I bought a recording pen in the afternoon.

The recorder is just prepared. I think Mr. Fan is always staying in the romantic places. He must be very vigilant. He may not be useful for a long way.

I've come up with another plan. I downloaded a touch number assistant on my mobile phone, which supports the recording function of mobile phone.

I also prepared a mobile phone and asked anyone to come to help me.

I went to Yuese bar ahead of time to bribe a waiter to be my internal agent. Of course, I paid a lot of money. This year, money can make the devil push the mill.

I went back and changed into a casual suit with a one-piece hat on it. I chose a pair of glasses without lenses in an optical shop.

It can be said that when I put the hat on my head and put on my glasses, I can't recognize me unless I know someone very well.

I went to the night bar early to wait for them.

Fan always arrives earlier than Luyuan. One reason is that he drives his own car. The second reason is that I ask Luyuan to arrive late. Girls can't catch up and start to carry it. Otherwise, the other party will be suspicious.

Mr. Fan obviously went out for a haircut and a shave in the afternoon. He looked much younger.

As I expected, Mr. Fan was very vigilant. He set up a private room by himself and didn't let strangers in easily. He gave the number of the private room to Lu Yuan.

I have been watching the situation outside the bar. Half an hour after Mr. Fan arrived at the bar, Luyuan also entered the bar. She stood at the door and looked around.

I know that Lu Yuan is looking for me. At this time, she must be uneasy.

I'm afraid that fan always finds something and doesn't show up. Let's see it from afar. I asked anyifei to send her a short message: I'm by your side.

After receiving the message, Lu Yuan took a long breath. She deleted the message and began to find it according to the private room number given by Mr. Fan.

Lu Yuan finds the private room and knocks on the door. Mr. Fan opens the door for her.

The moment Mr. Fan saw Lu Yuan, he was very happy, but he was an old driver after all. After he invited Lu Yuan in, he watched at the door for a long time. When he saw nothing unusual, he closed the door and locked it from inside.

I made an appointment with the waiter at the beginning to let him deliver the goods five minutes after the guest placed the order.

My time has been carefully calculated. I don't think fan will be in such a hurry. He always has some foreshadowing in front of him. Moreover, in order to win the favor of beauties, he must be very generous.

So the first five minutes must be the safest time.

The progress of the matter is similar to what I expected. After Lu Yuan entered, fan Yuan Yu began to show great demeanor and spend a lot of money, ordering thousands of good wine.

Mr. Fan has been staring at Lu Yuan, who has no chance to open the recorder.

I give the mobile phone prepared in advance to the attendant, I have set the mute, and I have dialed this number with my mobile phone on the contact number assistant.

The phone has been in the state of conversation. I told the waiter to put my mobile phone in a secret place in the private room.

Everything is going well. For the waiter, he is far more familiar with the private room than I am. Therefore, his position is very good. It is not easy to find, but also far away from the road and near Mr. Fan. It sounds convenient.

I was worried that fan Yuanyu would find the voice from our side, so I asked anyifei to book a hotel nearby in advance and stay in the hotel room with my mobile phone to monitor.

What anyifei is looking for is the most inner room. It's very quiet and there's no noise at all.

Everything is ready on my side, so I have a long way to go.

I was holding anyifei's mobile phone, and I made an agreement with him that as long as he got the evidence that he could threaten Mr. Fan, he would call me from the hotel's landline, and I immediately went in to save Lu Yuan.

Of course, if there is any danger in the long distance, he will inform me at the first time, which is what we agreed in advance.

"Mr. Fan." Lu Yuan and fan Yuanyu are sitting on the sofa. She smiles very reluctantly. Her face is stiff and looks very nervous.

Fan Yuanyu patted the sofa beside him and said, "come on, come and sit down. It's too far to talk."

Lu Yuan hesitated for a moment, but he got up and sat down next to Mr. Fan.

Fan Yuanyu pretended to be affable: "lane, don't be so restrained, be natural. Didn't you come to such a place rarely before?"

"Well, twice. The first time when I was in college, a classmate had a birthday party, and her birthday party was in a bar room. The second time was that a female colleague in the Department was in a bad mood a few days ago, and she asked me to accompany her to the bar after work to relax. But neither of the bars I went to was as lively as here. "

There are many kinds of pubs. It is obvious that the pubs Luyuan has been to before are just some ordinary pubs, while the name of night bar is more complicated.

The more Mr. Fan looks at Lu Yuan, the more satisfied he is. Lu Yuan is a very attractive girl with outstanding appearance. Moreover, she has a pure temperament. This feeling is very attractive to men, especially those who have seen all kinds of amorous feelings.Fan Yuanyu took up a bottle of red wine and poured a glass for Lu Yuan and himself. He said with a smile: "Xiaolu, you just entered the society. You will come to this kind of occasion often in the future, and you will get used to it gradually. Come on, let's have a drink first. "

Mr. Fan handed the glass to Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan refused and said, "Mr. Fan, I don't drink much."

Fan Yuanyu waved his hand and said, "Xiaolu, this is not a company. Don't go up to general manager fan. The next general manager fan calls me, which seems alienated. There is no one else here. I'm a few years older than you. You can call me brother fan."

Mr. Fan is old enough to be a long-distance father. It's also called how old is Xu Chang. If I hear that, I have to throw up.

"Mr. Fan, this is not appropriate. You are the leader. I'm too impolite."

Mr. Fan said with a laugh: "Xiao Dao, I just like a pure girl like you. She has no worldly atmosphere. She always pays attention to the rules and is clever and sensible. As I said just now, this is not a company. Since it is not a company, there are no leaders or subordinates. We are equal. "

Lu Yuan was so embarrassed that she didn't know how to deal with such a scene.

Fan Yuanyu is an old hand in love. He knows that if she wants to be quick, she can't reach it. He doesn't force her to go too far and let her adapt to it by herself.

"Xiaolu, take it. It's OK to drink a little. Brother fan doesn't want you to drink it all at once. You can drink it slowly and little by little. Don't worry."

Mr. Fan handed the cup to Lu Yuan again.

Lu Yuan felt that fan Yuanyu might be suspicious if he pushed back. He took the cup with both hands, touched it with fan Yuanyu and took a sip.