There were four soldiers in the armored car escorting Daphne, two in the back compartment and two in the front driver's seat. They didn't look back and drove with their lips closed.

"If you have the ability, kill me. Otherwise, you will regret it. I'll kill your family, your family

Daphne, whose mouth has been bruised, now looks like an old witch, but her beautiful legs are more delicate and attractive under the dim light.

When she said this for the fifth time, the armored car stopped, and the short officer opened the small window, looked out, closed it, and nodded to his companion.

Daphne suddenly felt something wrong. Looking at the front cab from the bulletproof glass, she saw that the two soldiers in front of her opened the door and jumped out of the car. Soon a soldier got on the car. After restarting, she looked back.

The soldier's face was covered with oil paint. He couldn't see what he looked like, but his eyes were cold when facing Daphne's eyes.

The armored vehicle transporting the special criminals stopped halfway, which was abnormal in itself. What's more abnormal is that only one of the two people who went down dared to look at Daphne with this kind of eyes.

The feeling that something was wrong became more and more intense. Daphne turned her head fiercely, looked at the tall officer fiercely, and yelled: "who are you? What to do? Do you know who I am? "

The tall officer laughed and said, "yes, Daphne, Zorro's daughter, a disgusting lesbian, always teases the soldiers who guard you with her hair during her detention."

"Damn you --"

Daphne just scolded these three words. The short officer who once gave her a mouthful raised her hand and slapped her in the face. She slapped Venus in front of her eyes and jumped up again.

When she woke up again, she found that her handcuffs had been opened.

As soon as she was free, Daphne reached for the black officer's shoulder and raised her right knee to give him a big knee.

Without waiting for her hand to touch the Spurs, ye Xiaodao grabbed her wrist and twisted it in reverse. Daphne uttered a shrill scream in a crackle.

Taking off her right arm, ye Xiaodao took out a coin from his pocket and put it in front of the Spurs

The Spurs shook their head and said, "you're my brother-in-law. You should let me -- "

Ye Xiaodao rudely interrupted him: "Guni is paralyzed. At the moment, there is no brother-in-law, only the opposite!"

The Spurs bit their teeth hard and said nervously, "the opposite!"

Before his words were heard, the coin jumped from ye Xiaodao's hand, flipped the flowers skillfully in mid air and fell down. The Spurs stretched out their hand, slapped it in the palm of their hand, slowly opened it, then turned their white eyed head and hit the car body.

It's positive. In case of brother-in-law's mischief when he tosses a coin, the Spurs catch the coin first, but he still loses.

"Hey, I know you prayed in your heart just now, but your God seems not at home."

Ye Xiaodao smiles and stands up to take off his clothes.

Daphne looked at them in a daze. She couldn't figure out what game they were playing.

It wasn't until the Spurs grabbed her hair, forced her to kneel on a chair, lifted her black robe and exposed her full moon to the light that she realized what was going to happen.

She's going to be raped.

When a pure lesbian encounters this kind of thing, she feels the same as if she was forced to be a virgin, or even more resistant. She immediately screams and scolds, struggling.

Spurs are not polite, a punch on her temple, let her turn white eyes of the coma in the past.

Ye Xiaodao always disdains a comatose woman. He thinks that it's no different from using his left hand, especially boring. So he knows what kind of spurs his brother-in-law is. The strength he uses when he knocks Daphne out with one blow is quite measured.

As soon as ye Xiaodao drove straight in, Daphne woke up from her coma. Without waiting to respond, she was pressed on the seat by the Spurs, and let the man standing behind her hit her fiercely.

As soon as he looked up, Li Nanfang could see what ye Xiaodao was doing in the rearview mirror.

But he won't care. Since ye Xiaodao is doing this, it proves that women really lack grass, and it's not enough to calm people's anger——

Ignoring Ye Xiaodao's arrogant middle finger, Li Nanfang lights a cigarette and stares at the armored car in front of him, searching for the shortcomings of this operation again.

Suya's contacts in Europe and the United States are amazing. After Li Nanfang said her plan, she immediately contacted major general obaka, who is in charge of Daphne. Ten million dollars, plus the cost of four American green cards, is enough to make the retired major general take risks.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to escort Daphne to puppet Island, Li Nanfang hopes to find Yue Zitong smoothly.

The army that blocked casya Lake in Mexico has been withdrawn, and the members of blue flag guerrillas have taken over the defense line. This is very helpless for the officials, but it provides Li Nanfang with the conditions for killing.

According to the plan, after going to the island, Li Nanfang will go to Yue Zitong, ye Xiaodao and the Spurs alone, and be responsible for rescuing the other 16 Chinese hostages. Only by successfully rescuing them can we prove whether Yue Zitong is a hero or whether he really wants to follow Zorro.

