If only Jing Hongming didn't have such powerful force value.

No matter how respected he is, Li Nanfang will give him a big mouth and ask him if he can speak well.

Just a word. It's always cloudy. Is that interesting?

This is the big man.

Only when a great man speaks can he have this virtue.

However, Li Nanfang also believes that the words and deeds of all the big names contain their unique deep meaning.

So, how could uncle ten persuade me not to hurt Helan Xiaoxin?

He should be very clear that I took the initiative to be a scapegoat for her. At most, I despised her and would not do anything to her.

He also mentioned Helan Xiaoxin's father and said that he LANBO was a hero.

How much does that mean?

Jing Hongming's car has been going for a long time. Li Nanfang is still standing at the door of the restaurant, looking in that direction and frowning.

Another black car, as if coming out of the ground, slowly appeared beside Li Nanfang, interrupting his meditation.

When the car door opened, a tall girl with curly hair in a short skirt and flat shoes stepped out of the car: "Mr. Li, the director sent me to see you back to Castle Peak. In the car, you need the best food and wine. You can have a rest after eating. "

Li Nanfang looked her up and down and said with a smile, "sister, are you also from the supreme Security Bureau? You say you are so beautiful and have such long legs. Why don't you become a white-collar who enjoys life and have to fight and kill? If you have this wish, you can go to our company. At that time, you can be my little secretary. You are indispensable to those who are popular and spicy. "

"Really?" the girl asked


Li Nanfang shrugged, opened the door and got into the car.

He was thinking, does Lao Tzu speak in this way like a misty manner?

What the buttock girl said was right. Li Nanfang needed the most delicious food and wine on the bus.

This big black cross-country car should have been installed by experts, except that the driver's seat in front of it didn't move, the back of it was refitted into a RV.

There is a small refrigerator, a small TV, a small dining table, a small wine cabinet and a small bed.

There's even a toilet.

Grass, this is a small hotel.

On the dining table, Li NanFang's favorite braised pork elbow is placed in a big basin. I'm afraid it can't contain five Jin of meat?

There is only one bottle of wine, but it's very suitable for Li NanFang's taste.

Niulanshan Erguotou, an old famous liquor in Jinghua.

The iron bottle caps are rusty and the trademark is yellow. It seems that they have been in stock for many years.

After the car started, the soothing and elegant piano music flowed from the four corners of the car.

Watching TV, tasting good wine, eating braised elbows, and driving by a hip wrapped beauty with excellent driving skills in front of her are definitely a great pleasure in life.

That's the price of the fun. It's a little higher.

Well, it's 20 million dollars.

If I had known that, I should have sold the dragon ball to Li Muchen in gray valley.

But even if you sell it to her, what can you do?

Don't the 20 million dollar bills also be ransacked by these birdmen?

After eating and drinking enough, and squatting on the toilet for a few minutes, Li Nanfang, sighing in the dark, lay flat on the small bed with the back of his head in his hands.

As soon as he lay down, the roof slowly opened.

Outside, you can't see that this car has a skylight.

The skylight is especially large, just like the skylight of Audi Q7, which can see the stars all over the sky in an instant.

In the elegant and soothing piano music, Li Nanfang, who feels hot all over after a bottle of old wine, is comfortably blown by the night wind outside the window. Not long after he closes his eyes, he falls asleep.

From Jinghua to Qingshan, the distance is about 500 kilometers.

It takes about two hours to take the high-speed railway, and it takes nearly four hours to drive at high speed.

In this way, when Li Nanfang returns to Castle Peak, it should be midnight.

Night, deep.

The moon slowly climbed to the top of the head, the brightness is also more and more bright.

When the moon is bright, the stars will be much dimmer.

It's like after seeing Yue Zitong and his new sister, security guard Liu immediately felt that the Yellow faced woman in the family - forget it, for the sake of giving birth to a pair of lovely children to Liu's family, Liu would never make the kind of heartless behavior of letting his wife go to court.

But, taking advantage of midnight to quietly go to the backyard of No. 37 villa and listen to the wall, it should not be regarded as betraying the vows made to Huang Lianpo, right?

That kind of sounds like ten thousand cats calling in unison, it's really cool.

More than the sound of nature.

It's a pity that it's a woman who makes the sounds of nature come from two women.

Lao Liu is sure that the pink curtain hanging in the bedroom on the second floor of villa 37 tonight will make him crazy.

Well, it's like ten thousand cats calling after the arrival of spring.

Lao Liu was so sure, because in the evening, when he was on patrol with his nephew Xiao Ming, he saw with his own eyes the two women who were so beautiful that they dared to flirt at the door of the villa.

This is the rich man.

But no matter how rich you are, if you can live in tens of millions of villas, can you have the heart to let a man be single and two women mix together?

With this in mind, Lao Liu slowly climbed over the iron fence in the backyard of the villa.

His nephew, Xiao Ming, is still patrolling the road ahead.

Lao Liu said that he had a stomachache and wanted to find a place to be convenient. He came here secretly for convenience.

