I used all my strength. I ran all the way. After a while, Huang Mao found that no one was chasing me, so he began to relax his vigilance. Thinking that we gave up chasing, he slowed down. When he found that I was chasing after him, he tried to escape again.

Huang Mao tried his best to escape in the front, and I was chasing him in the back. The speed of the two men was the same.

Huang Mao and I didn't know how long we had been running. Anyway, they were tired and out of breath. Huang Mao ran and stopped in front of us, and I followed him to the West arch bridge. The East and West arch bridges are far apart, with a distance of three or four miles.

After Huang Mao got to the arc top of the arch bridge, he couldn't run any more, so he fell on the railing and gasped.

My hands and feet are soft, and my chest is like a big stone. I have some difficulty in breathing.

"Big Brother, I've convinced you. It's just a bag. As for playing like this Play with your life Huang Mao didn't gasp for breath, and he trembled.

"Go on Run I also lie on the railing, while conditioning breathing, while watching the yellow hair every move.

"Big brother, don't come here . do you want to If you want to come back, I'll jump Jump Yellow hair dares to threaten me.

"Jump if you have seed!" Brother, I'm not afraid of threats.

Huang Mao looked at his bag and then at me. He suddenly climbed over the railing and jumped directly from the top of the arch bridge.

The arc top of the arch bridge is at least 20 meters away from the river. I didn't expect Huang Mao to do so. He said that he really dares to jump.

I quickly put out my head and went to the river to have a look. After yellow hair fell into the water, I dived into the water. After a while, I showed my head and wanted to slip away from the river.

I suddenly realized that people like Huang Mao, who live in this area all the year round, should be familiar with how to escape from the water. I was almost fooled by him.

He thought that the things in the bag were very valuable, otherwise he would not work so hard. Therefore, he wants to put all his eggs in one basket and snatch Su Manyu's bag at all costs.

See yellow hair swim farther and farther, my heart a horizontal, close your eyes also jump down. Before entering the water, I really realized what free fall is.

I paddled desperately in the water, biting yellow hair tightly. Swimming in the water is very physical. Huang Mao and I have just run for so long, and our physical strength has reached a limit. Now we are comparing who has more endurance.

I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, so I have no endurance. I believe that catching up with Huang Mao is a matter of time. Huang Mao couldn't get rid of me, so he left his bag and ran away alone.

I picked up my bag and swam slowly to the bank. Surrounded by tourists, I suddenly became the most shining and eye-catching focus of orchid town.

When I all wet appeared in front of Su Manyu and handed her the bag, Su Manyu could not believe that I would be so embarrassed.

After she took the bag, she opened it in a hurry until she found a small red square box.

This kind of small red box is usually used for jewelry, either rings, earrings or necklaces and bracelets. Su Manyu didn't open the box, so I didn't know what was in it. But look at her expression, the things inside must be very precious to her.

"How did you do that?" Su Manyu put away the small box and asked me faintly. Her tone was not as cold as before. It seemed that she still cared about me.

"When it's hot, go down to the river and take a bath." I was laughing and joking.

"You're still in the mood to joke!" Su Manyu complained and said, "just one bag, as for working so hard?"

"Of course."


"Because it's important to you."

"You care so much about how I feel?" Su Manyu suddenly asked me such a question. I didn't know how to answer it, so I changed the topic and said, "goddess Su, if you continue to cross examine me, I might catch a cold."

Su Manyu looked at me for a long time, did not ask anything, but followed me back to Yanglan inn.

There's nothing wrong with her feet. She'll be fine in a moment.

I took a hot bath in the inn. When I came out, I saw Su Manyu sitting at the front desk, reading the book on my desk.

"You wrote all this?" When Su Manyu saw me, he pointed to the annotation on the book and asked me.

I usually have a habit of reading books, like to write some of their own opinions, of course, the premise is that this book is my own rather than borrowed.

"Is it profound and enlightening for you?" I play with a smiley face.

"None of them are right." Su Manyu closed the book, slowly stood up, suddenly seriously said to me: "Ye Chutian, thank you."

"Ah?" Su Manyu, who is proud and charming, thanks me so seriously for the first time. I was flattered and forgot to say "no thanks".

Su Manyu said and went back to room 3001, leaving me alone.

I didn't stay in the inn in the afternoon, but took out the garland used in my room to sell, because tomorrow I will leave orchid town for Mengshui mountain, which is my last day in orchid town.The weather in September didn't stop at all. The sun was hot, the air was dry and the throat was thirsty.

I huddle under a big tree. Because of the weather, there are not as many tourists in the afternoon as in the morning. They like to come out in the morning and evening. As a result, my business in the afternoon was quite bleak. Since I came out, I have sold less than ten in almost two hours.

I saw Su Manyu coming towards me from a distance. She was wearing a blue sunshade, white casual clothes and black tights. It's so beautiful that she doesn't treasure any more.

Su Manyu is really a versatile woman. No matter what style of clothes she wears, she can show her beauty to the extreme. Maybe there is no beauty or ugliness in the clothes themselves, just suitable or unsuitable for the people who wear them.

"Ye Chutian, are you thirsty?"

"A little bit."

"Would you like some water?"

I nodded hastily.

"Pure water, mineral water or drink?"

I thought Su Manyu wanted to buy me water to drink, so I said, "mineral water.". Unexpectedly, Su Manyu suddenly said, "OK. When you go to buy mineral water, bring me a bottle of pure water, from Nongfu mountain spring. "

I went and asked her for a long time, but she just wanted to make sure if I needed to buy water and find an errand runner. Now I just want to go back and say that I don't want to drink water, because I just said that if I want to drink mineral water, I don't want to be so deep!

I have a deeper understanding of Su Manyu's unconventional style. This woman is quite out of tune.

"I can't leave." I said, pointing to the wreath on the mat.

Goddess Su thought for a moment and said, "it's easy to do. I'll watch it for you."

"Will you?" Goddess Su has such a poisonous tongue. I'm afraid she will offend all my guests.

Su Manyu said, "it's just a piece of cake to sell."

I felt a little weak, but I got up from the ground and went to the front to buy water.

I went to the front, and after a long circle, I didn't find a small shop selling water. Here are mainly flower shops, but few grocery stores.

I went on and saw some watermelon vendors pushing cars in front of me. I chose a big watermelon in front of a stall. I borrowed a watermelon knife from my boss, holding the big watermelon in one hand and going back with the watermelon knife in the other.

I left about half an hour ago. When I came back, I saw that there were all kinds of men and women under the big tree, three circles inside and three circles outside.

It's not going to happen, is it? I got a lump in my heart and ran to see what happened.