Chapter 1439

Originally, the media that bothered her asked questions. Without her opening her mouth, there would be a special person to give answers. She didn't have to worry at all

it's just that I'm puzzled that I haven't seen Bu Xuanfeng since he entered the arena, and I don't know where he has gone

didn't he say he would always be with her

I don't know what's going on, but I feel lost

in the past, didn't she worry that he would be present with her

but why is it that I have such an idea in my heart now

for this, she really can't understand herself

do you really care so much about him

"Miss Leng, look at me and smile." Maybe it was because she lost the smile on her face, and the media immediately reminded her

but she has always been cool, so even so, it didn't make her smile soothing, just a little bit of a pear vortex

but even so, it is rare and precious for the media

"Miss Leng, are all the teams you are bringing with you today equipped by universal international?"

"Miss Leng, what do you think of the comments on the Internet about you being hidden?"

"Miss Leng, would you please tell me whether you and Su Chenhao are speculators or real lovers?"

there are all kinds of questions that come at her

however, even in this way, her heart is still affected

so, I look around anxiously and feel like I'm looking for something

"Miss Leng, welcome to yie brand promotion." The host hastened to open, fearing that the problem would become more and more tricky

"Hello everyone! I'm Leng binglian from global international. Please take care of me in the future. " Leng binglian slightly bent down and bowed to the people present

below came a chorus of fans, all shouting for her support

"goddess, it's time for you to fall in love." The crowd, who do not know, cried out such a sentence

Leng binglian's face turned red in an instant. She felt that her little secret had been revealed, and she was very uneasy

"when your goddess falls in love, you will have one more rival. Do you really want to?" The host in order to activate the atmosphere, jokingly came such a sentence

"goddess happiness is our happiness, of course we would like to." It's lovely for fans to shout for help

"thank you Leng binglian bows again for the fans who love her

"when the goddess looks for him, she must polish her eyes and stay away from the scum man." Fans feel that they are more worried about meeting the scum man than herself

"yes, stay away from the scum man." The voice of fans, especially loud, is about to bomb the sky above the venue

Leng binglian is even more embarrassed

can she say that she is already in love

of course not, so it's rare to bring up a smile, which is very sweet

"fans, please be quiet. Your goddess is shy. Now, let me talk to her about the theme of today's press conference. Let's see." Supporters hurry to save the situation. If it goes on like this, it will become a special fan meeting instead of a brand promotion activity

however, the fans didn't listen to her at all. In desperation, Leng binglian put her index finger to her lips and made a silent gesture to everyone

this time, all the voices stopped. Sure enough, fans still listen to idols

therefore, an artist's three outlooks must be correct in order to better lead his fans

"it seems that everyone is very obedient." The host sighed, then asked some questions about the brand

Leng binglian has given answers one by one. After all, as a spokesperson, understanding the product itself is basic

"I don't know if Miss Leng usually uses an e product." The host's words, in order to promote the brand, but for artists, but made a taboo

but even so, Leng binglian nodded and responded, "of course, any product will only be recommended to you after you have used it."

smile is a very shallow one, and I feel that some of them are supporting me

"no wonder Miss Leng has such a good complexion. It turns out that's the same thing." The host nodded, but the fans didn't pay

"my goddess is born beautiful." A fan, yelling so loud

for this reason, both sides were embarrassed

because this is undoubtedly a brand face

Leng binglian frowned, and then replied, "under the premise of natural beauty, daily care is still needed."

"yes, there is a saying that only lazy women and no ugly women mean that." The host was relieved for his strength, but his professional ability was very poor.Just don't know the brand side, where to find the host.

"Yes, so skin care should start every day." Leng binglian agrees awkwardly, and has doubts about the host's coping ability, but on the surface, it is a kind of indifferent expression.

"Next, let's start with the prize question and answer." The host estimated that he also felt this present situation, hastened to carry out the next link.

This part is to let fans come on stage, interact with idols, and then draw prizes.

Therefore, on the one hand, we should pay special attention to security, so as not to mix with individual radicals.

"Goddess, can we take a picture with you first?" The fans who were selected made such a request to Leng binglian.

"Good!" Leng binglian happily agrees that she has never refused a similar group photo.

The staff of the organizer will make arrangements immediately.

In terms of security, it has also been improved.

After all, I'm a mixed fan of men and women. No one knows if there will be any danger.

Group photo, we all want to stand beside their idols, so it is inevitable that there will be some pushing and shoving.

But even so, Leng binglian also tolerated one by one, with no dissatisfaction.

Just, after taking photos, she was in a bit of a dilemma.

"Goddess, may I give you a hug?" This is from a man.

Leng binglian was stunned on the spot and didn't know how to respond. If she agreed, everyone would ask for this. She would not be happy. But if she refused, she was worried that the other party would be embarrassed, so she was in a dilemma.

Fortunately, the team members on one side spoke for her.

"I'm sorry, my friend. In order to continue the activity, please forgive our artists for not meeting your request." The refusal was decisive and sharp.

He is worthy of being an employee of Huangfu Shaoqing. When dealing with the situation, he is unambiguous.

"Can't you?" Male fans some lost, lowered his head, eyes deep, but reflected a touch of insidious light.

"Yes, please forgive me!" Team members have been talking with smiling faces, public relations is still very good.

Male fans nodded and went to one side, a very clever look.

This is just a small interaction. No one has paid much attention to it.

Until the end of the event, Leng binglian shook hands with her fans to say goodbye, the accident happened.

No one thought that the male fan, who had just been rejected, suddenly took out a dagger when it was his turn to shake hands with him and took Leng binglian hostage.

The whole scene, a burst of panic, security is more like facing the enemy.

"Don't come here, or I'll kill her." The dagger is against Leng binglian's throat. As long as he makes a little effort, blood will splash on the spot.

However, his words have not fallen, a shadow flashed, people are not in his hands.