Witch dance is one of the traditional oriental dances.

The dancer was dressed in colorful kimonos, her hair was high, her face was painted miserable white, her eyebrows were lying in silkworms, her real cherry mouth was small, and she held a fan in her left hand. With the drum beat of the waist drum, she was in abnormal posture——

In a word, this kind of dance is a must for foreigners to watch when they go to the Oriental countries. It's similar to going to the Champs Elysees when they go to Paris.

It's just that this kind of dance has a long history, a small audience, and it's very difficult to learn, so domestic audiences have no impression on it.

But one thing is certain, that is, since the witch dance is a traditional reserved program for the Oriental people to entertain foreign guests, its cultural value is still very high.

Also has certain ornamental.

In today's modern society, where dancers always show their waists and crotches, and their movements are bold and open, witch dance can be regarded as a clean stream.

So when Sanpu told Lao song that she could dance witch dance, his assistant Xiao Wang opened his mouth and said, "what kind of witch dance? Go one way -- "

The backhand of old song was a big neck, which drew Xiao Wang aside.

He watched lightness for a moment, then said slowly: "if you can attract more audience to watch, there is no noise. I'll give you two thousand dollars. In addition, if the audience really wants to spend money, give it all to you, and I won't smoke. "

Old song is old song. Xiao Wang can't match his eyes.

People can see lightness at a glance - it's beautiful.

Beautiful girl, itself can attract people's high attention, she will dance exotic style, that absolutely can play the stage those who desperately kick legs and stretch their arms man-made sister, can't play the effect.

"Well, that's a deal."

Lightness is very happy, and looked to the side of the small pickup: "I just waist drum, fan."

There are no beauties in theatrical performances, but there must be dance props such as waist drum and fan.

Old song had heard something about the witch dance. He nodded his head and told Xiao Wang to get on the car and get something quickly. With some regret, he said, "it's a pity that I don't have a kimono here. But I can barely help you beat the drum. "

"No. Someone beat the drums for me. "

Light and delicate smile, looking back to the stage and waving: "meteor, you come here, come here."

After hearing the name of meteor, old song's mind floated on the TV series meteor garden, in which the handsome cream Xiaosheng looked like.

But when the "meteor" came, Lao song suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes.

Can't help blurting out: "wocao, when can a beggar also call this name?"

Some scum immediately refused: "is the beggar as handsome as me? Boss, I said you are insulting me. Lightness, can you sit back and watch others insult me and help him perform? "

Old song's mouth was pumping.

He did not dare to scold, only scolded in the heart: "beggars are better dressed than you? That's how you are. For a day, isn't this little beauty a beggar

It turns out that Lao song's eyes are quite effective.

Because he saw with his own eyes, timid little exotic beauty, even holding the arm of the beggar, small mouth pursed and swayed, coquettishly asked: "meteor, do you want to eat?"

Old song was startled again. He secretly scolded him for holding the grass again. The little beauty danced. Wouldn't it be raising the beggar to eat?

Seeing that the food is particularly attractive, Li Nanfang decides to forgive song's insult and nods his head to show his special thought.

But when he took the waist drum from Xiao Wang's hand and hung it on his neck, he shook his head again.

The reason for Li NanFang's refusal is simple.

Who is he?

The first scum in the world!

There are so many beauties around and so many family wealth. As long as the name of Li Renzha is displayed, no matter where you go, you can be welcomed by foreign guests. How can you possibly perform for a meal of minced meat?

Of course, the most fundamental reason for Li NanFang's refusal is that he does not know how to beat the drum——

You can do whatever you want.

Fight as you like.

You hit you, I jump my.

As long as we can get money, it's not a dream for you to pretend to be uncle again——

Li Nanfang admitted that his firm belief was disintegrated by the lightness of twisting his waist and legs when he was coquettish, so he had to sigh for his food.

Song decided to disdain the beauty of the host, he is the boss of the face, had to pinch the nose, forced to smile on the stage announced: "next, let's welcome from the Oriental light lady, for everyone to perform the witch dance."

"Girl from the east? Ah, no, lady? A lady in her forties or fifties? "

"You'd better hurry down. Don't stain our eyes any more. "

"Well, I saw the performance here by accident, but I was made to have aesthetic problems. It's a tragedy."

