As I drove, I asked, "what's wrong with being the boss?"

"It's OK for a friend to do so, but it's not proper for the boss to do so. The boss always wants to keep his dignity and mystery, so that his employees can't guess what he really thinks. The boss always has a straight face, right

"It seems that the boss likes to pretend to be unpredictable."

Pei Ya said: "there is no way to do this. People and horses are very similar. People are good at being bullied and horses are good at being ridden. If the employees under the boss have a thorough understanding of him and everything is expected by them, what prestige and ability does he have to manage the company? "

"Just like the relationship between emperors and eunuchs in ancient times, when eunuchs understand the emperor's temper and hobbies, they will first get his favor, and then erode his prestige and power step by step. Finally, they will make the emperor a puppet emperor."

I sincerely praised: "peiya, you are worthy of working in the workplace for so many years, understanding is thorough."

Pei Ya blushed again, covered her mouth and said with embarrassment: "Mr. Ye, you make fun of me. I said in front of you that we were just chatting. I said it casually."

In fact, I understand all of Pei Ya's theories. A leader should look like a leader. How can he talk nonsense like an ordinary employee? No one will take what an employee says wrong seriously, but if a leader says something wrong, he will often cause trouble or even big trouble.

It's more important for leaders to be cautious in their words and deeds in the workplace. Any word can be controlled by others and used by competitors, which will bring bad influence to themselves or the company.

I understand Pei Ya's good intentions. Her chatting with me to pass the time is just an introduction. The real purpose is to instill some ideas into me by innuendo. Now I am the general manager, not the former project manager. My position has changed greatly, and my thoughts also need to change greatly.

She has worked in so many big companies. She has more career and management experience than me, and she has a better understanding of some things. I should learn from her modestly.

"Peiya, don't say that. In front of you, I am a student at best. I think what you say is very reasonable. I really can't deal with this nonsense. I will definitely change it in the future

Pei Ya Le:

"ha ha, Mr. Ye, you are so interesting. You are serious about what one of my assistants said?"

"Peiya, I don't regard you as a little assistant. Besides, you are not a little assistant, but a senior assistant."

Pei Ya can't help saying: "whether it's a small assistant or a senior assistant, it's just an assistant."

Pei Ya's words reveal a lot of information, which is her most real response, casual, but often unintentional words are the most real voice in a person's heart.

Lin Manxue is right. Peiya doesn't want to be an assistant all her life. She needs an opportunity, an opportunity to change her destiny.

Man Xue is really powerful. She can see through what other people really need at a glance, and then apply the right medicine to the case and take her down at one stroke.

"Mr. Ye, what do you think?" Peiya interrupted me when she saw that I was distracted.

It's taboo to run away when driving.


Pei Ya said with a smile: "are you still struggling? Why do I have to bring you to the hospital to see Xiao Liu?"

I was thinking about Lin Manxue just now. Peiya is the talent Lin Manxue dug up by herself. When I talk with her, I can't help thinking of the distant man Xue.

Pei Ya asked me, I naturally can't say that I'm thinking of others. A beautiful woman chatted with me. It's not polite for me to be so half hearted. So I followed her and said, "Hey, you can see it."

Pei Ya said: "Mr. Ye, if you treat me as a friend, I can't hide it from you. Well, I'll tell you all my purposes. Anyway, it's not a shady thing."

Pei ya really had some intention.

"Today I have to take you to the hospital with me for two main purposes. The first is to express sympathy to my colleagues who are sick, and the second is for your own sake."

"Myself?" The first purpose is easy to understand. Pei Ya and I went to the hospital together to visit patients. As for the second purpose, I was a little confused.

What does this have to do with me?

Seeing that my father-in-law was confused, Pei Ya explained, "Xiao Liu's sudden illness is a very good opportunity for you to buy people's hearts."

"Buying hearts?"

Why should I buy people's hearts?


Pei Ya further explained:

"Xiao Liu fell ill at the beginning of the new year. Because all his colleagues had a holiday to go home for the new year, Xiao Liu's ward was always cold and quiet. Only on the day he was hospitalized, manager Lu and I went to see him. He was also the most vulnerable at this time. A few days ago, I didn't report it to you because of our tight schedule, but today is a holiday. I guess you can come with me when you have time. "

Xiao Liu feels lonely when he is ill and has no company. We should go to see him together. Since Pei Ya and Lu Yuan have already been there, why do you want me?Is it any different if I go?

Pei Ya saw the doubt in my eyes and continued:

"there is an essential difference between you going to see him and me and manager Lu going to see him. We represent the company's concern for him, and you represent yourself. "

"How do you say that?"

Pei Yayue said that I am more confused. It's also a visit between colleagues. Why do they represent the company but I represent an individual? It doesn't make sense.

"Because it's about identity. Under normal circumstances, the boss of a large company will not visit an ordinary employee in the hospital. At most, he will ask his assistant to come to express his sympathy on behalf of the company. Therefore, the appearance of assistant Lu and I is more in line with the general practice. After all, the company is so big, the boss has a lot of resources, and he doesn't have so much time to visit an ordinary patient. Moreover, an appendectomy can only be regarded as a minor operation at best, so there's no need to make so many teachers

Pei Ya's words changed and said:

"since you don't need to appear in person, why should I arrange it like this?" Peiya asked herself: "I only do this for one purpose, that is, to establish your prestige and image in the company."

"If you go to visit Xiao Liu at this time and the top leaders of the company go to comfort him, not everyone has this honor. I think he will be grateful in his heart. In the future, he will work hard and give you free publicity, so that you can establish a good image of being kind to and caring for employees. It's very good for the packaging and promotion of your personal image. "

I frowned and said, "Pei ya, isn't it hypocritical for us to show off and make use of people?"

I have principles in my life. I disdain to do things that are deceptive, and I don't like to use other people's feelings.

I don't like to cheat others, and I don't like others to cheat me. I think as long as I am a normal person, I don't want to be cheated by others.

Don't do to others what you don't want.