V2.Chapter 431

After a storm, Bai Yunfei goes to sleep contentedly, while Li Yuzhen simply puts on her clothes and gently touches Bai Yunfei's resolute face. Her eyes are full of tenderness, but after a moment, she has been replaced by hatred.

Tenderness and hatred, two completely different and opposite expressions, appear one after another. They seem contradictory, but they are real.

Li Yuzhen's hand appeared a cold shining dagger. Her eyes were full of murders. When she lifted the dagger, she was about to stab it. Then the dagger stopped halfway down. Looking at his resolute face, what flashed in her mind was that she had been in danger several times. Every time, Bai Yunfei was like a magic soldier who came down to save her from fire and water.

"Why can't I do it?" Tears flowed, Li Yuzhen holding the dagger hand slowly put down, one side is blood feud, one side is kindness, let her difficult choice.

After a long time, Li Yuzhen raised the dagger again, but she hesitated again. How could she forget when she spent several months together day and night.

"Brother, Yuzhen is useless. I can't take revenge for you. I'll go with you now." Li Yuzhen's eyes flashed a decisive color, and then reversed the dagger to stab his chest.

At this time, Bai Yunfei, who should have been sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes and grasped Li Yuzhen's wrist.


Li Yuzhen was first surprised, then struggled hard, "let me go!"

"Tell me why first?" Bai Yunfei sat up from the bed and took the dagger off.

"Why do you..."

"Why didn't I get drunk, did I?"

Li Yuzhen did not speak, but the doubts in her eyes had already explained everything.

Bai Yunfei said with a smile: "intoxicating fragrance is really powerful, especially with great stamina, but it's a little bit too bad to make me drunk. Of course, it's hard to say if you're willing to wait a little longer. "

"Kill me if you want, or let me go!" Li Yuzhen said coldly. She couldn't tell whether it was hatred or anger or other strange eyes.

"How could I kill you? I just want to know what happened? Do I have a grudge against you? "

Bai Yunfei asked his doubts. As early as when he saved Li Yuzhen, Li Yuzhen showed her murder after he gave her name. Although Li Yuzhen gave the reason that she was from tianqifeng at that time, he just doubted and didn't completely believe it.

Until today, Li Yuzhen suddenly asked him for a drink, and also took a pot of intoxicating incense. Although he had never drunk this kind of wine before, a few cups of this kind of wine can make the practitioners drunk. It must be expensive, and it is absolutely not optional.

Li Yuzhen said that she bought it downstairs. Before eating downstairs, she wanted good wine and good food. If the restaurant had this kind of wine, why didn't she take it out?

The only answer is that Li Yuzhen is lying.

Bai Yunfei didn't know why Li Yuzhen lied, so he made up his mind, including Li Yuzhen's temptation. He was not stubborn. How could he refuse Li Yuzhen's temptation.

What he didn't expect was that Li Yuzhen wanted to kill him. He just didn't know why she didn't kill him. Instead, she wanted to commit suicide. She murmured to herself before, as if she had killed her elder brother, but he couldn't think of such a thing.

"You killed my big brother!" It has been said that Li Yuzhen is not hiding.

"Who is your elder brother? When did I kill him? " Bai Yunfei asked.

"My elder brother's name is Li Yujie." Li Yuzhen burst into tears. Her parents died when she was very young, and she and her brother depended on each other. When she grew up, she joined fengleizong one after another. She thought she had a good time, but she suddenly heard the bad news. Her brother died and was killed by Bai Yunfei.

At that time, Li Yuzhen secretly vowed that he would kill Bai Yunfei and avenge his elder brother, no matter how much he paid.

At the beginning, she was very moved that Bai Yunfei saved her, but when she learned Bai Yunfei's name, she was determined to take revenge. However, she knew that she wanted to take revenge with her own strength, and I'm afraid she would have no hope in her life. So she chose forbearance and lurked around Bai Yunfei. On the one hand, she could repay Bai Yunfei for saving her life, and on the other hand, she could wait for revenge.

However, fate makes people feel worse than nature. She is in danger again and again. Every time, she needs Baiyun to come to rescue her. Instead of repaying her kindness, she owes more and more. However, she will not shake her faith in revenge, so she has the present situation.

Promise to repay each other's kindness, and then kill Bai Yunfei to get revenge. The front is very smooth. She can't get revenge at the critical moment.

Although she didn't want to admit it, it was obvious that she had fallen in love with the man who made her love and hate. She hated that she was useless and could not avenge her brother, so she had to choose to end herself.

"Li Yujie, I don't know this man. Are you mistaken?"

Bai Yunfei thought for a long time, but he didn't remember when he killed this man."It was Sun Shaoqi who told me. He asked my elder brother to catch a woman named Yin Aoxue, but he never came back." Li Yuzhen cried.

"Yin Aoxue." Bai Yunfei suddenly thought that there was a masked man who wanted to catch Yin Aoxue. He just met him and killed him. It turned out that the man was Li Yuzhen's brother.

"You admit it." Li Yuzhen bit her lips and tears kept falling. How she hoped that she had made a mistake. Even if Bai Yunfei cheated her that she didn't, she couldn't escape the cruel reality.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know it was your brother. " Bai Yunfei felt a little sorry in his heart, but his apology was against his heart, because he would do it ten times if he was given ten more opportunities.

Although Yin Aoxue betrayed him, he didn't want anyone to hurt her. What's more, Yin Aoxue was in danger because of him.

"You don't have to apologize. From your point of view, you didn't do anything wrong. What's wrong is that nature makes people Li Yuzhen said with a self mocking smile: "from now on, we will sever our friendship as if we have never seen each other. Next time we see each other, we will be enemies."

Words fall, Li Yuzhen resolutely turned away, leaving only a few tears fell on the ground smashed.

The fragrance is still there, but the beauty is gone.

With a long sigh, Bai Yunfei comes to the table and sits down to pour a glass of water. He doesn't ask to stay. Li Yuzhen's hatred for him is deep-rooted. If she stays, she will only touch her scar all the time. Although she can't forget her hatred, time can heal all the pain, but this time has no deadline.


In the open space thirty miles away from the Imperial City, there are groups of people talking in low voice. They often point to the two women in the middle, especially the male compatriots. They don't want to leave the two women for a moment. Although they try to be calm, they can't hide their desire in their eyes.

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