Chapter 352

"You can't understand the mind of the boss." God's feeble way feels that he has been in such a tune all night.

"Cut! I see you! Every time I guess, it's like the roundworm in her stomach. " Lei sniffed and thought that the goods were pretending to be deep.

God a cold eyes in the past, "can you describe a bit more disgusting?"

Who is to blame for my limited IQ! It's a good idea to use this to promote myself.

"I'm afraid you can't have breakfast tomorrow, so forget it." Ray took it when he saw the good, because in front of God, he had never won in the field of mutual acceptance.

So that is to say, he now has a lot of self-knowledge, will not be stupid to look for abuse.

God didn't answer him again. Seeing that Huangfu Shaoqing had driven away from the airport, he quickly followed him.

Fu bingdie, on the other hand, was very interested in Huangfu Shaoqing. All the way, she kept asking him some questions. She felt that she was very fond of her grandson-in-law.

Therefore, it caused Mu Shijie's displeasure. However, his anger was not directed at his wife, but at Huangfu Shaoqing. Therefore, along the way, he gazed at him with cold eyes, so that the other side always felt cool in the back of his head.

This was the first time that Huang Fu Shaoqing came to Mu's house, but because it was too late, he left in a hurry and didn't stay long.

"Can you explain why my grandfather just stared at me?" As soon as he left Mu's house, Huang Fu Shao Qing began to ask questions. It shows that his curiosity about it can no longer be maintained.

"Poof! Who let you charm too big, completely fascinated my grandmother, my grandfather! Is that jealous? " Ouyang Mo'er is very envious of their love, decades like a day of love, each other's eyes, can only fit each other.

Generally speaking, such a kind of love is selfish, but when it comes to them, they feel that it is so appropriate.

"They seem to be very happy." When Huangfu Shaoqing said this, he felt a little envious. He didn't know if he had touched his nerve.

"Of course, their love is the only one that people around them try to emulate. Unfortunately, there are not many people who can be as kind as them." Ouyang Mo'er sighs unceasingly, feels at the moment of her, some of the heart is mature.

Huangfu Shaoqing glanced at her without any trace, but didn't say anything. He just reached out and touched her hand.

A woman, looked at him in surprise, and then raised an intoxicating smile on her face.

"Huangfu, Shaoqing, do you think we'll be as old as they are?" Feeling, two people can hand in hand for a lifetime, that is a particularly happy thing, and life, will be complete.

"I don't know." Later, what kind of calamity he will encounter is still unknown to him, so the promises are too weak.

Ouyang Mo son lightly sighed a tone, "you still really are, even perfunctory I am reluctant."

"Do you want perfunctory happiness?" When Huangfu Shaoqing looked at her, didn't she want the other side's sincere heart?

Or, she is quite different, hoping that others will cheat her.

"Alas! You will lose me one day, really. " Although I don't expect his sweet words, I hope that he will be valued.

Huangfu Shaoqing's heart, slightly tight, and then said, "lost, I will continue to look for, until, to find you."

As far as falling in love is concerned, it's the first time for him. Therefore, he can't be satisfied with the romance she wants, but what he can guarantee is that as long as he has breath, he will hold her hand tightly and never give up.

Unfortunately, he never said these words to her.

Some people are like this. They love deeply. On the surface, they seem to be indifferent and alienated, but on the inside, they are different landscapes.

Huangfu and Shaoqing should be this kind of people. They always act in silence and never like to grind their lips.

"is that a local love word?" Ouyang Mo'er has a little satisfaction. Compared with the past, he has changed a lot, hasn't he? Therefore, we should not be too greedy in life, we must do enough.

"what is the local love words?" Huangfu Shaoqing's eyebrows were lightly locked. In her mouth, some new words that he couldn't understand always popped out.

Ouyang Mo'er stretched out her hand and touched his face, "you don't need to understand, as long as I am moved occasionally in the future."

This man's skin is really good!

Unlike myself, it's a little rough, and it's all because of work, so there's no way to do it.

In fact, Ouyang Mo'er's skin is really not bad, but compared with Huangfu Shaoqing's, it is in a disadvantage.

After all, the other party is a person who sits in the office every day. Unlike her, she is always running outside. In terms of the quality of life, it is not on the same level.If in the past, Huangfu Shaoqing would definitely clap her hand, but tonight, she didn't do anything, just let her eat her own tofu secretly

"Huangfu Shao Qing, do you apply the mask every night?" Otherwise, how can the skin be so good, just like milk, which really makes people hate. As a big man, why does he want such good skin

a man just glanced at me with a cold eye and then said, "every night, don't you stay by my side? What else do you need to ask about this? "

"Er! I don't stay with you sometimes Ouyang Mo'er was a little angry, then thought of something, and immediately asked, "that Er LAN, she seems to like you very much, have you never had any idea?"

this is what women think and say, especially in the third party

"do you want me to think about her?" Huangfu Shaoqing frowned and thought that she really cared about Er LAN, so he had to be more careful

Ouyang Mo'er, what should I do with you

this is a sigh from the heart of Huangfu Shaoqing

the deeper he goes, the more he finds that his future is not good. Whether he really has the ability to protect his family is his fea