Chapter 1855

Take care of

"keep your mouth clean."

"ah! It hurts. You don't let me go YueKai president yells

the Secretary can't help but call security

soon, several security guards came up and surrounded Hua xueruo and YueKai president

"see, my people have already come up, and they still don't let go." The president of YueKai is very proud

therefore, if Hua Xue didn't pay attention to these people

but she seems to have forgotten one thing, that is, a hero doesn't mess with local leaders, otherwise, no matter how capable you are, you will still be a prisoner

however, the other party didn't get any benefits, and was beaten black and blue

what she didn't expect was that the person who came to redeem her was Huangfu junche

after that, I heard him speak to himself

"let's go!"

"Oh!" Tone, with a trace of grievance

after receiving the response, Huangfu junche went out first, giving people a feeling of being angry

"thank you!"

"sorry! I didn't mean it, but I don't regret it. " If Hua Xue has her own little temper

"I can handle you." Huangfu junche finished and went on to his car

"I will be responsible for the losses caused by the company." This was said before he got on the bus

"my salary and share bonus will be cancelled until the loss is made up." This is her greatest sincerity

you know, after a year, her share bonus is still a lot of money

"Oh! Is it? I'd like to ask, "what do you use during this time?" Huangfu junche laughed teasingly

although it's not a lot, it can last for several years as long as it's not extravagant

"deposit? By the way, I almost forgot that you are the daughter of the flower family. " Huangfu junche's words make people not know whether they are sarcasm or flattery

but if Hua Xue knows, this is not a compliment

so he gently raised his chin and said, "that's the gold of the flower family. It's not just decoration."

"get in the car." Huangfu junche didn't want to talk to her too much, because he was not confident enough to argue with a lawyer

"I can take a taxi myself." Know he is now, do not wait to see himself, so flower snow if very self-knowledge

"in the same way, I don't want to say it a second time." Huangfu junche was very serious about this

"I said I'll pay for the loss, but you don't have to satirize me." If huaxue is taken advantage of by others, it has already been wronged

after being ridiculed by him, she felt even worse

"is this a problem of loss?" Huangfu junche questioned her

"otherwise? What's the problem? " Hua xueruo retorts and goes back

instead, he went straight over, opened the door and jammed people in

"shut up." Huangfu junche glared at her, then started the car and left

"I'd rather not shut up. Who are you! I'll listen to you. "The more he let her do, the more she had to fight him.

Yes, as far as YueKai's president is concerned, she would have tolerated it at that time.

But in the face of such a coyote, she did not know why she had to endure?

What's more, she is still a law learner, so she will never encourage such an unhealthy trend.

Huangfu junche looked at her for a long time, and then angrily said, "I'm your boss."

"What about the boss? Can the boss give orders? " Flower snow if since these days, hold the gas, all vent out.

"Flower consultant, are you messing with me?" Huangfu junche frowned at her.

"No, you're the one who's making trouble. You're the one who's making trouble." Flower snow if say, once again red eye socket.

This kind of mood, is really too bad, terrible.

Huangfu junche was robbed by her. For a moment and a half, he really didn't know how to respond to her, so he was dumbfounded.

"I know that you rich people are all scum of the same type, always bullying us ordinary people." Flower snow if see him silent, say that is more happy.

"I don't know who just said that he spent a lot of money. It's just now that he has become a common people again." Huangfu junche shook his head. As expected, what a woman said! Listen to me. Don't take it too seriously.

"It's up to you, asshole." If Hua Xue said that, she suddenly cried.

As for why she cried, she did not know. She only knew that the more she said, the more she felt aggrieved.

Seeing this, Huangfu junche was in a panic. After all, it was the first time he saw her cry.

"Don't cry, flower consultant! I'm kidding you. "

The tone was very flustered. I raised my hand and wanted to do something, but in the end, I went back to the steering wheel.

"Have you ever played with people like that? The person who dares to be eaten tofu is not your sister. That's why you think I'm hypocritical and I don't appreciate it. " If huaxue shouts, who cares?

Anyway, it's about venting all the grievances of the past two months.

"I didn't mean that." Huangfu junche frowned because she misunderstood herself.

You know, he didn't even know why he just said that kind of strange words.

On the way to the police station, he was so flustered that he couldn't do it.

Visible to her, but inexplicably angry, also don't know is angry with her, or in the gas themselves, anyway, so began.