Chapter 4277

Lin Ya smiled. "Not yet, baby."

"Why?" Lu Yan is also puzzled.

"Because there's another important person coming out..."

"Ah? And important people? "

Lu Yan didn't react for a moment.

At this time, when you hear footsteps, all of you turn around

I saw Professor Lu in a dark blue striped suit standing at the door.

Gray hair, with silver rimmed glasses, like a refined scholar.

"I depend on Dad... "

Lu Yan was shocked.

Huo Mian is also deeply moved

Her voice is smaller than that of Lu Yan, but Professor Lu can still hear her.

"Dad..." She said.

"Little smoke, little sleep Ya ya... You're all here Good. It's a scene I've dreamed of countless times in my life... "

At this moment, Professor Lu burst into tears.

His eyes were in tears.

He lowered his head and took off his glasses.

Lu Yan rushes past

He pinched his father's face with both hands. "Wow, it's my father It's true that the meat is loose and has not changed for many years. "

"Stinky girl, let go. It hurts."

"Hahaha Dad... I love you It's good to see you. "

Lu Yan also hasn't been reunited with his father for a long time, so it's very exciting to see him here.

Even jump up happily

"Little sleep..."

Professor Lu looks at his eldest daughter.


Huo Mian couldn't help but walk over a few steps and give dad a big hug.

"Mom, do you have a cell phone? At this moment, it should be recorded. It's too classic. The grand reunion of the century. I never dare to think that there will be such a day Am I not dreaming? "

Lu Yan kept pinching himself. He felt the pain and then let go. He looked silly.

Where or the devil's head, Lu Yan?

"Cell phones don't, because we need to block signals, but we have cameras..."

With that, linya turned around and shouted, "Messiah."


"Come in and bring your camera."


Messiah came in respectfully, holding a black SLR camera in his hand.

"Take a picture for us." Linya orders.


Then, Lin Ya walked slowly to Professor Lu.

Her head was resting on Professor Lu's shoulder.

At first glance, it's the kind of couple with good feelings.

And Lu Yan unwittingly holds Lin Ya's hand and is very close.

Hermione chose to stand on his father's side.

Two husband and wife, two daughters, and the one in Huo Mian's stomach.

In this way, a family photo of the century came out.

This SLR has the function of polaroid. When it's done, it will be clear immediately, and the picture quality is very good.

"Messiah, wash it out, three." Linya said.

"Mom, you're wrong. It's four of us." Lu Yan laughed.

"I don't need it, just the three of you."

"Why don't you?" Lu Yan wondered.

"Because of you It's enough in my heart. "

Lin Ya's hypocrisy is amazing.

Huo Mian, in order not to expose the stuffing and avoid Lu Yan's danger, just lowered his head to see Lin Ya's face and forbear to expose her lies.

"Mom, I love you It's very kind of you. "

Lu Yan was moved and gave Lin ya a big hug.


She felt a strange thing.

Lin Ya's body is very cold

"Mom Your hand It's cold and scary. " Lu Yan looks at Lin Ya with his head down strangely.