Feng Qingcang snorted coldly: "although you have Zixiao in your hand, it's not necessarily my opponent.

You want to kill me, or it's impossible? "“ Ha ha, try it

Huajinnian then stabs fengqingcang with a sword. Fengqingcang dodges. Huajinnian glances at him with a squint, and then hits him with a palm. Fengqingcang was directly hit, his whole person directly hit the wall, and then fell to the ground. Feng Ning Mei and Feng Ning Yi are shocked to see this. What's the magic power of Hua Jinnian.

How can you improve so much? They want to help, but they can't move at all. Wind Qing Cang spit out a mouthful of blood, painting Jinnian this palm only out of three parts, but his five zang organs are as uncomfortable as displacement. Feng Qingcang was shocked. How could this painting Jinnian be so powerful? The wind from the nether world.

Cong Shuang, Yun ran and Ming Jue see feng Cong Shuang, the gate guard who has been settled.

A wave of the hand relieved them of immobility. They knelt down and said, "Miss, that Hua Jinnian broke in and couldn't be stopped."“ Let's go The wind is freezing.

Frost said to pull Yun ran flew into the nether world, she worried about what would happen if she went later, Ming Jue looked at them, each time they forget themselves, can only reluctantly keep up. Hua Jinnian hit the wind again.

Qingcang wind Qingcang has no power to fight back. He falls to the ground feebly and has no strength any more. Unexpectedly, he died in fengsha gate“ Why do you want to kill me? " Wind Qing Cang asked difficultly.

Jinnian goes to fengqingcang. He looks at fengqingcang and smiles: "because fengcongshuang is a spirit girl, she should not have you around." Smell speech, wind Qing Cang, wind Ning eyebrow and wind Ning Yi greatly surprised spirit.

The female is the mother of the living beings, she is the common master of the world. But the spirit girl has dissipated between heaven and earth, how can it become the wind frost? Feng congshuang looks at Yan.

With a sad color in her eyes, it turned out that Hua Jinnian had saved her, but only revived Yan Qing. Feng ningshuang's hand appeared Qing Jue sword. She pointed it at Yan Qing: "Yan Qing, you forced me to death.

Now, do you want to force me to death again? " Yan Qing's eyes flashed the color of panic: "I won't force you now. One day, you will leave Yunran and come to me. Throughout the world, I am the only one worthy of you. " Swallow.

Then he turned into a purple light and disappeared. Feng congshuang went to support the wind and support Cang. Her eyes were worried: "Dad, what's the matter with you?" The wind Qing Cang vomited a mouthful of blood, and the wind congealing frost wiped the corners of his mouth with his hand.

Don't scare me, Dad. You'll be fine, won't you“ Cong Shuang, I already know that you are the spirit girl. Maybe that's the will of heaven. "“ Dad, what are you talking about? "“ Frost, I can't live long.

I will tell you something before I die. You must listen carefully. " Feng congshuang nodded: "Dad, you say, I will listen." Ten thousand years ago, God.

After the demon war, the fairyland united with the underworld and sealed the demon world. At that time, mankind was under the care of the extinct God and had some power. Mortals could also practice. In order to control the human world, the fairyland created snow in the human world.

At that time, there were two leaders in Xueyu, the old man Zuotang and the old ancestor. The task of the snow area is to find the mortals with spiritual roots to enter the snow area and cultivate into immortals, but all of them are concealed. The immortal world does this just for the sake of the world.

Control the mortal, do not let the mortal escape from their own control. Both Zuotang and Laozu are leaders, but their conflicts are intensifying.

Old Tang and the immortals in the fairyland look down on mortals. They seem to protect mortals, but they don't care about mortal life at all. But Laozu was different. He valued mortals and thought that fairyland should not control mortals.

Every man has his own number. Conflicts have been accumulating for thousands of years. The fuse that made Laozu determined to break with Xueyu is that Laozu learned that the death of Jianning was caused by old man Zuotang. Old man Zuo Tang can do it for you.

Cheng Xian killed his new born son and his wife cruelly. Such a person can make him become an immortal. Maybe the whole fairyland is in a mess, right? Laozu no longer believed in fairyland.

