Chapter 1469

"What's the matter with that car in the back." Even if Ouyang Mo'er is pregnant, the sensitivity is OK

"it is preliminarily determined that it is related to miss Zhan." Ray's lips, aroused the evil smile

I just want to know what kind of situation it will be if the other party is facing the boss head-on

"not bad! The man who robbed me came to me Ouyang Mo'er glanced at Huangfu Shaoqing. Why are you so handsome! She's in trouble

"so boss, it's up to you." Ray was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, in exchange for God's big white eye

did you forget that the boss was pregnant? She was encouraged to use force

and their cars went out of the city to the strawberry greenhouses in the suburbs

"what are you talking about?" Huangfu Shaoqing gave her a sidelong glance

"are you in such a hurry to push me out?" Listen to the tone, how innocent

she is pregnant now, otherwise she would have thrown her partner out of ten roads by now

"that Miss Zhan, her behavior, is very confused." Huangfu Shaoqing reminded her to be prepared

"no problem, my behavior is more confused." Ouyang Mo'er has a cold smile at the corner of her mouth. Isn't it a woman? She is not afraid of the big devil who kills people without blinking an eye. She can't be afraid of her

"Qian Qian, you are not allowed to get off later, OK?" Huangfu Shaoqing had experienced Miss Zhan's foul language without bottom line, so he didn't want his son's pure heart to be violated

"good daddy." Ouyang haoqian cleverly agreed, but Didi's eyes were telling others that it was just a way to ease

"one more car." Ouyang Mo'er's smile at the bottom of her eyes is more and more evil. "It seems that the woman is in this car."

"how do you judge?" Huangfu Shaoqing looked at both sides of the road, which were full of thick trees

it can play a good role in hiding or other things

"because no one will fight a battle that is uncertain." Ouyang Mo'er reaches out her hand and touches her stomach. She says something in silence from the bottom of her heart

the roads in the suburbs are not as numerous as those in the urban areas, but there are also many vehicles coming and going

so, at a fork in the road, Ouyang Mo'er suddenly let her change direction

"turn left."

"why?" Huangfu Shaoqing questioned, but he jerked off the steering wheel and drove to the left lane

"because there are relatively few vehicles on this road." Even if there is a conflict, it will not affect the innocent

"no, let's see! If they don't take the initiative to attack, we don't need to use violence. " God rejected his proposal and didn't want to make it big

"is Miss Zhan short of men?" Ray doesn't understand. Isn't it enough for her to make so many men in the world? I put my mind on my uncle

"it's not said, I think it is." Ray said and grabbed the handrail beside the car, because god suddenly came to a big drift, and forced the other party's car to stop

then, their rear end was heavily hit by another car

"shit, you're suicidal!" Ray's brain was dizzy. He thought that he would never partner with this guy again, or he would die

"otherwise, do you have a way to stop two cars at once?" God stretched out his hand and pinched his neck. Damn it, it seemed that he was sprained

but he couldn't let go of such a wonderful opportunity just now, so he played such a game without considering many

when the other party pushes the door to get off, they are all foreigners."Hey! See, one seems to hold us both up. " Tired elbow, hit God.

"Don't build up other people's ambition and destroy your prestige. It's just a little rougher than us." God said that he had opened the door and was facing each other.

Seeing this, Lei quickly pushed the door and got off.

Just think of Miss Zhan looking at them, that naked eyes, then a burst of want to vomit.

"Hi! We meet again As soon as she saw them, she said hello warmly.

"We don't want to see you." God frowned, for her eyes that had been projected, a burst of disgust.

Thinking, how can no man take her away? Let her come out and harm the innocent everywhere.

"Yes? It seems that I don't want to see you very much. After all, I'm more interested in that man. What's his name, Huangfu Shaoqing Miss Zhan seems to have done a lot of work in the past two days. She even knows about it.

"Since you know, you should understand that he is not the one you can touch." God cold Su Jun face, no trace of temperature.

"But he, it seems, would like to be in my hands." Miss Zhan reached out and gently stroked her lips in a very frivolous manner.

Leiyiba patted God on the shoulder, "no, no, I want to strangle her."

"Bear it." God said seriously, but his brow, has been tightly wrinkled.

"It's tolerable. You think I'm a ninja turtle!" Ray's fist is slowly clenching.

But at this time, a light floating voice sounded.

"I thought who miss my husband? It's aunt Zhan Ouyang Mo'er came over step by step. Looking at it, he was full of momentum.

Unfortunately, her slightly raised stomach betrayed her confidence.

"I know you, Mrs. Huangfu, but you can't satisfy him now! So, you don't mind if I help you. " Say, eyes toward the stomach of the Mo son of the Ou Yang to glance.

Ouyang Mo'er smiles, just want to say something, but a faster voice, has already snatched in front of her.

"No, I do." Huangfu Shaoqing put his arms around Ouyang Mo'er's waist and looked down at her affectionately.

This wave of dog food, let God cry with thunder, it's best to make the opposite woman vomit blood.

"President Huangfu, haven't you heard of it? A man's body is more representative than his words. Therefore, every sense organ that says "no" is probably clamoring to go with me for a good night. " Miss Zhan's eyes swept wantonly over Huangfu Shaoqing's body. Not only that, but she also stretched out her tongue and rolled up her lips in a seductive way.