Chapter 308

Huangfu Shaoqing heard this, instantly turned his eyes to Ouyang Mo'er, and then said seriously: "don't tell me, what he did is a miniature bomb."

"ha ha!" Ouyang Mo'er wants to say, you guessed very well, but the bomb made of drug ingredients is very low in danger, it can't do any harm to human body, it can only play a trick effect

I don't know why this little guy is in a hurry to do this. Doesn't he know that he is being exposed to his father's eyes

it's harmful to others and yourself

I've been implicated by him many times. I really don't want to admit that he is my own son. There's no good thing, but the bad thing is always related to me

"answer well." Huangfu Shaoqing must have been a teacher in his last life. That's why he likes to lecture people so much

"what about you, boy? Answer quickly Ouyang Mo son said to pull the son's clothes, let him take the initiative to admit his mistake, in this case, he can be excused

"I asked you to answer, but I didn't ask him to." Huangfu Shaoqing said, and his eyes glared. At first glance, he deliberately grabbed Ouyang Mo'er. It was really bad

"why? I didn't do it. How do I know how to answer it? " Ouyang Mo'er said pitifully that he was such a powerful person outside, but when he came to him, he had no confidence

"isn't his cultivation your reason?" Huangfu Shaoqing's cool way, dare feeling, he is tracing the source of the accident? And Ouyang Mo'er, as it should be, became the object of the blame

"I can say, didn't I teach him this bomb?" As long as Ouyang Mo'er is not in the task, she is very soft and cute, with the gentle style of the girl next door

but once faced with the enemy, the whole person will prick up and become cruel and cruel. People have two sides, and she, too. It's just that her two sides are very different from other people's. other people are secretly scheming, and she shows this aspect naked

"who is that?" Huangfu Shaoqing's sly smile

who is it

"don't tell me, it's one of the people who took me away." Huangfu Shaoqing, like a mind reader, would step by step to find out the answers

"what if it is?" Ouyang Mo'er looks straight at him and wants to know what he will do

"I will make him feel the same way." Huangfu Shaoqing's evil smile, which offended him, never retreated safely

Ouyang Mo'er's mouth twitches violently. Fortunately, it was not himself who captured him at the beginning, otherwise...

I can't help trembling when I think about it

at this time, the thunder somewhere felt a wind blowing from his neck, which made him feel it

then he turned his head and glared at God, "it's you, right? Blow air conditioning around my neck."

after that, I gave him a bad look. I really don't want to let people know that I know him. It's a shame

"yes! Then where does the air conditioning of my neck come from? " Ray's face is at a loss. He doesn't know that he has been betrayed by his boss

"how do I know? You must have done something bad!" God said light closed his eyes, feeling life more and more boring

"do you still need to say? Of course, my son-in-law is coming. " God must not have seen yesterday's lively scene, so, there is such a saying

"yes, but how do you look at those who come?" Ray once again said his own view, don't say, this time, he really didn't look away

"do you have any?" God said opened his eyes, in see Mu Jiyun that moment, scalp instant burst, finish quickly connected the contact device

in other words, she is not listening to Huangfu Shaoqing at all. It's too empty for her to travel directly. It's estimated that only she can deal with Huangfu Shaoqing openly

"Oh! It's OK not to answer. " Ouyang Mo son said to pull to move the lower lip, then dug to dig own ear, estimate is just, not little preach

"well, tell me why you made haoqian owe his father-in-law 600 million yuan." Huangfu and Shaoqing are just settling accounts after autumn!"What? Six hundred million. I don't know when that happened. " When it comes to money, Ouyang Mo'er jumps up in an instant, just like cutting her flesh. She feels that even Xin Jian'er is in pain.

"You asked me?" Huangfu Shaoqing's eyes narrowed dangerously, and her own son asked herself.

Ouyang Mo'er was his such a look, the moment turned, eyes straight away son, "Ouyang haoqian, you say, that six hundred million is how one thing." How long has she been away from home! He owed himself 600 million yuan in debt, which is another damage to his father's important treasure! I owe you 600 million. Do you really think that your money is from strong wind? Ouyang haoqian's body moves to Huangfu Shaoqing's side. She thinks that in front of money, it's safer for her father. After listening to it, Mommy will jump directly. You can see what kind of reaction she will have later.

"Do you think hiding is useful?" Ouyang Mo'er said that he was going to stretch out his hand to pull his son, but he didn't think about it. He rushed directly into the arms of Huangfu Shaoqing.

"Daddy, help me." Small hand, a circle around the other side's neck, abnormal force.

Huangfu Shaoqing frowned. He didn't expect that he would jump directly to himself. Therefore, when his neck was strangled, he had to stretch out his hand to break him off, and then he coughed a few times. Just, just a look up action, then found that his father-in-law, is a black face, eyes locked his back to his little wife, feeling, a storm is about to break out.