Chapter 1590

"Well, I want to ask you something." Joro said cautiously

"what's the matter?" Leng binglian was a little flustered when she heard that she was so solemn

"over the years, have you ever heard of my amnesia?" Qiao Luo can't figure out why han zi says he owes his life

Leng binglian exclaimed, "why do you have such an idea?"

"because..." can you say? He said that Han Zi married himself just for revenge

but before she made up her mind, Leng binglian said something

"before I knew you, I was not sure, but after you knew me, you never had anything that could make you lose your memory."

"no?" Jolo was a little disappointed. He thought he could find a clue

"Well! No, this place in the entertainment circle is not big enough. There's something wrong with it. How can it be put off? " Leng binglian doesn't know why she has this idea, but she has been paying attention to her, so amnesia is absolutely impossible

"that's OK. Let's do it first! Let me know when you have news. " In fact, even with Leng binglian's reply, Qiao Luo is still at a loss

I always feel that my memory is missing. Otherwise, I can't connect Han Zidu's accusations

"OK, don't be too upset, OK?" Leng binglian asks again

"Well! Goodbye Giolo hung up and pulled the quilt, leaving the whole person in the dark

I feel that only darkness can match her now

so, he walked in two steps at the same time

"Joro, this is..." big hand, lifted the quilt, when he saw her panic tears face, he swallowed the rest

"leave me alone." Joro stretched out his hand and let the quilt cover him again. He didn't want to face her at this time

"what happened?" Han zi sat on the bed, trying to ease her mood

so let the big tears fall down and wet the sheets

"speak." Han zi frowned, so silent, let him feel flustered

since there is no love, why force yourself to show love


my mind has been empty for a while, and I don't know what to say

"yes, I'm a murderer, and I'm a sinner to you, Han Zidu. In this case, why do you want to marry me, and why do you pretend to be so devoted to me? Or, you are a hypocritical and mean guy." Want to scold for, all scolded out, anyway, things have been like this, do not need to give each other face

"you are indeed a sinner, giolo. No matter how hysterical you are, you can't cover up the blood in your hands." Han zi said this word by word, gnashing his teeth like a devil. At least that's what Qiao Luo thought

because she has never seen a man be so cold when he is angry

"so, do I have to pay for my life? Come on! If you need me, you can take it at any time. " Qiao Luo laughs, but it's sad

with that, he threw her away and strode out

a moment later, Jolo heard the car leaving the villa

and her heart, also fell into a desolation, there is no hope to speak of

atonement? She didn't know what she was guilty of! Where is atonement

but since he said so, it should be regarded as having

this night, han zi didn't come back, while Qiao Luo, after exhausted, went to sleep

in a hurry, Han's father is playing Tai Chi in the garden while Han's mother is busy in the kitchen

"good morning, mom!" Jolo rubbed his hands a little sheepishly and hung his head down

"Lolo! I'm up. How are you doing? Are you all right? " When Han's mother saw her, she showed a kind smile."It's OK, but it's more painful." You know, when she went downstairs, she was holding the railing and moving down step by step

"you are just working so hard, what a job! I can make a good child like this. " Han's mother mumbled a few words, finished with a bowl, filled with medicinal porridge, "here, this is the breakfast for you."

"Er! Is that how it's made up? " Jolo tugged at the corners of his mouth with a look of embarrassment

I feel like I'm going to be a mouse. I drink strange things all day

"this can relieve the pain. I got up early to cook it for you." Han's mother put the porridge on the table. She just looked up and was surprised, "what's the matter with your eyes?"

"Oh! I drank too much water before I went to bed last night, so I looked a little edematous. Isn't it ugly? " Said Joro, pulling his eyelids

"it's not ugly. It just scares me. I'll look back and get you some diet to remove edema." Han's mother immediately fell in love with her daughter-in-law. She had nothing to say to her daughter-in-law

"Er!" Jolo regretted, so the smile was stiff and could not be withdrawn

"that's why your skin is so delicate and elastic?" Qiao Luo was envious of her mother-in-law's skin. When she was her age, if she could keep it like this, it would be a gift from God. She would never be diligent in health preservation

"Alas! Laoluo, by the way, Zidu, last night, what's the matter? When I heard him go out, I never came back Han's mother frowned and said, this point is very undesirable. Looking back, she had to say something about him

"it's true that work is more important than family. This child just can't carry it clearly, just like his father." Qiao's mother said angrily, as if every mother, in training her son, Dad would be innocently pulled into the abuse Bureau

so keep smiling