He created fengsha gate just to protect mortals. In order to get rid of the fairyland, Laozu aroused the fury of the fairyland. Zuotang was ordered to stay with Laozu.

In the first World War of pingliaoyuan, both sides were defeated, which sealed pingliaoyuan. Originally, fairyland could.

Hand destroyed the wind Sha door, but the fairyland did not hand. Originally, there were two leaders in Xueyu just to restrain each other, but now the old ancestor re created fengsha.

It's not bad for the wind and the snow to restrain each other, so fairyland didn't do it. Instead, it was determined to maintain such a delicate situation. Under the intentional exaggeration of fairyland, fengshamen became a cult among the people.

Xueyu is the representative of the decent. Thousands of years have passed, and the two factions have always been incompatible. But people only believe what they hear. It's up to them.

In my eyes, fengshamen is a cult, while Xueyu is a decent one“ Child, if you are really a spirit girl, you must put the heart that the ancestor did not complete.

I'm willing to finish. What Laozu most wants to see is that the human world can be like a human world, with interference from other realms. " The wind Qing Cang grasped the hand of the wind Cong frost, "at this time, the wish of the wind Sha door for thousands of years, you can do it, right?" The wind is freezing.

Nodded, her voice has choked: "Dad, I will fulfill your wish.". No matter who I am, you are my father. In this life, the warmth I feel from my family and friends is beyond my ability as a spirit girl in the last life.

I feel it. " Feng Qingcang smiles happily: "child, I am the luckiest in my life.

What I want to do is to hold you back on that snowy night. I have such a person as you in my life. I have no regrets in my life and death. Also, my two children asked you, they can help you, this is my useless father to you.

The last request... "Feng Qingcang said that he was holding the hand of Feng congshuang, and then he dropped down powerlessly. He looked at Feng congshuang for the last time, and he was completely satisfied.

I closed my eyes. In a daze, he heard Feng Ning Mei, Feng Ning Yi and Feng Ning Shuang shouting "Dad". He was satisfied in his life“ Daddy Fengning frost holds fengqingcang, Fengning eyebrow and Fengning Yi kneel beside fengqingcang, Fengning frost looks at mingjue: "can't you save my father?

”Ming Jue looked at Yun ran in embarrassment, and Yun ran said: "Ning Shuang, as a spirit girl, you know better than me. At the beginning, God gave a part of the human spirit root, but.

It's their souls that can't go back after they die. " Feng Ning Mei and Feng Ning Yi hold the corpse of Feng Qingcang, they still can't believe it, before Mingming.

They are still discussing something with fengqingcang, but now fengqingcang is dead. The tears of Feng Ning Mei and Feng Ning Yi can't be restrained at all. Their mother died early, and now even their father has left them. Yunran squats down and holds the breathless wind congealing frost in her arms.

Frost knew you would be so sad, I should not have put you outside the door of fengsha. It's all my fault. " Feng congshuang shook his head: "it's not strange.

You are Yan Qing. Yan Qing has already covered the quilt with Fengning frost. He looks at the tears on Fengning Frost's face, and his heart aches. Feng Qingcang is dead, and Feng congshuang faints in tears. He just holds Feng congshuang back. Mingjue knocked on the door: "Yunran, come out, let's discuss.

Yan Qing's business. " Yunran carefully tucked in the quilt for Fengning frost, and then went out.

Outside, Nangong Aotian, mingjue, yishui'er, baichi, Jianning and the four Dharma protectors are waiting for him. Yunran goes straight to the point: "the demon master Yanqing has been resurrected. I'm afraid he's finished all the demons in the demon world this time.

I brought it out, and now I'm just getting ready to go. "“ Can we seal him again? " Nangong Aotian asked. Ming Jue shook his head: "although I was not born in the war between gods and demons, I knew that time.

Waiting for you to seal Yan Qing is because he was also hopeless at that time, so he gave you the opportunity. I'm afraid we don't have a seal now.

