I didn't ask Mo han to add each other immediately. Instead, I waited until more than 11 o'clock to add all the accounts that met Mo Han's requirements and applied for.

Such a network will not attract the attention of the other side, who knows how many numbers this Birdman has, details determine success or failure, to deal with this kind of high IQ liar, details must be done well.

Migratory birds fly alone and take the initiative to say hello to Guanghan fairy. Mo Han's online name is Guanghan fairy. Guanghan has the meaning of cold, and also has the word "cold" in Mohan's name.

Migratory birds fly alone to send a smile to Guanghan fairy, Mo Han asked me how to respond.

"Hang him out."

"What if I stop contacting him?"


Mo Han doesn't understand why I do this and why I don't take the opportunity to chat with him. Haven't I been waiting for such an opportunity?

Mo Han doesn't understand men's psychology. Conceited men like women who are difficult. Women who blindly rush up will lose their value immediately.

Sure enough, it developed as Mo Han worried. After the migratory birds sent two invitation to Mo Han, Mo Han didn't respond and he disappeared.

We have been guarding until the evening, migratory birds have been flying alone online, but did not contact Guanghan fairy.

Mo Han said, "won't you scare him away?"

I said with a smile: "Mo Han, have you ever fished before?"


"No wonder. Fish like to try the bait before they eat it. I'm sure he'll try you with another trumpet. You'll see. "

Mo Han looked at me suspiciously. While we were talking, a netizen named Baidi applied for Jiaguang hanxianzi as a friend.

"Ye Chutian, here you are. What shall we do? "

"Make friends with him."


After Mo Han and the White Emperor, the White Emperor sent a bunch of flowers to Mo Han.

I asked Mo han to type this sentence and send it to me: "this man can't deal with women without being an old man.

He wants to be smart, so we'd better get in touch with him.

I asked Mo han to reply like this: be smart! I guess you can only have one kind of friends in the world.

Cuckoo: Oh. I'd like to hear more about it.

Guanghanxianzi: dog. That is the common friend of mankind. If you are a person, who would like to be friends with a self righteous person like you?

Cuckoo: ha ha ha. Guanghanxianzi, although you have few friends, I believe someone around you must have said that you are super cute when you are cute.

Guanghanxianzi: do people around you think of you like this? You hate it when you hate it.

The cuckoo said smugly: Guanghan fairy, do you particularly want to pull me black now. But do you believe it or not? In ten words, you will not blackmail me.

Guanghanxianzi: narcissism.

Cuckoo: if you don't believe it, we can make a bet.

Guanghanxianzi: I'm not so boring. Who wants to bet with you!

Cuckoo: ha ha. Guanghan fairy, it seems that you don't have self-confidence in yourself and think you will lose. Are you afraid you can't afford to lose?

Guanghanxianzi: I'm not confident? I can't afford to lose? Joke, do you think I will lose to you?

Cuckoo: of course. Because I've never lost a bet, especially with a woman.

Guanghanxianzi: not only narcissism but also conceit. that 's ok. Since you've insulted yourself, Miss Ben will give you such a chance.

The cuckoo said: since it's a gambling game, it must be a bit colorful, otherwise it's meaningless, right?

Guanghanxianzi: what do you want to bet?

Cuckoo: since the gambling is put forward by me to show fairness, you said that I have only one requirement, that is, if you lose, you must recognize me as a friend, and you can never blackmail me.

Guanghanxianzi: it's not a small tone. You really think you are sure to win. Be careful to lose.

Cuckoo: No. Come on, if I lose, what do you want?