Because those younger sisters danced so wonderfully, there were only four or five young people left in the audience who used to be dozens of people.

Although there are only four or five of them, their comments can catch up with the effect of five hundred ducks.

After the beauty compere hears, the corner of the mouth only smokes, nearly reveals the shrew essence, both hands pinches the waist, the sharp voice shouts scolds all to the aunt to roll!

But after seeing Li Nanfang who was pushed onto the stage, the beauty host felt that she should join the audience.

"Wocao, how can you come up with a beggar?"

"Ha, he still has a waist drum hanging around his waist. Is this to show us how a beggar asks for food?"

"Old four, come and have a look. Learn. How can we continue to live in the future when it is bleak? "

Who knows what's going on.

Just now, when the group of open-ended and enchanting little beauties tried their best to stretch their arms and kick their legs, the old four and others were too lazy to look at them again. They ran to the side and squatted on the flower bed to smoke. But when they heard their companions shouting that there were beggars here who wanted to show themselves how to ask for a meal, they all ran back immediately.

Beggars perform on stage, but city people never thought of it.

In particular, this beggar is not an actor guest star, but a fake one with a "poor" spirit, isn't he?

It's a rarity.

You have to come and have fun.

See the rapid gathering of the audience, blink of an eye as many as hundreds of people, beautiful host's mouth, and began to draw straight.

She highly suspected that the people of prosperous China were infected with the stink of coquetry. They didn't eat well, and they didn't know how to appreciate beauty.

However, as long as she can attract people, complete the tasks assigned by the merchants, and achieve the desired results, she still ponders whether to wander for half a year and then return to the stage——

"Lao Tzu has been far away from the world for many years, but his charm has never been reduced. Look, I didn't let a fart out at any one of my stops, so the audience quickly gathered to support me. "

Just when Li Nanfang was intoxicated with his super charm and could hardly extricate himself, he stepped on the stage.

There's no kimono dancing witches' dances here, and lightness doesn't want to make her face miserable white. She painted silkworms' eyebrows and cherry mouths - because meteor said that he likes girls with plain faces and faces up to the sky best, which has a sense of reality.

She just uses a piece of red silk to pull up her hair, but it falls down like a waterfall. After exposing her crystal neck, her face looks smaller, but her eyes are bigger. With a timid smile, she is a spirit coming out of animation.

In fact, the clothes she wore were not much better than Li Nanfang, and they were so shabby in the wind and sun.

More because of shrinkage, trouser legs and sleeves are a lot shorter, full of healthy luster of legs, white wrist snow, at a glance.

Sometimes, Li is bored.

We are all human beings. After drifting on the sea for so many days and being exposed to the wind and sun, why did his skin almost turn into carbon, and his thick skin was pierced by his beard, but his lightness was still as delicate as a little white flower?

God, it's so unfair.

Li Nanfang just sighed that something was wrong when he arrived here.

The following group of "adoring" him, loud and noisy ducks, no, the audience, how dumb?

be beautiful enough to feast the eyes.

The idiom was invented by our ancestors in those years. It was not just a slap on the head, but after a long period of market research——

The more natural the beauty, the more appetizing it is.

So when the long lost beauty suddenly appeared in front of the public, it immediately aroused their most beautiful memories: "looking back, no matter where you go, you can see the real beauty. It can be called peach red willow green, each has its own merits. It's like now on the street, with the same cone face, giant panda eyes and red lips, thinking it's beautiful, but actually it's disgusting. "

Not only are the audience deeply immersed in the beautiful memories, but Li Nanfang is also as suspicious as he was when he first saw lightness: "is it true that Lao Tzu was blind before? Otherwise, how did not discover this wench unexpectedly such beauty? There is not only rouer's pure feeling, but also her silent timidity. "

rise and dance in a happy mood.

Under the sun and in the breeze, wearing "coarse cloth clothes", Sanpu is light with shining shins, white wrists and beautiful hair. She bends her left knee, half wrists her waist, stretches her left hand forward in a flower shape, holds a big red fan high in her right hand, and flutters over her head like butterfly wings.

The witch dance.

After dancing this kind of dance, all the people at the scene felt the mysterious and strange atmosphere from a foreign land in an instant.

The witch in the sun is dancing.