I can't help him Shuilianyi suddenly said, "I'm thinking, if I were huajinnian, what would I do after I became the demon master Yanqing?"“ What would you do? " Nangong Aotian asked. Water ripple reminds a way: "you don't forget, Yan Qing.".

It's also Hua Jinnian. If we think from Yan Qing's point of view, it's wrong. Yan Qing's return this time will change, but he did not launch a war as he did a thousand years ago. Instead, he went back to the snow area, which shows that he is a hero.

It's the way of painting Jinnian to solve the problem. " Qiu Yue touched his chin and said, "if it's really like what Shui Lianyi said, then I'm Hua Jinnian. I'm sure I'll take back the disciples who originally belonged to the snow area, Wen Zhi.

Ancient sleep is cold and warm. Hua Jinnian will definitely make use of the snow area. He won't let the demon world come out directly. This time Yan Qingxue is smart. " Yi shui'er thought of it.

What: "the last time I heard Shen Xu say that he received the news of Wenzhi and Gu mianleng, saying that they are about to get married, it should be in these two days."“ No matter.

Shuilianyi is right or wrong. We all have to go to Nanyue. You stay at fengsha gate. I'll go with mingjue this time. " Yunran did it quickly.

I decided, "congshuang's mood may not be stable these two days. You should take care of her more." Bai Chi comes forward and holds Yun Ran's sleeve.

He began to ask Yunran: "this time, we can definitely stop Yan Qing, right?" Yunran knows that Bai Chi is thinking of Bai Yan again. Yunran squats down and looks at Bai Chi: "Xiao Chi, I don't know if we can stop Yan Qing, but I don't know.

We will do our best. " Bai Chi nodded: "Xiao Chi understands." At this moment, Nanyue middle school is a scene of joy. Princess Wenzhi and her husband-in-law.

Today, people are waiting on the streets to see Gu mianleng's marriage. When the princess got married, she took a stroll in the car and scattered flowers all the way. Wenzhi sat in the car, her head covered with a red cap, but she could still feel it.

Until the people have been staring at her. Emperor Wen, Wen Yao Xuan and Gu mianleng are standing at the gate of the palace waiting for the arrival of Wen Zhi. Gu mianleng is dressed in bright colors today.

My wedding dress makes me look energetic. Emperor Wen also changed his decadent God.

Color today is Wenzhi married, of course, he is very happy. Wen Yao Xuan stands beside Wen di. He is happy at the moment, only Wen Zhi is left.

My sister's gone. When the car turned up, petals were sprinkled on the palace gate, and the petals were all over the sky. The car stops, Wen Zhi gets out of the car with the help of the maid. Wen Zhi stands at the end of the red carpet, while Gu mianleng stands at the end.

That end. Wen Zhiyin has a smile on his face under the hood. Gu mianleng's face is also happy. He even feels that he is dreaming now“ Mianleng, go over quickly Wen Yao Xuan urged the way, Gu Mian cold step forward.

Step to Wenzhi go past, Wenzhi also go to ancient sleep cold. With the shortening of the distance, the smile on their faces deepened. Emperor Wen is also a laughing emperor.

Yan Kai, as a father, is no happier than to see his daughter marry the one she loves. After Wenzhi gets married, she will live in the princess mansion outside the palace, but this does not prevent their father and daughter from meeting each other. Wen Yao Xuan.

My heart is also happy. No happy event has happened in Nanyue country for a long time. Today, all the people of Nanyue state gather at the gate of the palace. They are also witnessing the wedding. Wenzhi and Gu mianleng are about to walk to each other.

Before, Yan Qing suddenly fell from the sky between Gu Mian Leng and Wen Zhi. Gu Mian Leng didn't expect that Hua Jinnian would appear. His happy face was replaced by surprise: "Jinnian, how can you be here?" Wenzhi takes it by herself.

She also looked at Yanqing in shock: "Jinnian, you are not already, already..." the word "dead" behind Wenzhi didn't say, but Yanqing was completely shocked.

Understand her meaning, but Yan Qing just said with a smile: "today is my younger martial sister and teacher.

