guard. She didn't trust me all the time. A woman like her can't trust anyone completely.

I want to find an opportunity to enter Xu Mengyao's company, make some achievements through my own efforts, and then win her trust step by step. I have not forgotten to get those evidences, which I will never forget.

At first, I accompanied Mo Han. Now, Mo Han accompanies me. She always tries to make me happy and please me. At first, I can cooperate with her to smile. But later, I even save perfunctory. It's not that I don't want to, it's really that I can't laugh.

Mo Han looks in the eyes and is anxious in the heart. She hopes I will always be happy. When she sees my sad face, she will be especially distressed.

Mo Han is the woman who knows me best. It's not my pursuit to be a man who has nothing to do but eat soft food. I don't want to be like this and I don't want to be like this.Mo Han discussed with Xu Mengyao about my work many times. Xu Mengyao began to disagree, saying that my most important task at present is to accompany her to give birth. If I feel bored at home, I can go out for a walk.

Xu Mengyao also asked Mo han to take me to several young people's parties. Mo Han didn't like to attend such parties before, but for me, she actively encouraged me to go, and she dressed up carefully before going out.

In front of outsiders, a woman is a man's face, Mo Han as a lady, she knows this truth. Every time I go out, Mo Han always cleans himself up, and takes my lead in front of outsiders. She will do whatever I say, never contradict and talk back, and give me face outside.

Where Mo Han and I went, these proud young men and young ladies always welcomed us with a smile on their faces.

We instantly became the focus of the whole party. There were people coming up to greet us warmly. In fact, I didn't know many of them.

Wearing the tiger skin of Mo family, I shuttled through the crowd wearing all kinds of false masks. In the past, these people may disdain to look at me, but now, they cast envious, awe and flattering eyes on me one by one.

Fake! Fake can't be fake any more! What I see are all false and untrue faces, those who dislike the poor and love the rich and run a business. They all have their own purposes, men and women, and even have a lot of socialites.

After several such parties, I can't get any more interest. I'd rather stay at home than face these rotten corpses and meat.