Erlengzi is responsible for breaking up for them. I believe that in the complex terrain, the three warriors, who are similar to those from the age of cold weapons, will make the blue flag soldiers who are worried about hurting their companions realize what is really killing God.

As for the other hostages, Li Nanfang didn't think much about it. If he could follow, he would leave. If he couldn't follow, he was just Li Nanfang, not the real Savior.

As long as we can rush into the forest in the south of kasya, the rescue mission will be more than half completed.

Deep in the forest, Suya sent his receptionists, who believed that the former U.S. Marines could use their fierce firepower to block the blue flag soldiers who came later.

It's going to kill people. It's going to kill a lot of people. That's for sure.

Li Nanfang still doesn't care. As long as his people don't die, there's no need to pay attention to the life and death of others.

He and ye Xiaodao have studied the whole plan over and over again. Any possible accident has been taken into account, except Helan Fusu, who has not yet appeared, is likely to be an accident affecting the plan.

It's out of control. It makes him uncomfortable.

Helan Fusu will definitely do it. What Li Nanfang can think of and Suya can do, he can also think of and arrange people to do it.

I hope he doesn't give me back.

When Li Nanfang lit another cigarette, it was already two o'clock in the morning, and less than 20 kilometers away, he arrived at puppet island.

The car sped past a guard post and then drove forward. There were no more civilian vehicles coming. This section of the road has been closed by the government, and only armored vehicles carrying other blue flag backbone drove forward.

You can also hear someone singing loudly, which is the celebration of the blue flag backbone who is about to be free.

Daphne, too, is celebrating. If the shrieks that two men can't help making under the incessant grass are also celebrating.

His brother-in-law and brother-in-law played with a woman together, which made Li Nanfang feel very disrespectful. However, when he thought of the cowardly woman, he felt that other people were many times more civilized than him.

Within four hours, ye Xiaodao, who had already fired three shots, knocked on the window: "Lao Li, do you want to have a shot? This woman has been thoroughly developed by Dao ye, and has formed inertia. She takes the initiative to ask for it without forcing her."

"I'm not in the habit of drinking water."

Li Nanfang said with a smile, "I'm a little worried. Can you straighten up?"

Ye Xiaodao boasted: "grass, this is a hair. If I fight another 300 rounds, I will still be able to get the general's head in ten thousand troops, just like searching for something."

"Well, take Zorro with permission."

"Just because he appreciates your aunt?"

"Your aunt, too."

"All right."

Ye Xiaodao laughed, turned to pick Daphne's hair, forced her to raise her head, took out a blue pill from her pocket, threw it into her singing mouth, closed her chin for her, forced her to swallow it, raised her foot, threw the trembling spurs lying on her back, and kicked out: "get ready, it's time to stand."

The blue pill is a highly purified amnesia medicine sent by Su yaqi'er. In three hours, the person taking the pill will forget what happened just now.

After the car stopped, the drug began to attack. Daphne, who had been dressed, completely forgot how much she had suffered from sexual assault in the past few hours. She still held her chin high like a proud queen, and despised the two expressionless officers.

Seeing her arrogance, Li Nanfang suddenly felt that she was actually very sad. How could she have such a father?

At a quarter past two, more than 20 military armored vehicles and dozens of fully armed soldiers will accompany Lieutenant Colonel Cafu to escort 15 blue flag cadres on a barge to puppet island to exchange hostages with Zorro.

In addition to these 15 blue flag backbones, there are also several large boxes, which are hundreds of millions of US dollars in cash.

Zorro only believes in cash and refuses to transfer money.

"Ha, ha ha, I'm back!"

As soon as Daphne got out of the car, she began to laugh wildly. Her voice was very hoarse. I think she would wonder, how could she be hoarse, and how could she feel the pain below?

Her arrogant laughter attracted everyone's eyes.

A little later, the other 14 blue flag cadres all laughed wildly, but their soldiers were silent.

There are more and more people laughing wildly. From the lakeside, there are also dark red tongues of fire on the island. The clear sound of gunfire seems to be setting off firecrackers for a long time.

This is the blue flag guerrillas. They are welcoming the young lady and others back.

"A bunch of goons."

Ye Xiaodao disdains to curl his mouth and finds Li Nanfang turning to the West.

Following his eyes, ye Xiaodao saw a tall soldier, not like a bear, but tall and handsome.

Li Nanfang lowered his head in time and said in a soft voice, "that man may be Helan Fusu. When you do it later, be careful not to hurt him by mistake. "

At this time, ye Xiaodao, who was also looking out at the puppet Island, asked faintly, "now taking advantage of the chaos to kill him, isn't it a good chance to solve the trouble in the future?"

"No, we're brothers now."

After listening to Li NanFang's words, ye Xiaodao nodded slightly and said softly, "here we are."

Laughter, the gunfire stopped, a charge boat row roared toward the shore, splashing high waves.

Commander Cafu, who was in charge of the hostage exchange, came up quickly.