Bai ling'er was choked and blushed. He wanted to lose his temper, but he couldn't do it. He had to put up with the overall situation. He took two of his men into the club.

Because Huang Zhiqiang was born a brute and practiced Taekwondo hard when he grew up, he was already a famous master in South Korea's boxing ring before committing a crime. Therefore, if you want to arrest him, you must consider his lethality.

The seven men who follow Bai ling'er are all selected by her and the Bureau and others in the city's police circle. They are ready to fight close to each other and let him obey the law.

If the ticket price is ten yuan a chapter, Bai ling'er will buy eight tickets out of his own pocket.

Can pit father, no, is pit Niang's lowest three hundred dollars ticket price, can only let her take two most can fight under, enter the field.

Bai ling'er is still too naive.

In other words, she grew up in the big warm room of Huaxia. Except for meeting some scum, she was basically in a state of plain sailing. So when she came to the underground black boxing ring in Thailand, where the situation was very complicated, she realized that things were not as simple as she thought.

Let alone arrest Huang Zhiqiang, she didn't even see a hair.

Huang Zhiqiang, whose pseudonym is Kaka, is the champion of the autumn league stage. He is in the recuperation period these days and is preparing to participate in the championship final at the end of the month.

He's the gold medal champion of mango club. Don't expect to see him during his rest period.

Bai ling'er wanted to show his police officer's certificate and play a bully. However, thinking about the attitude of the conductor at the door, and looking at the rifle in his hand, he thought it was better to forget it.

If you want to see Huang Zhiqiang, you have to wait until the end of the month.


After a thousand gold flowers went out, Bai ling'er began to understand the taste.

Even if she waits for Huang Zhiqiang to show up, if she wants to catch people directly in the club, the result will not be too good.

Do clubs that don't even pay for local police care about foreign police?

Whoever dares to arrest their employees will definitely shoot without saying a word.

So if you want to arrest Huang Zhiqiang, you must first smash his protective coat.

Qingshan Municipal Bureau, which has been asked for help, immediately reports to the provincial department and, through diplomatic means, puts pressure on Thailand. If it does not cooperate, we will reduce the number of tours and routes from the eastern province to Thailand.

It has been the consensus of the people of the world that any country that thinks that tourism is a piece of fat would rather go to the palace with a knife than offend the powerful Chinese tourist group. So when the eastern province offered this magic weapon, Thailand immediately became soft.

After hard negotiations, Bai ling'er and others finally met Huang Zhiqiang.

No, I saw a beautiful woman.

Just after seeing a beautiful woman in Thai national costume, Bai ling'er's first reaction was that she was confused and said that we were looking for Huang Zhiqiang. Why do you recommend a beautiful woman?

Looking at that chestnut short hair beauty in Thai national costume, people faintly replied that this is Huang Zhiqiang you are looking for. The old and the young are not deceived, such as fake.

In order to escape the punishment of justice, Huang Zhiqiang had an operation and turned into a beautiful woman!

This, this is not mentioned in the secret intelligence.

It seems that the secret is to keep the secret in mind, and then take it out to blackmail the Qingshan Municipal Bureau. However, it never occurred to him that his dream of making a fortune would be shattered with a fire.

In fact, in the shortest time, Huang Zhiqiang was transformed into an adult demon. As long as he knew how to keep a low profile and didn't brag after drinking, he had once done a murder case in Huaxia, and the secret line would not be heard. He immediately realized the opportunity to get rich and began to investigate him secretly.

Not to mention that he has laid a death trap for himself.

This is the typical way that if you don't die, you won't die.

After wringing her thigh several times and forcing herself to believe that the Thai police were not fooling her, Bai ling'er began to ask Huang Zhiqiang about the details of the massacre.

What if the beauty of Kaka was a scapegoat pushed by someone to protect Huang Zhiqiang?

Facts have proved that Huang Zhiqiang does have a way of "taking death". In front of officer Bai, who is just and awe inspiring, he does not deny repeatedly that he is not a killer, but a poor man forced by life to change. On the contrary, he speaks wildly, saying that Lao Tzu, no, Lao Niang is Huang Zhiqiang!

At the beginning, the details of what weapon I used, who I killed first, who I killed later, and how I evacuated calmly after committing a crime were completely consistent with Bai linger's control.

I'm the killer, but what can you do to me?

Punish me by law?

Ha ha, I'm kidding about bird hair. This is Thailand underground black boxing ground, not in your China!

There is only one way to arrest me, that is, to maim or kill me in the ring.

There is no other way.

Since that woman betrayed me, I hated all the Chinese people, so now my biggest hope is to kill more Chinese people through the ring.

If you have the ability, come and kill me in the ring, anytime and anywhere!

After Huang Zhiqiang put down these words, he swung his robe and left.

Bai ling'er was about to move, and several pistols aimed at her.

The local police boss who came to help her shrug helplessly, spread out his hands and said, sorry, I can only help you here.


Isn't it just a challenge?

I'll fight you!

