Mr. Shan patted me on the shoulder, motioned me to sit down and wait.

We waited for another hour. This time, it's even more excessive. We didn't see a single person in this hour. The assistant surnamed Yang didn't show up again, and no one came out to explain what happened.

What annoys me most is what Yang did. If he is really busy today, he can come over and say it in person. We can reschedule it, or he can send another person to talk with us. He is not the only one in his project department. What does it mean when he asks an assistant to come over and say it vaguely without saying a word.

When four o'clock arrived, I couldn't help it any more. I couldn't help it any more. I stood up from the sofa and scolded, "what a bullshit company, do you have any idea of time! The time is decided by themselves. Now we have been waiting for three hours, and we haven't seen anyone. What's the matter! We are playing with the snow

I can see that general manager Shan is also angry, but he is trying to restrain himself. This is Qingcheng company. To put it mildly, one Qingcheng company's assets can be worth at least hundreds of Manxue companies. Although Manxue is also a big company, if compared with Qingcheng company, we can only say that it's not enough to look at it.

The shop bullies its customers. Their strength is much stronger than ours. Shan always dares not offend them. He has to bear his anger and act according to their faces. But I'm not afraid of anything. You don't respect me and I don't want to respect you.

Cooperation can only be carried out with sincerity. If this kind of cooperation is not sincere, even if we don't worry about the boring losses this time, we will suffer a great loss in carrying out our work in the future.

Only on the basis of mutual benefit, equality and trust can cooperation be reached. What does Yang mean by doing this? He doesn't understand hospitality at all.

I Hula to their project comprehensive department, project comprehensive department in front of a big sign, I will not find the wrong place, I know this department can deal with everything about the project.

There are 50 or 60 card seats in this department, which are divided into several office areas. Each card seat is full of employees. They are all dressed in formal clothes, men's suits and leather shoes, women's suits and professional skirts.

I didn't knock on the door. I just pushed the door and rushed in. I said angrily, "I'm Ye Chutian, the representative of man Xue company. I'm looking for you general manager Yang."

A man in his thirties came over and said politely: "Hello, Mr. Ye. My family name is Liu. I'm the chief of the first section of our project comprehensive department. Mr. Yang is still in a meeting. Would you like to wait a little longer? "

"Just a moment?" I murmured? What do you mean, one minute! You Qingcheng company's meeting is three hours? Let me tell you, Mr. Liu, if you don't call Mr. Yang out today, I can think that your Qingcheng company is deliberately insulting our Manxue company. At the same time, I doubt the sincerity of your company. I will go back to report to Mr. Lin truthfully. "

I know that Yan Qingcheng doesn't dare to offend Lin Manxue. I deliberately take out Lin Manxue to scare them. If Lin Manxue knows that Yan Qingcheng's people are so hard on us and deliberately play tricks on us, she will not give up.

Of course, I'm just saying this casually. In fact, I won't tell Lin Manxue about it at all. The reason is very simple. Yan Qingcheng cooperates with Manxue company is that he wants to please Lin Manxue and tie Lin Manxue with him in the same boat so that they can get rid of customs clearance. In this way, Lin Manxue will always be with him.

If you are just looking for partners, to tell you the truth, Qingcheng company doesn't look up to and doesn't need to cooperate with Manxue company. I think many people in Qingcheng company can't figure out this problem. What benefits can Qingcheng company, which is neither short of money nor resources, bring to us by cooperating with Manxue company.

It's just that Yan Qingcheng asked us to do so. They can only carry out the orders. They deliberately neglect us and even make trouble for us. I think there may also be such factors.

Therefore, in the overall situation, it is our company that Manxue asks for Qingcheng, not Qingcheng.

Chief Liu looked at me with such a strong tone. As soon as his sense of superiority of a large company came up, he began to hang me haughtily:

"Mr. Ye, please find out one thing. This is Qingcheng intelligent technology, not your Manxue company. I said that Mr. Yang is in a meeting. He can't get away. If you and your colleagues are willing to wait, they can make another appointment."

When he asked us to make another appointment at this time, I was very angry: "what do you mean? Is that how you want to send us back? Why didn't you say that earlier? You made us wait for three hours to say that. Play with us, right

I'm furious. The key to getting along with people is mutual respect. If the other party doesn't respect us, I can only talk nonsense with him.

Bullying is human nature, they bully, I'm not easy to fuck.

Section chief Liu snorted and said with a cold face: "Mr. Ye, please be polite and civilized. Don't always greet other people's families. It's a very unqualified behavior. "

"Talk to me about quality! You've wasted three hours of our time without saying a word? Do you know what wasting other people's time is murder? Is it useful for me to be polite when dealing with murderers like youLiu section chief's face is getting darker and darker, and his words are getting worse and worse: "how can your employees in Manxue be so unqualified! You are willing to wait. We didn't ask you to wait. As I have said, President Yang is in a meeting. He can't spare time to receive you. It's very common to discuss the temporary cancellation of such matters. We're sorry to let you go for nothing, but there's no way to do it. No one wants that, right? "

I pointed to Liu's nose and said with a smile: "ha ha. OK, you cow, I'll give you the damn. Do you mean we're hung up by you or we're wrong. You Qingcheng company don't keep your promise, you don't have the time concept, and you want to pour dirty water on us. Liu section chief, you are just a small section chief. Don't talk big. I'm afraid you can't bear the responsibility. "

Section chief Liu felt guilty when he saw that I was so tough. After all, he was just a small section chief. On behalf of Manxue company, we were not equal in identity. So he relaxed his tone and said, "Mr. Ye, today's matter is a misunderstanding. I think there is something wrong with our communication. We Qingcheng company have something wrong, You Manxue company also have it. You can't say who is right and who is wrong or who should be held responsible. You can only say that things happen by chance. Why don't you go back with your colleagues and make another appointment with Mr. Yang? I don't think Mr. Yang is very busy today. I'm sorry

Section chief Liu just said something to us now, which makes me extremely angry. But I always have to take some face into consideration in other people's territory, and I can't spill it. This is not the style of our Manxue company.

I didn't hold down my anger just now, so I started swearing. I can't take it back. I'm still too young and energetic to hold my breath.