Chapter 1614

"Let's divorce!" Giolo looked at him. In the beginning, they were not married because of love. Now, it seems that they are not qualified to stay here

"you look at me every day, don't you think diaphragma should be flustered?" Giolo wanted to know this question. Since he hated her so much, why didn't he let her go

is this his real way of revenge? Let yourself fall in love with him, and then give a hard blow

if so, I have to say that his move is really insidious

"that's my business, it's none of your business." Han zi released her, because he really can't look her in the eyes, it will make him feel the heart is broken

"I want to go back to Jinyue garden tonight." Only there can I feel a little comfort in my heart

"no, you can't go anywhere." Han zi refused her directly

maybe he's afraid! I'm afraid she'll do something dangerous

"it's yours. I won't come in again today."

with that, he turned and walked out, and the door was closed

Why do you want to play such a joke with her in life? It's hard to feel the love from her parents, but it gives her such a painful blow

after saying that she would not be disturbed, han zi did not show up again

just in her dream, she has been chased and strangled by others

"go up and ask Lolo to come down for dinner!" At dinner, Han's mother looked at her son and said

"no, she just wants to be alone." Han zi all sinks a voice way, a pair of very resolute appearance

"the problem is that she gave up Zimo for her friends." Perhaps, han zi is the most difficult, that is it

"no one can predict which one will come first. If Lolo can foresee all this, she will not do that." Han's mother is not only persuading her son, but also herself

as a mother, if she has no waves in her heart and no blame for Jolo, she is too kind

but every individual will have seven emotions and six desires, love, hate and hatred

it's just that she can see through the event better than Han Zidu

perhaps this is due to the fact that there is no obsession, and Han Zidu, he has placed too many things in Qiao Luo

although he has always resisted the occurrence of this event, he can't escape the situation after all

therefore, he is not so much resentful of Jolo as angry with himself

"it can only be said that he is not blessed." Han's mother was also sad. That summer vacation, he should not be allowed to visit s City alone

"no, it's my fault. He said he was going abroad, but I couldn't spare time to accompany him, so he came to s city." If you don't come here, then everything will not happen

therefore, he is transferring his self blame to giolo

now, she is so cruel

"now is not the time to blame who is right and who is wrong. It has already happened if it doesn't happen. You need to continue your life with Lolo, so you don't have to worry about it any more. I believe she is no easier than us, unless you want to dissolve this marriage, but I'll say it first. Apart from this, Lolo is a good girl, so how to do it, It's up to you. " Han's mother is a past person. As a mother, she knows that her son's hatred for Qiao Luo is not only because of his so-called hatred, but also because of his love

because a person's words and expressions can deceive people, but subconscious eyes will never

"there is no divorce in our family. You must remember that." Han's father was beside him, and he made a serious remark

it can be concluded that what Han Zidu said to Qiao Luo before was not a lie. Their Han family did not accept the words of divorce.Han zi didn't speak, just sat there, looking at the hibiscus outside the glass.

"Forget it, I'll go up and have a look!" Han's mother knew that he needed time to think, so she wiped her hands and went upstairs.

First there was a knock on the door, but there was no sound inside.

After waiting for the meeting, Han's mother came out loud.

"Lolo, I'm in."

Then he pushed the door and went in.

It was very dark inside, heavy curtains covered the windows, and there was no light on.

Jolo felt like she was in a quagmire. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get away from it.

I'm tired, but she can't give up, because she's still guilty.

"Lolo, are you asleep?" Han's mother turned on the light and went to the big bed.

Soon, he exclaimed, "Lolo, Lolo, what's the matter with you?"

I saw Joro, wet, lying on the bed, face red, feeling sick.

Someone was calling herself, but her eyelids were so heavy that she couldn't lift them up, so her lips moved, but she couldn't send out a single character.

"Zidu, Zidu, come on up, Lolo is sick." Han's mother went to the stairs and yelled down.

Hasty footsteps, from downstairs fast, soon, han zi will appear in the room.

"How could she be like this." Han Zidu said while dialing the phone.

"It's probably caused by repeated fever. I'll change her clean clothes first, and then send her to the hospital." Han's mother went to the cloakroom and went to find clothes for Qiao Luo.

Han zi has turned on his mobile phone and is hands-free. He has already climbed into bed and removed Qiao Luo's wet clothes. Then he pulled the quilt and wrapped her tightly.

"I said, why do you all like to find me when I'm off duty? Can't you come a little earlier and catch up before I'm off duty?" There came a voice of displeasure.