Lin Manxue happily asked me: "what do you think?"

"No tea, no rice."

"It's not good. I want to drink tea and eat rice, otherwise I'm not distressed when I'm hungry and thin."

I especially think that Lin Manxue's love talk is more smooth than me. She comes with just the right size. She has just defeated my heart and won't let me collapse completely. This is the real master of love.

I listen to the words that Lin Manxue cares about, and I can't help but say, "I really want to marry you as soon as possible."

This is the third time for me to say clearly that I want to marry her. These are the most real voices in my heart. I really want man Xue to be my wife. With such a wife, I have to wake up in my dreams.

Many times I feel very lucky, I inadvertently open the heart of Lin Manxue, let her fall in love with me, how can I get the favor of Lin Manxue.

This is a woman who can't help Yan Qingcheng, Xiang Pengyu and Wei Wenjie, and I conquered her for no reason.

Maybe I was an ascetic in my last life. I broke more than a dozen wooden fish and crutches, which moved the world. Only in this life can I get such a chance to be close to the goddess.

"Man Xue, if you have nothing to do abroad, come back early. I'll pick you up myself. After you come back, don't leave me again. Even if you leave, you can't leave for so long. I only give you half a day to one day's leave. You can't go anywhere without my approval. "

I'm moved, and man Xue is also moved. In the distance, Lin Man Xue wants to stand beside me now, and we hug and kiss heartily. We young men and women have just realized the beauty of love and the joy of fish and water. One day's absence is like three autumn. This kind of lovesickness is no different from other lovers.

Lin Manxue said: "don't imprison my freedom, and don't bully me."

"I want to imprison your freedom, I want to bully you, who let you be my woman, I have the right to ask you to do anything, also have the right to reward and punish you in any form."

"Aren't you afraid I'm unhappy?"

"Not afraid."


"Because you are willing to be imprisoned by me."

Lin Manxue chuckled and gave out a string of silver bell like laughter: "you are so cheeky. You can make decisions for me in this kind of thing. You're not the roundworm in my stomach. How do you know what I'm thinking? "

I take three parts of gentle, three parts of amorous language airway: "I'm not the Ascaris in your stomach, but I'm your heart, your liver, your nerve, your soul, what you think, what you say, what you do have to be adjusted by me, your every move is under my monitoring, you can't escape."

Lin Manxue was very clever and cooperated with me this time. Instead of refuting, she said to me:

"do you think I want to escape?"

"Can fish escape from the water?"

At this time, Lin Manxue lost her former wisdom and arrogance. At this moment, she is a docile little woman who doesn't know the world. She asked me foolishly:

"why am I a fish, but you are water? Fish can't live without water, but water can leave fish. Does this mean that I can't live without you and you can leave me at any time? "

This is just a figurative metaphor. Lin Manxue is still struggling with the logical relationship. Do you think she is stupid. Once a woman's Emotional IQ plummets, this is really worth studying, but there is some truth.

I bewitched her: "don't you want to be a fish? Fish can swim freely in the water. She has no worries and worries, because all worries and worries are solved by water. Don't you want to do this kind of fish? "

"I don't want to."

"Why? Just because fish can't live without water, but water can leave fish, don't you want to live a free life like fish? "


"Give me a reason."

Lin Manxue was a little silent: "because water is a kind of amorous, he is not specific to feelings. With fish, he also wants shrimp, shells, turtle, green algae and so on. So I won't make fish, and I won't let you make water. "

"Hey, hey. Man Xue, what do you think? It's just a metaphor. "

When the atmosphere returned to its original state, Lin Manxue suddenly asked me, "if one day there is a woman who is more beautiful and likes you than me, will you leave me and go into her arms?"

"Man Xue, you are not so confident. You forget that you, Lin Manxue, are the most beautiful and best woman in the world. No woman can compare with you. Therefore, your worry is superfluous. "

"What if?"

"No if."

Lin Xue sighed softly: "there is no perfect love in the world. If so, it's just self deception. Women are fickle and men are amorous. They are a pair of contradictions. Do you think we can go to the end? "

Why do I suddenly feel that man Xue is a bit pessimistic? She is not a pessimistic woman. On the contrary, she is extremely optimistic. Even if she encounters any more difficult and difficult things, she can always stick to it. Her performance today is quite abnormal. Abnormal things must have demons. Does man Xue encounter anything special."Man Xue, what's the matter with you? Did something happen? "

Lin Manxue didn't answer me immediately. After a while, she said softly, "nothing. It's just a surprise. "

"No, you're hiding something from me, aren't you?"

I always feel that something is wrong with Lin Manxue. She must have something to hide from me, and it's not a small thing, otherwise she would not have such a big fluctuation in her heart.

Lin Manxue pondered for a long time, and finally decided to confess to me: "Chutian, I think about it, I think it is necessary to let you know."

Lin Man snow suddenly so serious talk, my in the mind a tight, can't really what matter.

"You say, I listen."

Lin Manxue slightly pause, said: "my mother does not agree with us together."

"Ah?" How many years has my aunt passed away? Can she still climb out of the cemetery and stop me from being with Liman snow. I feel surprised and strange. Is Lin Manxue neurotic? They all say that men and women have premarital phobia before they get married. Is she nervous and hallucinating.

I didn't say that Lin Manxue was abnormal, but I tried to find out what happened to her.

"Auntie, what did she say?"

"She didn't say anything, but she didn't agree with us together."

Since she didn't say anything, why didn't she agree? And how could a dead aunt communicate with Lin Manxue, a living person, to dream?

I asked my doubts. Lin Manxue explained to me what she was talking to her mother in the cemetery and what happened at that time.

It turns out that's what happened. I said with a smile, "that's what you're worried about. These are just accidents that can't be counted."

"But why is it the same every time?"