How can I not congratulate my brother on his marriage? "“ Jinnian, Wenzhi and I have been out of the snow. As an old friend, I welcome you to visit Wenzhi and me.

Wedding, but if you are on behalf of snow, then please leave Gu mianleng said. Wen yaoxuan had seen Hua Jinnian before. He went up to him and said, "I know that you have a good relationship with Wen Zhi and mianleng before. You can enter.

I'll have a cup of wedding wine, but if you stand here like this again, I'm afraid you'll miss the auspicious time. " But Yan Qing said with a smile, "naturally, I came here to take away the two disciples of Xueyu. I remember that the rule of Xueyu is that the disciples must marry.

It must be approved by Xueyu. The leader is also very optimistic about Wenzhi and Gu mianleng's marriage, so this marriage must be held in the snow Gu mianleng's face was angry: "Hua Jinnian, I will speak to you kindly when you are a friend, but your words are too much. I'm with you.

There is a revenge for killing the family in Xueyu. You even let me go back to Xueyu. What are you doing here today? " Wenzhi also said: "huajinnian, you'd better go. I'll live with Xueyu all my life.

It's the snow before. I'll give you one last chance. Would you like to go with me? " Yan Qing looked at them and asked for the last time. Yan Qing's.

This sentence also let everyone know that he came here today is to smash the scene, not to congratulate“ Hua Jinnian, although my mana is not as good as you, I won't let you bully me like this. " The sword appeared in Gu mianleng's hand. Wen Zhi held it in her backhand, and her hand also showed it.

A sword: "although I don't know how you came back from pingliaoyuan alive, I'm very happy that you can come back, but you've gone too far."

Everyone was surprised by the appearance of personal swords. After all, it was a wedding. No one would have thought that it would be like this. It seems that today.

God, this wedding is not going to go well. Gu mianleng and Wen Zhi attack Yan Qing at the same time, but Yan Qing's hands are open, and his palms are purple.

The light of one hand controls a sword. Gu mianleng and Wen Zhi find that they can't move any more, and the purple Qi follows the body of the sword around them.

Arms, gradually into a rope tied them. Wen Zhi and Gu Mian Leng's swords fall on the ground, and they are also tied up by Yan Qing. Wenzhihe.

Gu mianleng had never seen such a strange trick before. Emperor Wen and Wen yaoxuan saw it.

The two of them are tied up and will be taken to rescue them immediately. Wen Zhi looks at Wen Di and Wen Yao Xuan and shouts, "don't come here. You can't beat him." Wen Zhi's words just finished, Yan Qing grasped one with one hand.

The man's shoulder took the two of them into the air and wanted to take them away.

Yunran rushes over at this critical moment. He unfolds his fan and strokes Yan Qing's face. Yan Qing didn't expect Yun ran to appear at this time, so he let go of Wen Zhi and Gu mianleng.

I dodged. Wenzhi and Gu mianleng are tied up all over, and there is no way to fly down. Yunran wants to save them, but Yanqing has recovered and directly entangles Yunran“ Wen Zhi, Mian Leng Wen yaoxuan yelled.

Emperor Wen's heart was tight, but they could only watch two people fall from the air. Ming Jue arrived at this time. He caught one with one hand and took them to the ground safely. Wen yaoxuan comes up to untie Wen Zhi and Gu mianleng. Gu mianleng thanks Ming Jue: "thank you for your palms.

Save Yan Qing a palm to open Yun ran, Yun ran fell to the ground, he looked at Yan Qing standing on the palace wall, asked: "Yan Qing, don't you give up?"“ Ha ha ha

"Yun ran, I didn't expect that you could completely refine the breath in your body and remove the blood stains on your face. Although your mana has increased rapidly, it's not my opponent. Unless the spirit girl wakes up completely, no one in the world is my opponent. "

Don't be too arrogant Yunran frowned slightly“ Yunran, today I don't want to hurt you because I'm looking at fengcongshuang's face. One day I will kill you myself. You are not worthy to be with fengcongshuang. " Yan Qing said and flew away. Gu mianleng and Wen Zhi came forward and asked, "Yunran, what did you call huajinnian just now?"“ Huajinnian is a demon named Yanqing. Last time he fell into the abyss, he didn't expect to go down to pingliaoyuan.