"It's not that I don't want to share good things with you because you are my nephew. How can I bring you to do such a thing?"

After creeping down the iron fence, Lao Liu took a quick look around.

The moonlight is like water, the mountains are silent, the wind is blowing slowly, the treetops are shaking slowly, there is no cry of insects.

Everything, safety.

"Beauties who can make ten thousand cats, here I am."

Lao Liu was calling affectionately in his heart. As he was about to walk quickly through the grassy yard and listen to the wall under the lighted bedroom, he suddenly saw that there were more figures on the pink curtains.

The figure pounced on the window glass. It should have been pushed from behind.

Despite the pink curtains, Lao Liu could still see that the figure should be the head of the villa, the beauty surnamed Yue.

He could tell who it was because another beauty was bigger than her.

The dazzling old Liu, across the curtain, can see that the beauty is all over the light.

Body curve, it's called Linglong.

"Why, do you want to finish the game of feifeng xuhuang in the window? I like it. You'd better push the window open and lean out of the window -- don't city people like to play like this? "

Lao Liu prayed in his heart.

But the beauty who pounced on the window glass didn't do it.

Just as she was about to turn around, a figure appeared. She walked slowly, but did not stop.

This figure should be the plump beauty.

It's just that Lao Liu is wondering why her curves are not exquisite?

Oh, she's dressed.

Grass, not only wearing clothes, as if also wearing a cape and other things.

What's the matter?

When Lao Liu was puzzled, the figure had come to the figure of the beauty surnamed Yue and put his hand around her neck.

Under the witness of Lao Liu, the man slowly came to the face of the beauty surnamed Yue, slightly nodded his mouth and made a gesture to ask for a kiss.

The beauty of Yue family name made a evasive action, but she was held by the man's hands on her chin and gave her a strong kiss.

The beauty surnamed Yue should have given in and let her mouth be caught.

Yield very home, she also took the initiative to reach out and put her arms around the neck of the Cape beauty.

"This is playing, playing the queen game?"

All of a sudden, Lao Liu thought of the dirty jokes that his colleagues chatted about.

"It must be. Otherwise, how can two beauties play? How can they make such a pleasant sound? "

Lao Liu finally figured it out. His heart suddenly jumped up and his blood was boiling.

He had to watch it up close.

No, it's listening.

In order to avoid the two beauties standing in front of the window, they would suddenly lift the curtain and open the window to look back. Lao Liu cleverly fell to the ground.

He wants to crawl forward and rush to the enemy's evil fortress, just like the soldiers who liberate all mankind!

Just climbed down, suddenly a drop of water fell on the back of the neck.

Lao Liu subconsciously reached out, wiped his neck and looked back.

Tonight, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, the sky is clear, there is no rain, so how can we get the water?

It's spit from other people's mouths.

I don't know when, a ghost like person appeared in Lao Liu's side, looking down at him, a pair of eyes in the dark, shining, with a smile that seems to be sarcastic.

what the fuck!

I was found out.

Lao Liu's scalp suddenly became numb, and all his hair bristled up.

He wanted to tell this man that he crawled into the backyard without thinking of doing bad things. He just wanted to listen to the sound of nature.

But without waiting for him to open his mouth to explain, his body flew up.

Like a kite, it swished over the iron fence in the backyard.

Old Liu was still in mid air, and it was already dark in front of his eyes.

With a slap, Lao Liu, like a broken sack, fell into the weeds, rolled over a few times and stopped.

There are ghosts in the back hill of the garden villa area.

This is Lao Liu's first thought in his mind when he was found by his nephew Xiao Ming at noon the next day and woke up after pinching him.

In Lao Liu's hometown, there is a saying that after going to hell, you must never tell anyone, otherwise the ghost will find him.

Therefore, he would never say it. Of course, he would never dare to go to the back of villa 37 to eavesdrop on the sound of nature.

The sound of nature at midnight today will never be so loud just because Lao Liu has gone to hell.

As scheduled.

When Yue Zitong obviously enters the state, his slender waist is twisting, and He Lan Xiaoxin smiles after sticking it on her.

In order to enjoy herself, she added a small amount of No. 3 to the cigarette She gave Yue Zitong last night.

No. 3 is the best medicine that can turn a martyr into a concubine.

The new sister doesn't like Yue Zitong too much.

To be exact, she doesn't like to use No. 3 to make Yue Zitong too loose.

She likes to use "technology" to turn Yue Zitong into such a woman.

This requires precise calculation when adding No. 3.

The medicine should not be too obvious, otherwise Yue Zitong would lose his mind gradually.

It's no fun to play with a woman who has no sense. New sister doesn't like it.

Similarly, the drug is too small, Yue Zitong will instinctively reject, even if forced to cooperate, the action will be rigid.

Therefore, the only way is to control the degree well.

Let her in the new sister's tease, gradually find the state of swing, rational clear initiative with.

At present, the drug is just right.

Yue Zitong's reaction satisfied the new sister.

With an evil smile, he raised the whip in his hand.