Old goat: cabbage, I'm so ashamed of what you said. Are you suggesting that I have only face value but no connotation?

Cabbage smile back: you want to understand, I have a way.

After talking and laughing with cabbage for a while, this feeling of long absence came back. I suddenly thought of Xiang Pengyu, Yan Qingcheng and Wei Wenjie. They are all famous people. Cabbage specializes in the talent, temper, character, ability and potential of leaders. I want to see how cabbage comments on them.

Old goat: cabbage, how much do you know about Shencheng?

Cabbage: this topic is too broad. It depends on what you mean. If you ask me about geography and folk customs, I think you can't find the answer as long as you know du Niang. If you want to ask me about other things, it depends on whether I'm involved.

Old goat: people, talents, especially the most outstanding talents of the younger generation.

Cabbage said: you are now in Shencheng, belonging to the South China region, South China since ancient times out of talent. At present, among the younger generation, if only from the perspective of business talent, Yan Qingcheng is worthy of the name, and his business talent is no one else. I boldly predict that in ten years at most, Yan Qingcheng will become the richest man in China.

Old goat: what do you think of Yan Qingcheng?

Pakchoi thought about it and said: eight words to describe, coarse in detail, people do not mean. Yan Qingcheng is a very smart man with excellent intelligence. It can be said that nothing can hide from him. If there is, it's just that he pretends to be confused. He looks rude, loud and direct, but it's only superficial. If you are blinded by his appearance, you will suffer a lot. Yan Qingcheng's vision is very strong and his investment consciousness is advanced. It can be said that as long as he follows Yan Qingcheng, he will not worry about making money.

Old goat: cabbage, excuse me for asking, if only from the perspective of investment, who are you and Yan Qingcheng.

Cabbage said: I'm not qualified to compare with Yan Qingcheng. Old goat, you look up to cabbage too much. I don't even deserve to be his valet in front of him.

Old goat: cabbage, when you choose which industry to invest in, will you refer to him.

Cabbage: Yes. Let me tell you the truth, Yan Qingcheng is my wind vane. I will focus on any industry he likes, and I suggest you pay more attention to him and learn from him. He is really not an ordinary person.

People with such a God as pakchoi worship Yan Qingcheng so much. It seems that Yan Qingcheng has really gone to heaven and turned into a God. Human beings have no match.

Old goat: what about Xiang Pengyu? Do you have any research on him?

Xiaocai said: Xiang Pengyu also has some skills, but if compared with Yan Qingcheng, he is nothing. However, among the younger generation, Xiang Pengyu is also a leader. Lao goat, when you work in Manxue company, you must have contact with the people of Lin's real estate. I advise you that this person should not be underestimated. You'd rather offend a gentleman than a villain. Therefore, if you don't offend him, don't offend him.

Old goat: cabbage, you don't know. We Manxue have separated from Lin's group and become an independent company. Xiang Pengyu of Lin's real estate and I should not have any intersection in the future.

Cabbage: No. It's naive for you to think so. The Yijing building where Manshi company is located belongs to Lin's real estate industry. You Manshi and Lin's real estate have broken bones and tendons. How can you say that they can be broken? Besides, Xiang Pengyu is still the fiance of general manager Lin, one is the old board of Lin's real estate, the other is the boss of Manshi company. Maybe there is no intersection?

I think it's right. Cabbage's worries and reminders are reasonable.

Old goat: Thank you for reminding me. Old goat will pay attention.

Cabbage made a smile.

Old goat: cabbage, how much do you know about Wei Wenjie?

After all, Wei Wenjie doesn't belong to a business person. He has been serving in the army, while Xiaocai only cares about business people. Therefore, I'm not sure if she knows about Wei Wenjie.

Cabbage was silent for a long time before saying: old goat, if you meet this person in the future, how far away, do not have any conflict with him, you know?

In my opinion, Chinese cabbage is the same as Lin Manxue. It seems that when he hears Wei Wenjie's three words, he is scared to piss off and immediately loses his usual calm character.

Is Wei Wenjie really so terrible?

I deliberately pretended to be confused and asked: how do you say that?

Cabbage said: Wei Wenjie is a very strange person, he does not have three heads and six arms, but he is more terrible than people who have three heads and six arms. Although you are in Shencheng, because of your identity, you may not have access to some upper class information. Let me tell you, in the whole South and East China, no young man is not afraid of Wei Wenjie. He is like a ghost and a devil. If you think about him, you can't sleep at night.

Old goat: are you included?

Pakchoi: not only me, I think everyone is. Even Lin Manxue, President of Manxue company, keeps a secret from him. Wei Wenjie is usually kind and harmless. If you don't know him, when you first meet him, you will feel that he is a gentle man, full of noble spirit, but those are false appearances. When he shows his true colors, he is the executioner, he is Asura, full of blood and barbarism.The description of Chinese cabbage is so terrible. Has she ever seen Wei Wenjie with her own eyes.

Old goat: have you met him?

Pakchoi: I've not only seen him, but also seen him kill people.

I sent a surprise expression package.

Cabbage continued: I saw him kill seven people in a row. Within a minute, he cut off the heads of three people and held them in his hands. If you have seen this picture, you will be as afraid of him as I am.

Old goat: Why did he kill people? Now it's a society ruled by law. How can we kill people all the time?

Chinese cabbage was silent for a long time before he said: all the people he killed should be killed, and he also has the right to kill. Don't ask so many questions. I don't want to answer that.

Cabbage said so, I am sorry to continue to ask, I said: I heard that Wei Wenjie is going to retire, is this news true?

Cabbage: Yes.

Old goat: do you know why he applied for retirement automatically?

Cabbage: for one person.

Old goat: who?

Cabbage: Lin Manxue.

Old goat: ah?

I was so surprised that I would send out whatever I thought, because with a sound in my heart, I involuntarily typed a word in the past and added a question mark.

Cabbage said: I also heard the news. It's not certain. It's said that Wei Wenjie wanted to retire a few years ago, but he didn't get the approval of the army. His situation is too special. The army asked him to work for a few more years and then retire. This year is the date they agreed.

Old goat: you just said that he retired for Lin Manxue. How do you say that?