Chapter 1275

Rain stretched out her hand and patted thousands of cocoa's hands, as if to tell her, don't be afraid.

"I'm in a hurry. I'll win with one move." Rain tone, more arrogant a little bit.

"A move? Well, let's see what we can do with you. " The other party felt that he was in a hurry to reincarnate, so he could not see the current situation clearly.

"Coco, you go and wait." Rain side said, side of the roll sleeve, this is more conducive to his power.

Thousand cocoa nodded, "OK, you pay attention."

Although she knew that the person in front of her was not his opponent, she could not stop worrying.

"Well!" Rain light should sound, and then looked at a thousand Jian Jian, "and you, also give me back."

A thousand Jian Jian listen to, quickly ran to thousand cocoa behind, and then quietly asked a sentence, "are you sure he can do it?"

Don't look back. You are beaten so hard that you can't recognize your parents.

"I believe him." Thousands of cocoa light raised his head, looking at the rain's eyes, burning.

"It seems that you are really obsessed with him. You don't have to look at the number of people on the other side to believe it." Qian Jian said, shaking her head. At the same time, her heart sank, because these people were obviously sent by her brother, which was a blow to her.

Thousand cocoa bit bit lip, feel that she said is not unreasonable, in did not make clear the strength of each other before, everything is not too good, too conceited.

So, looking at the rain's eyes, a touch of worry.

However, this touch of worry, with the action of rain and instant collapse.

No one knows how he did it. It took more than ten seconds. All the men who were standing there were lying on the ground and screaming.

"He is a man or a ghost." Thousand Jian Jian hand pulling thousand cocoa sleeve, hiding behind her, a face of panic looking at the rain.

"Whether it's a human or a ghost, he won't harm people for nothing." Thousand coco smile brightly, that is her man, a hand has already established the victory and defeat.

"You, who are you?" The other side endured the pain and looked at the condescending man.

"It's not good for you to know too much. Now, no matter you are climbing or rolling, leave me at once. Otherwise, it's not just broken hands and feet." Rain is not easy to threaten people, but once the sound, there will be some bad luck.

Words have fallen, no one will stay, so, all the swarms to roll out.

It's like there's a flood in the back.

Rain clapped his hands, as if these people, as what kind of bacteria, can't wait to touch.

"Remember, don't open the door any more." The rain turned her head and looked at them.

"Well! Absolutely not. " Thousands of Jian Jian Jian head, to point like pound garlic in general, experienced just a scene, she did not have the courage to commit again.

It is thousand cocoa, did not say any words, also did not look at him, just drooping his head, looking at the toes in a daze.

"Thousand cocoa, don't you hear me?" Rain specially called her name.

This woman has been ignoring herself all morning. Is she demonstrating with herself?

And thousand cocoa's response is to look at him, then turn around and walk inside the house.

She's not down yet? I'm not going to talk to him.

"Remember to take the medicine." Yu reluctantly tells her that there is really something wrong with her attitude today, but at the moment, he really has something to go out, so

"Take medicine? What medicine should I take? " Thousand Jian Jian a face of blankness, "is she ill?"

"Aren't you her sister? She didn't even know she had a fever. " The rain gave her a white look, but now she asked for help, so she had to soften her voice. "Take care of her. If there's an emergency, I'll come back to ask for you."

No, it sounds more like a threat?

"Ah! I thought she was fighting with you? It's illness After a thousand Jian Jian, he knew later and looked at him in surprise.

"I'll bring back lunch. You can have some snacks for breakfast." Rain said, looking at the time.

"What about my takeout?" Qian Jianjian is pathetic. Don't waste what you ordered.

The rain frowned at her, "do you think the takeout still exists?" With that, Leng raised his lips, then looked upstairs, and then got on the bus and left.

"Why doesn't it exist! Hello, huazhuyu. " Thousands of Jian Jian behind, yelled, but the car, has gone, the door, also slowly closed.

Thousand cocoa stood at the window, watching his car leave, mood, looking at some dignified.

"Ah! Qiankeke, you are really sick! Why don't you tell me when you're sick? " Qian Jian didn't even knock on the door, so he came in directly.

"What's the use of telling you, can you get sick for me?" Thousand cocoa drew back the vision, change to cast to her body.

"I can't get sick for you, but I can care about you! You don't always look like you're a thousand miles away. Although my brother did something I'm sorry for you, I didn't take part in it. " When Qian Jianjian said the last sentence, he felt guilty inexplicably.Because from the moment that she promised qianjunhe to come to find qiankeke, she took part in it. So, if we say she is an accomplice, we have not wronged her at all

"Qian Jian, things have already been like this. Don't you plan to go back?" Thousand cocoa is glaring at her, eyebrow light lock

"don't you like me following you? But I like to follow you. " Qian Jianjian now, really don't want to go back to face his big brother

QIAN coco sneered, "yes, I don't like it very much."

seeing her will remind her of the cruelty Qian JUNHE has done to herself

"but I can accompany you to relieve your boredom!" Thousand Jian Jian some injuries, think she is really too much, he has proved the low voice, also don't give yourself a good look

"what about the rain? How can you get used to it? " Qian Jianjian asked her angrily

it's ridiculous, the soft one. After that, his face sank, "he's my boyfriend. How about you? It's nothing. "

"what! I'm your sister. " Thousand Jian Jian jump foot, feel the other side this words, really is too much

"sister? Before that, when did you think I was your sister, so I can't afford such a sister. " Thousand cocoa also don't know is because of what, have been in drive thousand Jian Jian to leave

QIAN Jian's eyes were red, and then he roared, "OK, I'll go. Can't I go?"

after that, he stamped his foot and ran out

looking at her, I feel very sad

QIAN Keke sighs again and then calls Qian Junxi

"Hello! Sister, why did you take the initiative to call me today? " Over there, Qian Junxi's mood seems good

"no, I'm safe, but I want to leave." Thousand cocoa finished and sighed

for rain, she is a burden, so she won't pester him any more