"Jiang Jianzhen is not a thing. Even if I am lazy and don't go to work, I still like to smoke, drink and gamble, and make some messy friends outside. Peach began to persuade him, but he not only did not listen, in a bad mood, but also began to play peach. I didn't know at first, but once I happened to find peaches green and purple, and forced her to tell me. "

"Peaches are really pitiful. If you can't beat them again and again, if you don't listen to them, you can only bear them in silence. All the money she saved from her work in the past two years has failed Jiang Jian. Peach was disappointed and moved back to live with me from the rented place half a year ago. But how can Jiang Jian give up and harass us all the time? "

"This scum. What does he want? "

Yu Xi sighed and said, "Jiang Jian doesn't want to break up. Peach is such a good girl. How can he let go. Peach is a kind girl, gave him a chance again and again, but he just don't know how to cherish. When disappointment accumulates, it becomes despair. Peach has no hope for him now

"Peach just wants to break up, but how can peach, a weak woman, get rid of each other's entanglement because she has no relatives in Shenzhen? I want to help her, but I'm just in a hurry. Chutian, can you think of a way to help peach? "

I was silent for a while, not because I didn't want to help, but because it was related to other people's feelings, we outsiders were not easy to intervene.

Emotional problems are the most complex problems in the world. They are constantly chopping, but the reason is still chaotic. Besides, I'm not sure about Tao Ying's real attitude towards her boyfriend.

Love is deep, hope is keen, the feelings of six or seven years, not to say put down can put down, who can guarantee that Tao Ying is not because love her boyfriend, so disappointed?

I thought about it and asked Yu Xi, "does Tao Ying still love Jiang Jian?"

"How can such a scum still love?"

"It can't be said that men are not bad and women don't love them. Tao Ying is just disappointed with her boyfriend now. It doesn't mean that she doesn't love her. We must make it clear. Otherwise, it's not to help Tao Ying, but to make trouble for her. It's very likely that the more we help, the more chaotic we will be. "

Yu Xi affirmed: "Chutian, I know what you mean. But I can assure you that peach doesn't love Jiang Jian at all. "

"It's true that they have been friends and girlfriends for six or seven years, but their days together are numbered. Because when Jiang Jian was a soldier in other places, they rarely met several times a year. I'm also a woman. I know a woman's heart best. Women need to be cared for. How can peaches have deep feelings for Jiang Jian? "

"The feeling is not deep, why not break up early?"

Yu Xi said, "do you think peach doesn't want to? But every time she breaks up, Jiang Jian is very fierce. In fact, when he was in University, there were many people chasing peaches. One of them was a senior brother, who was two terms senior to us. At that time, he was also the vice president of our student union. He was very close to peaches for a period of time. But later, Jiang Jian didn't know how to know about it. He asked for leave and sneaked back, and secretly gave the senior brother a discount. "

"How do you know he did it?" Although Jiang Jian is suspected, it does not necessarily mean that he did it.

"We didn't know who did it. But since then, the relationship between the elder martial brother and peach has been estranged. I also heard Tao Zi say some time ago that once when she quarreled with Jiang Jian, Jiang Jian admitted it. He also threatened peach that if she dared to find other men, he would kill them. "

"Jiang Jian is very strong and has been a soldier. Most people don't think he is his opponent. The last time we moved, we chose to ask any one of them and Xu Dong to come to help us. It was because Jiang Jian had returned to his hometown in those days, otherwise he would not dare to move at all. "

The more I listen, the more angry I am. I have a very strong sense of justice. What I hate most is bullying, especially girls.

I always think that men who beat women are the most incompetent, especially those who only threaten their girlfriends. Such people are scum.

"Yuxi, let's go. I'll go up with you now." I took Yu Xi's arm and asked her to take me to teach the beast. Yu Xi held me by his backhand and didn't let me go up.

"Yuxi, why don't you leave?"

"Chutian, don't go up. If you go up, Jiang Jian misunderstands and something will happen. "

"Misunderstanding? I'm afraid he won't misunderstand me. I'll see what he dares to do to me

"No. Chutian. Listen to me, I know you are brave and courageous, and your skill is very good, but I'm still worried. I've heard Tao Zi say that Jiang Jian is very good at Kung Fu. He used to fight outside and never lost. Would you rather not go up? Let's think of something else. "

Yu Xi does not say, but how can I live. Every man has a competitive heart. For those of us who practice martial arts, if we know each other is an expert, we will admit it. That's the end of our life.

I laughed and said, "are you worried that I can't beat him?"

Yu Xi lowered his head, blushed and said, "Chutian, don't get me wrong. I don't look down on you, I just... "

"Yu Xi, don't say anything. I know everything. Let's go. You are going up with me now. Please believe me. If Tao Ying really doesn't want to live with this man, and this man has to pester her, I will help her out. And I promise you, I'll be fine, and so will youI look at Yu Xi with firm eyes, her mood seems to be infected by me, smile at me, and then pull my hand up together.

I can clearly feel her inner trembling. Maybe Tao Ying, her boyfriend, has brought them great psychological trauma, which has deeply engraved a brand in their hearts.

At this moment, I believe Yu Xi's words. Tao Ying really doesn't love Jiang Jian, because Yu Xi is just a friend of her. What's more, Tao Ying, as a client, has a deeper wound in her heart.

When Yu Xi and I returned to their floor, their door was closed, but it was very noisy inside, and from time to time something fell to the ground and cracked.

Yu Xi's face turned white. She stood there. I knocked on the door and cried out: "Tao Ying, open the door quickly. Open the door

I just yelled outside for a long time, but Tao Ying didn't open the door. It suddenly occurred to me that Yu Xi must have a key, so I said to Yu Xi who was stunned: "Yu Xi, where's your key? Open the door quickly. Tao Ying may be in danger."

Yu Xi hurriedly rummaged in her bag and took out a bunch of keys. She didn't open them several times because her hand was shaking all the time and she didn't insert them correctly.

I take the key, open the door, push open the door, the moment, I will be in front of the picture stunned.

A very burly man pinched a woman's neck in one hand, grabbed her hair in the other hand and pressed her against the wall. This woman has no resistance ability at all. Her feet are banging on the wall. He is going to kill her.

I rushed to the mountain and pushed Jiang Jian away. Between him and Tao Ying, I asked Tao Ying, "are you ok?"

Tao Ying squatted on the ground, half a day did not slow down, Yu Xi squatted beside her, patting her back to help her.

"Are you the wild man of this bitch?" Jiang Jian, who is opposite me, looks like he's going to eat me.

He's really strong. He's about the same height as me. He should weigh more than 200 and have powerful arms. He looks really bluffing.