The face can lead directly to the underground. The old demon must have been eyeing, so Hua Jinnian brought it back to the secret, and then directly revived Yan Qing. Now?

The year of Jin is the year of Yan Qing. " Yunran answered without any concealment“ Just now Yan Qing said that only the spirit girl can defeat him, even you.

Is there no way to defeat Yan Qing? And who is the spirit girl? " In Gu mianleng's heart, Yunran's magic power has reached its peak. Can't Yunran even deal with Yan Qing? Yunran shook his head: "here it is.

In the world, the only person who can suppress Yan Qing is lingnu. Lingnu is the mother of all living beings and the co master of heaven and earth. She is the source of all forces. Therefore, only lingnu has the ability to defeat Yan Qing. Yanqing is a demon in ancient times.

The devil is derived first, so it has the most powerful power. Later, in order to suppress the demon world, there were the divine world, the fairyland, the underworld and the human world. Because of this, I can't suppress Yan Qing by myself. "“ Spirit girl.

Where is it? " Wen Zhi asked expectantly. Yunran replied: "the spirit girl died in the war between gods and demons. I managed to revive the spirit girl. She is congshuang. But Cong Shuang hasn't come to her senses yet.

The Dharma fully uses the power of the spirit girl. "“ In other words, frost is our only hope now? " Wen Zhi asked. Yunran nodded: "I see this.

I'm afraid you can't get married today. " Wenzhi looked at Wendi and wenyaoxuan: "father, emperor, brother, now the demon master Yanqing is resurrected, mianleng and I must help congshuang. I'm sorry, if I have life to come back, I will never leave you and the emperor again.

It's my brother In Emperor Wen's eyes, he was worried and reluctant to give up, but he was very pleased: "Wenzhi, no matter what you do, your father is proud of you."“ Wenzhi, my father and I will always be here waiting for you to come back. " Wen Yao Xuan.

Hold the Emperor Wen, although he and the Emperor Wen know that Wen Zhi may lose her life, but now the devil wakes up, for the sake of the world, Wen Zhi will die.

I have to go. Wenzhi and Gu mianleng kneel down to Emperor Wen. They kowtow three times and then fly away without hesitation. Yunran and mingjue also fly away.

All the people knelt on the ground. They all understood the current situation. They had to pray for the princess in their hearts. Wen yaoxuan supports Wen who wants to faint.

Father, I'm really proud to have this sister. "“ Yes, I am very proud to have such a daughter. " The wet meaning in Emperor Wen's eyes was very obvious. Finally, he was red eyed and helped back to the palace by Wen yaoxuan. At the gate of fairyland, Yanqing comes up step by step with Zixiao in his hand. When Weiyuan sees Yanqing, he recognizes that this man is the disciple of Xueyu. Weiyuan.

"What are you doing here? Is this where you should be?" he said Yan Qing gave a cold smile: "isn't it the place I should come to? Ha ha, I just want to go in! " Yan tilted to general Weiyuan.

With a sword, Yi Yan suddenly saw Yan Qing back. She was afraid and angry: "Hua Jinnian, what did you do?" Yan leaned over.

Looking at the angry Zuo Tang on the chair, he dropped his eyes and meditated: "I think about it, I'd better hurry up."“ What do you mean“ I wanted you to have more.

I've been skipping for a few days. Now I think it's better to hurry up. "“ What do you want to do? "“ By the way, I haven't told you my real name yet, have I? I'm not Hua Jinnian, I'm Yan Qing. " Looking at Yan Qing's smiling face, Zuo Tang is a little stunned, he is still.

Some of them can't believe it. Yan Qing, is that Yan Qing? No, it's impossible: "you are clearly painting Jinnian. Don't think you can cheat me."

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. I've already met Xianjun. He knows that I'm very happy when I wake up. What do you think I should do in this situation? " Yan Qing stares at Zuo Tang and asks.

Very casual, but Zuotang seems to see a poisonous snake, slowly climbing towards him, waiting to bite him!