"No. Why do you ask that? "

"I don't think you look well. I thought something happened to you."

"No, maybe it's the end of the year. It's a lot of work pressure."

I think the reason for Yu Xi is far fetched. Every company is relatively relaxed at the end of the year, because everyone's heart is already wild, and they all want to go home for the new year. Who has the heart to work.

But when she said that, I naturally believed it. Yu Xi poured wine for me. I had a fight with her. I drank beer and she drank soymilk.

After dinner, Yu Xi and I pressed the road for a while. Yu Xi didn't talk much all the way. It seemed that there was something on her mind. The girl's heart was as deep as the sea. I couldn't get a clue.

"Yu Xi, shall I take you home?"

"Walk a little longer."


I took Yu Xi to a park in front of me. The park is not big, but there are many people. The residents nearby like to take a walk here at night.

There is a swing in front of me. I sit on it in the evening. I push it for her in the back. Yu Xi swings around on the swing. I look at Yu Xi under the street lamp and suddenly feel that she has many places like Ye Yingying.

After the swing, Yu Xi asked me to take her home. I sent Yu Xi downstairs, I said: "Yu Xi, go back to have a good rest, don't be too tired."


"Good night." I waved to Yu Xi and turned to leave. I just walked a few steps away. When I looked back, I vaguely saw Yu Xi's shoulders in the dark shrug. She seemed to be crying.

What happened to her?

I hastened to go back, Yu Xi see me come, hastily dry tears.

"How did you come back?"

"Yu Xi, what's the matter with you? Did you cry just now? "

"It's nothing."

"Not yet. Your eyes are still red. "

Yu Xi covered up and said, "No. There was some dust in my eyes just now, so that's it. "

I was full of doubts: "really?"


"Then I'll blow for you?"

Yu Xi said with a smile: "if I wipe it with my hand, it will be OK. You are tired all day. Go back and have a rest early. "

"Good. Goodbye, Yu Xi. "


On the way back, I always feel that Yuxi is not right today. It is different from her at any time. I can't tell where it is.

Yu Xi and I didn't see each other many times. We only knew each other for a month or two. We only had a superficial understanding of her character.

She seems to be a very strong girl, but the appearance of strong, does not mean that the heart must be strong, and vice versa, just like Ye Yingying, she looks docile on the outside, but she is a woman with her own ideas in her heart, and the things she thinks are difficult to change.

Lu Yao knows horsepower and sees people's hearts for a long time, especially the hearts of girls, which can not be seen in a day or two, a month or two.

I'm going to walk back, because it takes me 40 or 50 minutes to take a shortcut to my home. I just finished my meal and wanted to digest. Besides, a lot of things have happened recently, and I need to sort them out.

Although I've only worked for one or two months, I've learned a lot in these two months, and I have a new view on the word experience.

For example, the brand planning department and general manager Xue of the public relations department have been fighting for so many years in the workplace. Their experience and experience are not comparable to those of Mr. Lin and me. However, the way and thinking they showed in the face of the crisis of man Xue payment has not completely solved the problem. On the contrary, Mr. Lin and I have cured the problem.

Of course, I don't deny their experience and ability, but think that experience is sometimes a double-edged sword, which can make people less mistakes, but at the same time it can also curb a person's creativity.

At the same time, I also have a new understanding of the workplace, the development of the workplace, the ability is on the one hand, but the ability alone will not help.

For example, if I compare myself with other colleagues in mansue company, I don't have any advantages in terms of ability, experience, performance or other aspects. However, because I know Lin Manxue, there have been some conflicts and connections between me and her that seem far away or near away. She has trust in me or recognition in some aspects, so I'm a rookie With one leap, he became the project leader.

This project is one of the five major projects of the company. The position of the person in charge can be imagined. To put it mildly, the power of director he is far less than that of me now. Even Mr. Chen of the marketing department, he can't control me now. Do you think I've jumped the dragon's gate.

As I was walking along the road, I thought, at a turning point, I met two young people squatting on the side of the road to repair their bicycles, looking at their clothes, helmets, gloves, glasses, masks or magic headscarves, all equipped, riders.

Since high school, I like to travel around by bike, so when I see them, I am very kind. Although I meet them by chance, as soon as I see these people, I feel very familiar and kind."Can I help you, man?"

A young man looked up at me and said, "our car is broken. Can you repair it?"

I know that the riders are equipped with complete repair equipment. I looked at their repair methods, which are very unfamiliar, and asked, "is this the first time you've been out cycling?"

Another young man said, "yes. My friend and I have always wanted to travel by bike, but we used to worry that we could not overcome the difficulties on the road. I said that we are always hesitant and can't do anything. We'd better let it go. Even if we fail, at least we have worked hard for our dream. "

I nodded, because I have experienced such a process before, a lot of things, think very good, but really do not have the courage.

But I am a person who is not willing to give up easily. A friend and I once started a cycling trip. We also met many difficulties on the road. Finally, he gave up halfway, and I gritted my teeth and insisted on reaching the destination.

I understand them very well. If they didn't feel the same way, the feeling would not be so strong.

I said with a smile, "I'm also a cyclist. If you don't dislike me, I'll help you repair your car."

"Really? That's great. " The two of them stood up to thank me.

I'm very experienced in repairing bicycles, because I've repaired them countless times and encountered all kinds of problems.

I checked the two bicycles and found that they were basically problems with the chain and brake. It's easy to do. If the chain is replaced, the brake can be fixed.

It took me less than an hour to repair them. They were very grateful. My hands were covered with oil and black. A rider took out a bottle of mineral water from his bag. He made several small holes in the bottle mouth. When he pressed the bottle, the water would spray out from the small holes.

That's what a small watering pot looks like.