Chapter 613

"Let me see." Yao bent down, big hands on her feet acupoints, gently pressing, and then looked up to ask, "do you feel like this?"

Ouyang Mo'er shook his head, "No."

Fear, because of his questioning, as well as their own perception, and more intense.

Unprecedented despair, instantly occupied her consciousness, eyes become flustered and uneasy.

Yao's eyebrows slightly frowned, and then he took out his acupuncture tools, "I'll give you a needle first."

"Well! Thank you Ouyang Mo'er had never met Yao, but he believed him inexplicably, just like Huangfu Shaoqing believed in them.

"It should be." Yao's hand spread, acupuncture tools will be instant platoon, action special natural and unrestrained.

"Can I help you?" Huangfu Shaoqing asked nervously.

"No Yao raised his head and laughed at him. Then he held the silver needle in his hand, touched the acupoint and pricked it gently. "Little lady, when you feel the pain, you must make a sound."

This words, is to look at the Ou Yang Mo son to say, the voice line appears particularly gentle, let a person listen to, can't help but follow to relax.

"Good." Ouyang Mo Er nods, Mou Guang nervously looks at his action.

But when the needle fell, she really didn't feel it at all. This cognition made her feel like death again, and the whole person became stiff.

"Young lady, don't be nervous. You should relax, so I can't find acupoints." Yao felt the stiffness of her body and could not help pacifying her.

On hearing this, Huangfu Shaoqing sat on the edge of the bed, put his hand around her head and buried her in his arms.

"It's OK. What about me? I will always be there Said, bowed her head in her hair top, lovingly kisses next.

Ouyang Mo'er didn't make a sound, but she held her hand tightly. She didn't resist the embrace of Huangfu Shaoqing, but she wanted to stay away. In a word, her mood was very complicated.

On the contrary, on a cold day, thin sweat oozed from his forehead. Maybe it was because he had to concentrate, so he was in a state of mental tension.

"Still no feeling?" Yao's heart was murmuring. There was only one acupoint left. If she didn't respond to this acupuncture, her legs would be useless.

"Well! No Ouyang Mo'er's eyes, straight red, think she, is a how strong girl, but, in the face of such things, will also become Liushenwuzhu, appear particularly vulnerable.

Yao took a deep breath, tightly pursed thin lips, frowned down the last needle.

Almost instinctively, Ouyang Mo'er's leg followed to move next, this discovery, let Yao slightly relaxed breath.

"It seems that this acupoint has suffered from stasis." Yao's corner of the mouth stirred up a smile of shallow ran.

"So, if it's dredged, there's no problem, right?" Huangfu Shaoqing can't wait to ask, and his question is also what Ouyang Mo'er wants to know, so, Mou Guang has been locking him.

"In theory, that's right. Now I'll try the other foot first." Yao raised his hand and pressed the thin sweat on his forehead with his sleeve.

"Good." Huangfu Shaoqing nodded and saw the hope. He was relieved that he could not accept the incomplete Mo'er. He was worried that she could not bear the pressure. After all, she was a magic emperor, who was not afraid of everything.

With the previous experiment, Yao directly went to the same acupoint, but surprisingly, this time, there was no corresponding effect.

Such a phenomenon, so that the presence of the three people, all at the same time under the consternation.

"I'll try again." Yao looked up at them.

"Well!" The person who responded to him was Ouyang Mo'er. After her success just now, she has more confidence in Yao.

Yao drew out the silver needle again, and tried to prick each acupoint. He moved gently and attentively, for fear that he might miss something.

"What happened." Qin Qingchen came in from the outside and saw Yao pricking a needle. He couldn't help asking.

"Mo'er's legs are unconscious." Huangfu Shaoqing took a look at him, and then put his attention on Yao Zha Zhen's hand again.

"What, it shouldn't be!" Qin Qingchen was obviously frightened. After that, he knocked his head hard. "Look at me, I made such a low-level mistake. I forgot to check her feet last night."

Say, then stretch out one's hand to touch another foot of the Mo son of the Ou Yang, then forced of pressure, "ache?"

Ouyang Mo'er shook his head, "it doesn't hurt, but when Yao just pricked the needle for me, there was a acupoint that felt it."

"It seems that it is caused by blood stasis and nerve compression." Qin Qingchen quickly gave the answer, worthy of being a famous doctor.

"That's right, so I'll give her acupuncture several times, and I think I can get through." Yao didn't stop in his hand when he spoke. He put down the silver needle in his hand.

"Ah Ouyang Mo'er called softly. It seemed that she felt pain.

"This foot seems to be in this position, but there are still two acupoints left. I have to continue to try, young lady. Are you ok?" Yao asks for Ouyang Mo'er's advice, and doesn't dare to make mistakes in private.Ouyang Mo'er nodded, "well, it's hard."

As long as you can make her stand up, it's not a problem for her.

Anyway, she is not unable to bear hardships. Although she is afraid of pain, she can bear it.

Yao didn't speak. He just went on with his work. On his pretty face, he showed a serious expression. Seeing his needling action, he was very elegant and charming. He felt a bit immortal. Maybe it was because he inherited the ancient culture! Therefore, there will be a breath of this aspect left behind.

When she pricked the first acupoint, Ouyang Mo'er didn't have the slightest reaction, but when she pricked the last acupoint, she called again.

It can be seen that her foot is much better than the other one.

"Well, I've got a general idea of the reason. Let's start the treatment." Yao then took out a bottle from his body and handed it to Huangfu Shaoqing. "Take it to the young lady. It's helpful to dissipate blood stasis."

Huangfu Shaoqing took it, opened the lid, poured out the pills and fed it to Ouyang Mo'er's mouth.

"No water?" Ouyang Mo'er raised her head from Huangfu Shaoqing's arms and looked at him pitifully.

"Young lady, you don't need to drink water. Just bite it and swallow it. Let the smell permeate in slowly." Yao answered for Huangfu Shaoqing, feeling that he was a special protector.

"All right!" Ouyang Mo'er frowned and endured the strange smell of the pill. She wanted to vomit several times, but she tried her best to keep it down, because she wanted to stand up too much. Only in this way could she stand beside Huangfu Shaoqing.

In other words, for him, what kind of pain, what kind of pain, she can bear, the only unbearable is to become his drag.