Chapter 4613

"Well, if you're hungry, eat first. I'll pay for it later."

"What's the name? I can't afford it myself..." Su Yu is angry.

Huo Mian was on the bus, almost laughing at his cell phone.

From this tone, Buddha can see Su Yu's three-dimensional expression.

"I'm still on the bus. You have ten minutes to wait for me."

"No problem. Don't worry. Be careful on the way."

Su Yu then played a small game with his mobile phone.

Su Yu likes the white Versace. Compared with many luxury brands, the price of this brand is acceptable.

Su Yu can wear anything.

It's just that he loves the design of this brand, the evil spirit style of the Snake Girl.

Today, he only wore a pair of light colored slacks with simple white sleeves.

In the middle, there is the sign of Snake Girl. This simple and leisure style is Su Yu's favorite.

In addition to usually wearing suits in the company, almost all of Su Yu's clothes are Versace.

At this time, two girls walked into the shop, about in their early twenties.

"After eating so much ramen, it's still the best way to eat it." One said.

"Yes, the canteen in our university is terrible It's not as good as our junior high school. It's good to be close. "

They walked in, sat down and ordered a bowl of noodles.

Su Yu is a famous brand with a high face value. All the mobile phones in his hand are the latest models on the market.

These vanity especially strong female students love most.

"Ah, look That's so handsome It's like a rich second generation. "

"Beauty is really my dish."

One of the girls with a plastic face smiled and then lifted her long hair.

Take a small step, come here.

With that kind of tone only found in Korean dramas, I said, "little brother, can we add wechat to each other?"

Su Yu's focus on playing mobile phones didn't even think it was talking to him.

After all, I'm old enough to be accosted by these little girls.

"Little brother Please take a look at me. "

The little girl tooted her mouth, then looked at Su Yu wrongfully.

Before Su Yu could speak, he heard a voice outside the door.

"Su Yu, what do you say?"

Su Yu just raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him, just blocking his sight, so he couldn't see Huo Mian.

Su Yu waved impatiently to the girl. "Please stand aside, I can't see my friend."

The girl's face changed a little. She had such a beautiful face, a good figure and a good face. She was almost refused to chat up.

Why this time

The girl flashed awkwardly to one side and looked back at the girl coming in.

Seeing Huo Mian's plain appearance, he was even more reluctant.

"Little brother, it's just a wechat. Do you want to be so mean?"

This time, the girl stamped her feet and tooted her mouth. She sold cute to the extreme.

Su Yu almost got upset

"You ask my wife. If she wants to agree to add it, I will."

Su Yu pointed to Huo Mian and said.

The little girl's face immediately changed. Unexpectedly, she was a husband and wife. It was a joke.

The teasing made a couple.

Huo Mian looks at the little girl with a smile, "or, would you like to add my wechat?"

"Well No, sister. "

With that, the little girl awkwardly pulled up her companion and left without even leaving money. She was extremely unkind.

When the boss's beef noodles came up, the two little girls had disappeared.

"What about people?" The boss wondered.

"Boss, give it to us. We'll have two as well."

"Thank you, Miss Huo You've been patronizing our store all these years. "

The boss obviously knew Hermione.

After the boss put down his face, he took a look at Su Yu.

"Is this your boyfriend?" The boss even gossiped.

Without waiting for Huo Mian to speak, Su Yu immediately corrected, "I'm not her boyfriend."

Hermione was relieved

"I'm her fiance." Su Yu added.
