I quickly turned back to protect Mo Han. At this time, the girl was very vulnerable. She was in the sea. If there was no man to protect her, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Torrential rain, waves on the rocks, scattered splash.

Mo Han's legs are soft. She may have been in the water for a long time. She is cramped or scared. She is extremely abnormal. She has tried several times but has not climbed the island.

I immediately rushed to her side, put my hand around her waist, ready to get her up.

"Let go of me." Mo Han's wriggling body, the body can't help shivering, don't let me hold her.

"Mo Han, I'll get you up. After a while, if it rains more and the tide rises again, we will both be washed away."

"Let go. I can go up myself. "

Mo Han's hands and feet are soft now. It's strange that she can go up on her own. Now time is life. I don't care whether she is willing or not. I put my hand on her ass and push her up.

Mo Han is climbing a big stone with both hands and feet. She is going to climb up like this. Suddenly, she kicks me in the chest.

I got a foot, and there was no force in the water, so my body was far away from her.

Mo Han didn't have much strength. Without my help, she didn't climb up for a long time.

I'm ready to help her push down again. Mo Han said coldly, "don't touch me, or I'll jump into the sea."

"What are you doing?"

"Don't touch me."

Mo Han made another effort, but it didn't help. She couldn't climb up.

Mo Han won't let me help her. I have no choice but to let her down first and soak in the water. I will climb up first and then pull her up.

I climbed up three or two times, I reached out to pull Mohan, Mohan hesitated for a while, she seems to be very averse to contact with the opposite sex, a hand would mind.

"Mo Han, why are you still in a daze? Take my hand quickly."

"I don't want you to pull, I can go up myself."

"I'll go. What's the matter with you girl? Are we men so dirty that you can't even pull it? "

Mo Han still shakes his head. She probably doesn't know. After a while, she may be buried in the sea.

I don't have a clue about Mo Han. I'm very anxious on it. On the contrary, Mo Han is still calm and calm. I don't know whether I should praise her calmness or call her a fool.

I deliberately said: "Mo Han, I don't know what you are hesitating about. When I pushed you down just now, where did I not touch you? Are you still there? "

Mo Han coldly scolded me: "smelly hooligan."

"Don't scold me. Let's talk about it. It's really dangerous down here."

Mo Han hesitated, a big wave came, splashing us all over.

I see the waves are more and more urgent. Now is not the time to consider other things. I can't help but pull Mo Han's little hand and pull her up.

All of a sudden, another big wave came and beat me and Mo Han into the sea.

Mo Han and I rushed into the sea. I held Mo Han tightly and let the waves take us far away. In front of nature, our personal strength is insignificant and we can't resist.

I have seen a post on the Internet before, which said that there is a mysterious island nearby.

This island generally does not appear, so it can not be seen at ordinary times, and can only be seen at certain times.

It is said that there are a group of islands, one connected to the other. If you look down from the sky, these islands form a long dragon, so the local people call these mysterious islands Dragon Island.

The island in front of us does not belong to the scope of Dragon Island. It can only be regarded as an outpost. It is still some distance from the real dragon island.

Longdao is a closed island. The local government forbids people from outside to enter this area. It's said that Longdao is very evil. Many people mysteriously disappeared after seeing Longdao.

Including the local fishermen, they will not come to this area. It is said that a long time ago, some fishermen came to this area to fish, and Longdao was highlighted. They were curious to get on Longdao, and then they didn't come back.

Once there was a small team of more than ten people who went to Longdao. At last, only one person came back. When he came back, he was crazy and could only talk nonsense.

Of course, these are legends or hearsay. Who knows if they are true or false.

When the waves came, a small wooden boat rolled over. I held Mo Han on the edge of the wooden boat, so I could borrow some strength.

The waves rolled and pushed the boat and us far away towards the center of the sea.

I hold Mo Han tightly in one hand and climb the edge of the small wooden boat in the other hand. With the support of the desire for survival, I will not let go.

Another huge wave came, and the wooden boat swam to and fro. I lost my consciousness. I just instinctively held Mo Han and climbed the small wooden boat.

At that time, I didn't think Mo Han and I had a chance to survive. When I woke up again, it was already dark, the dark clouds were gone, the moon was high, and the stars were twinkling.Mo Han and I are lying on a beach. It's a strange desert island. I don't know where I am, but I know it's a desert island.

I quickly look around Mo Han, her breathing is even, should not be a big problem.

At the moment, Mo Han is sleeping in my arms, very stable, and seems to be dreaming.

Night wind blowing, wet all over us a shiver, really some cold.

I wake up Mo Han. When she opens her eyes and sees me, she is still a little surprised because she doesn't understand how I am in her room.

"Why did you come to my house and come into my room?"

I really can't laugh or cry. Now she and I are living on a desert island. She is still living in a dream.

"Look around. Is this your home?"

When the cold wind blows, Mo Han sneezes. She glances around and says, "this is not my home. Where is this?"

"A desert island."

"Desert island?"

"Well. It may be the legendary Dragon Island. "

"Dragon Island? How did we get to Longdao? "

I looked at Mo Han and said, "are you really confused or deliberately pretending to be confused? Have you forgotten all about the evening

Mo Han thought about it. She thought of something. She said faintly, "are we not dead yet?"

I have a look at Mo Han, now this situation she is still so calm, I really want to know, her heart is not afraid? Which girl is not afraid of such things?

"What do you think I'm doing?"

"Aren't you afraid?"

"I'm afraid."

"Why can't I see that you're afraid at all?"

Mo Han did not answer me, but tried to stand up, because I was still embracing her, swimming in the sea, wearing less things, I only wore a pair of swimming trunks, and Mo Han only had a bikini.

So now that we're holding together, it's really something.

I'm going to help Mo Han up. Mo Han's face is red. She breaks free of my hand and gets up by herself.

I looked at the sea under the moonlight. It was dark. I couldn't see anything clearly, and I couldn't even touch the direction.