Just, whose witch, will be so pure and timid?

Lightness has removed the shoes, and the tip of the right foot points to the ground. When the waist turns slowly again, it cries softly: "meteor, drum."


Dong, Dong!

Li Nanfang woke up like a dream and immediately put his hand on the waist drum.

He has never enjoyed the witch dance, or even heard of it before, and of course he can't play this kind of drumming.

But since you let him play the drum, let's play it.

Besides, before going on stage, lightness also said that he won't play drums. It's OK. He beat him, she danced with her, and they didn't interfere with each other.

It's just, is that true?


On the stage, this pair of young men and women who have been together for more than a few months, from a certain point of view, have already had a certain spiritual connection.

So when Li Nanfang, who doesn't know the bullshit, starts beating the drum, he wants to ignore the lightness of his existence, and is soon interfered by him - bending his knees, wringing his waist, raising his hands and nodding his head. He immediately accelerates to cooperate with his drum.


Dong Dong, Dong Dong!

Li NanFang's drumbeats are getting faster and stronger.


The drumbeat is monotonous, dull, without any sense of rhythm, just like a sledgehammer, hitting everyone's heart.

The soul is trembling with it!

Light speed, also faster and faster, breathing thick, heart palpitation.

She would like to tell Li Nanfang not to beat the drum so fast, let alone so forcefully!

Because, she can't control the dance, can only passively step on his drum, to make the corresponding action.

But - she couldn't open her mouth.

As if, she was involved in the invisible whirlpool, water pressure so that she can not open her mouth, only with the high-speed rotation of water, rotation, rotation.

What's more frightening is that she not only can't get rid of Li NanFang's drumbeat, but also has hallucinations.

She saw it!

There is a black dragon, roaring, circling around the vortex, with scarlet eyes staring at her, inducing her heart rate to be higher and higher.

When her heart can no longer bear this kind of beating, it will explode at a certain moment!

"I'm going to die."

Brain a blank, completely controlled by the drum light, suddenly had this idea.

In front of my eyes, there was a clearer vortex.

Black, whirlpool.

She was not even a willow leaf in the whirling water.

The beard of the black dragon is several times longer than her height.

The center of the black whirlpool turned into a big mouth, growling.


In the light feeling heart is about to burst open, on this vanishing, drum suddenly soft down.

Suddenly, a white shadow appeared in the center of the vortex.

Is that a woman?

Or a girl?

About 20 years old, white as snow, slim figure, beautiful hair shawl, looks extraordinarily refined appearance, but it happened to face proud look, slightly curling his mouth, carrying eyebrows, slanting eyes - looking at the black dragon.

The momentum of the black dragon, which used to be extremely arrogant, immediately changed. Looking at the woman in white, her eyes were extremely gentle, her movements were gentle, and her roar became the Dragon chant of Qingyue.

Suddenly, light from the black vortex, exposure to the sun, green lawn, surrounded by a colorful light of the brook babbling, all kinds of butterflies dancing.


Dong, Dong.

The drum is gentle, like a lover's hand, caressing the light hair, making the boiling blood and restless heart return to normal quickly.

Then she saw Li Nanfang.

Li Nanfang is also looking at her, just beside her, with gentle eyes - the woman who is looking at him from generation to generation.

He walked around her slowly. When the drums fell, he just catered to the light dance.

Zither, harmony.

Perfect convergence, without a trace of raw feeling.

This is the lightness that I have specialized in witch dance in University. I have trained for thousands of times, but I have never felt it.

Her eyes flow, mouth smile, light dancing——

The song ends.

After a long time, there was thunderous applause.

Money, flying——

Unknowingly, there have been thousands of people gathered in front of the stage, raised face, with a drunken look.

Who says that the people don't know how to appreciate elegant art?

Those who say this just regard the sour smell as elegant.

"I must have her, tonight!"

Zhuang Dahai in the crowd suddenly turned back when he murmured his determination.

Just now, he caught a familiar figure in the corner of his eyes.

That figure, especially like the maid of youtanwangzhuangqing in the misty country, smelled the swallow dance.

It's also a woman that he repeatedly "beat" his godmother and wanted to take her as his concubine, but he was repeatedly rejected by Zhuang Qing, which made Da Haige never forget.