Chinese cabbage's eyes become soft from blankness. She looks at me with a smile, as if waiting for my answer.

"Thirteen years, eight months and eight days." This is the answer she just told me. I don't have a back ear, and I don't have any paranoia or Alzheimer's disease. How can I not remember it?

Cabbage shook his head and said, "no, we haven't known each other for an hour."

I watched her nod her head again. In the past 14 years, she was in the virtual world. In reality, she really didn't realize it for an hour, so there was nothing wrong with her words.

Pakchoi is also a woman with no sense. It makes me feel dizzy and blind. I said with a wry smile: "pakchoi, it's really a brain drain to chat with you. If I'm not careful, I can't keep up with your rhythm."

"Hee hee." Pakchoi spits out her lovely tongue and makes a face at me. I find that the real pakchoi is more lively and lovely than the virtual pakchoi. Maybe it's because of face-to-face. This kind of happiness caused by loveliness is inadvertently transmitted to me.

That's what happiness is contagious.

Just at this time, the mobile phone ring in her hand, and she has a phone coming in.

Cabbage didn't avoid me to answer the phone in front of me.


Cabbage and I stand very close, can vaguely hear the voice from the phone, this is a man's voice.

"Ping'er, have you met your net friend?"

The original name of Pakchoi is Ping'er, which is very nice. Beautiful women's names are all nice, such as man, Sherman, Yu, Mo Han and so on.

Cabbage looked at me and said with a smile, "yes. We are playing in SUDI right now. "

Looking at cabbage's wry manner when talking to this man, Li Wo smiles and looks like silk. I secretly guess that this man must be cabbage's fiance.

There was another voice coming from the opposite side, but I didn't hear it clearly. I took the initiative to leave the cabbage and go to the front to see the weeping willows alone. It's not a good habit to eavesdrop on other people's phones, and I don't have this hobby.

Pakchoi talked with his fiance for a while. When I was in a daze, I found pakchoi standing beside me. She didn't know when to end the call and came to me.

"It's over?"

The cabbage added softly, "my husband."

I had already guessed it. I joked with a smile: "your husband sees you very closely. If you don't see me for a while, I'll call to check the post."

She put away her mobile phone and put it into her bag. At the same time, she put the box I gave her into her bag. The jade pendant was still hanging around her neck.

"Not as you think. My husband is also nearby to accompany my sister-in-law to relax. My sister-in-law is a little uncomfortable. She doesn't like to go out at ordinary times, and it's not a matter to be always stuffy at home, right? So my husband will accompany her out for a walk. "

Isn't the sister-in-law of Chinese cabbage her husband's sister? Chinese cabbage just said that there is a sister-in-law, so Chinese cabbage has many sister-in-law?

"Do you have many aunts?"

Cabbage broke his fingers and said, "not too much, not too little, seven or eight."

When pakchoi said seven or eight, I suddenly thought of a word, seven aunts and eight aunts, seven or eight are not many, many, many, how many is more?

No, since the implementation of family planning, people of our age have two or three brothers and sisters. Even if there are too many pakchoi, her husband's family is really a bit shocked. In my impression, the more developed the place, the richer the family, the more they know about eugenics and fewer children. Pakchoi is so excellent, her husband's condition is certainly not poor, and their family can So many kids?

After I asked my suspicions out, the Chinese cabbage laughed directly, and had no image to laugh. "Ha ha, you are so funny, old goat. You really want to kill me."

I don't think I'm funny. It's their family who gave birth to so many, not my family. It's not so funny.

Cabbage bent over with a smile, high chest up and down turbulence will soon break the neckline, I am really worried that they inadvertently break free from the shackles and hit the ground.

Cabbage laughed for a long time before standing up and said: "it's silly. Who said that his sister-in-law is his own sister? My husband has only one sister, and she is a cousin. "

Sweat! Why didn't you tell me earlier? I made a big joke. I couldn't help laughing and said, "after what you said, I really had some fun just now. I made an oolong."

"Hee hee. It's stupid Cabbage has not forgotten to slander me. "By the way, it's getting late now. My husband wants to invite you to dinner together. He says he'll do his best to invite you to have a big dinner."

I don't know my husband and I don't have any friendship. I don't want to trouble others. When I see that my task has been successfully completed, it's time to leave Hangzhou.

I want to leave Hangzhou early tomorrow morning to return to Mingyang. I will return to Mingyang first and then go to Hong Kong to meet Lin Manxue. We agreed that when I come back from Mingyang, she will come back from m country.I can't wait to see Lin Manxue. I miss her very much.

Before I could say no, cabbage had seen through my careful thinking. She stared at me with bright eyes and said pitifully:

"old goat, you are my best friend and he is my closest man. I hope you can meet me and have dinner with me, OK?"

"Pakchoi -"

pakchoi directly interrupted me and said:

"I know you never know each other. If you let him accompany us to dinner, it would be awkward and awkward, but I also want you to help me check. We have known each other for more than ten years. You are the man I trust most. I totally believe your eyes. Can you take a look at the cabbage for me? "

Cabbage not only pitifully begged me to win my sympathy, but also gently pulled the corner of my clothes. This is the first time that cabbage has shown the charming look of a little woman since I knew her for so many years.

In the past, I couldn't see the face on the Internet, and the cabbage had never said such a soft word. I was softened by her immediately, so I could only nod and promise.

As the only friend of pakchoi, it's reasonable for me to help her check. In fact, the invitation between friends at this time is not a check, but an approval. If your friend invites you to see her fiance before the wedding, do you really think it's a check?

It's naive of you to think so. It only means that your friend trusts you and wants to share her happiness with you.

As the sun was about to set, cabbage took me to a parking lot. She was driving a blue Porsche. Her taste was the same as that of Lin Manxue. She liked blue.

Cabbage said that her husband had taken her sister-in-law to the dining place, and we will rush there now.

I have lived in Hangzhou for many years, and I have been back to Hangzhou one after another in the past two years. I am no stranger to this city, so I asked Chinese cabbage: "where is it?"

"Wangtianta manor."