Bai ling'er is also arrogant. She makes a decision immediately. She wants to kill the garbage in the challenge arena!

Of course, due to some reasons, Bai ling'er will not appear as a Chinese policeman when he is playing in the challenge arena.

Of course, the seven men who came here with officer Bai would not allow a girl to take part in this kind of challenge competition. They all volunteered to kill the criminals with Mawen wine.

So, a final eve of the game started, against both sides is Kaka, and Chinese experts.

There were many onlookers.

After the start of the game, Bai ling'er knew how big a mistake she had made!

Huang Zhiqiang, who has undergone sex change surgery, has no place to vent his androgen in his body, and all of it has been transformed into strength and speed. Just think of Dongfang Bubai, who has practiced sunflower classic.

Among the seven elite players who came to Thailand with Bai ling'er, the first one who came on the stage was the retired special detachment of a major military region in China. After taking the stage, Huang Zhiqiang broke his left leg and twisted his right arm.

If it wasn't for Bai ling'er, who risked being attacked by the audience, leading people to rush to the arena for rescue, the policeman's neck would be broken!

Fortunately, the Thai police knew the identity of Bai ling'er and others, and did not dare to act recklessly. They sent several plainclothes to protect them, but they were not protected by the club because they violated the rules of black boxing, and they jumped out with guns.

Huang Zhiqiang is also "a large number of adults", holding his hands high and jumping on the challenge arena. He uses all kinds of obscene movements to mock and challenge Bai linger and others.

Can you imagine a short chestnut haired beauty in big underpants and a small black hood doing those unbearable actions?

Huang Zhiqiang's action triggered waves of screaming in the audience, and countless men yelled, "Kaka, I love you so much, I want to send you flowers and essence.".

In the heart of the angry Chinese police, immediately someone stepped on the stage again - the result is worse than the one who just started. It is estimated that he will never want to walk upright again in his life.

It's said that beautiful women are big chested and brainless, but Bai ling'er is not.

When Huang Zhiqiang defied her and asked her to perform in person, she calmed down and quit the club with her colleagues carrying two seriously injured subordinates in a lot of ridicule and abuse.

She has seen that if she wants to arrest Huang Zhiqiang according to the rules, these eight of them will be folded here, and she can't do it.

That human demon is so powerful!

She may even feel that - although she is reluctant to do so, she also feels that Huang Zhiqiang, whose speed and strength are so abnormal that science can't explain them, can only be dealt with by the appearance of the dragon in December in Chinese legend.

But will those big men come here to fight black boxing for this kind of little bastard?

Probably not.

Well, what else can we do to arrest the murderer?

No way out.

In this way, he went back home and told the Bureau seat that we met Huang Zhiqiang. As a result, he was beaten and maimed two of them and escaped back with his tail between his legs?

Bai ling'er would rather die than do so!

If we don't, will more people be beaten and maimed by criminals?

Bai ling'er made the most difficult choice and asked five colleagues to escort two seriously injured colleagues back home. She stayed.

She will die in the challenge arena!

Before he died, he had to bite down Huang Zhiqiang's flesh!

Only in that way can she be worthy of the two colleagues who were seriously injured and the police badge on her head.

She wants to use her own blood to wash the stains on the police badge.

Her five colleagues, of course, would not listen to her orders and watch her die.

If you want to die, die together!

Turn off your cell phone, cut off all contact with the country, and have a drink before you die.

After this drink, we are still good brothers in the afterlife.

Bai ling'er, who had no effect in persuading and strict orders, only clenched his lips, raised his head with tears in his eyes, and drank a cup of wine. Let's be brothers in the afterlife!

There are some things that you have to do even if you know that to do them is to die.

All six of them stay, so who escorts the two injured colleagues home?

insurance company.

Someone from the Thai police specialized in this business immediately contacted DuPont Na, the general manager of an insurance company in Myanmar and Thailand, and asked them to send someone to escort them back home. All the expenses were borne by the Thai police.

After all, we are peers.

No matter how jerky they are, they are also moved by the high moral integrity of the Chinese police, who would rather die than shame their badge.

Tonight is the night of the bloody battle between Bai ling'er and five brothers, Huang Zhiqiang!

At the scene, there were thousands of onlookers, shouting, dear Kaka, kill those Chinese experts.

Especially that woman, very beautiful appearance - very beautiful girl, when she died, was she very beautiful?

Who will play first, Bai ling'er and others also after rigorous analysis, out of the order.

She's going to be the first.

Bailing'er is the first one to appear, not because she has the highest Kung Fu, but because she is a girl, not a human demon.

Since girls are always softer, they are more sensitive to emotional changes than men.

If she is the last one to appear on the stage, after seeing five colleagues die, she will be greatly affected and lose her mind, and then speed up the pace of death, unable to cause a possible fatal blow to Huang Zhiqiang.

So, she hoped, she would die first.

"I'll go first. I'll be up there, waiting for you. "

When the bell to urge the contestants to go on stage sounded again, Bai ling'er took off his windbreaker, pointed to the ceiling and said to his colleagues.