Chapter 2219

Chen Jie is a low-key person like Huo Mian, so she doesn't pay much attention to dress.

But since the love affair became public, in order not to delay Ni Yang, I'm afraid the paparazzi would take pictures.

So Chen Jie began to dress up for herself, becoming very intellectual, and dressed in a decent way.

"Pudding, pudding This is a gift we bought for you in Bali and Tahiti There are toys, there are beach skirts I hope you like it. "

Chen Jie presents a full gift.

"Thank you, aunt Xiaojie..."

The twins are especially good at acting up, accepting gifts and thanking them immediately.

"Sleeping sister Brother-in-law. " Chen Jie said hello with a smile.

"Come on in. The kitchen is still in preparation. Let's eat later and talk first."

Huo Mian takes Chen Jie's hand and sits on the sofa in the living room. He gossips with her and asks about this and that.

From Bali to Tahiti, and then to the South sanatorium.

Time passed for more than half an hour. Chen Jie could not sit still and looked at her watch.

"Little sleeping sister, Ni Yang, hasn't he come yet?"

"He didn't come with you? I thought you were one before the other? " Huo Mian was stunned.

"After we got off the plane, we went back to our respective homes and made an appointment to meet at your home at six o'clock, but now it's more than six o'clock He is not a late comer. " Chen Jie began to feel uneasy.

"Ah, it's estimated that this time is the rush hour of work. He should be in a traffic jam..." Explanation of Huo Mian.

Chen Jie nodded, "well, maybe."

In this way, in the past 20 minutes, there is still no trace of Ni Yang.

Chen Jie can't sit still. She sends a wechat to Ni Yang, but she hasn't heard back for a long time.

She made another call. It was through, but no one answered.

At this time, his cell phone rings


"What? You say it again...? "

"How is he now?"

Huo Mian panicked and hung up the phone. His face turned pale.

"What's the matter? Little sleeping sister Chen Jie has a vague sense of bad foreboding.

"Xiaojie, I tell you, don't get excited You need to be strong. "

"What's the matter? Sleeping sister...... " Chen Jie felt that her voice was shaking and her heart was beating faster.

"I just got a call from our Southern District. Ni Yanggang was on his way. There was a car accident in the Southern District. He was in the hospital for rescue..."

"What?" Chen Jie felt dizzy and almost fainted.

Fortunately, Huo Mian's hands are fast, and he helps her.

"Are you ok? Xiaojie... "

Chen Jie reluctantly supported herself and waved her hand. "Don't worry about me, little sleeping sister. Let's go to the hospital. Now."

"Husband, I'm in a panic. I dare not drive. Will you take us?" Huo Mian looked at Qin Chu pitifully.

"OK, let's go."

"Daddy, we are going to see Uncle Ni Yang..." The twins put down their gifts and ran over.

In this way, Qin Chu drove the black Bentley, took Chen Jie, Huo Mian, and twins directly to the south district.

Along the way, Chen Jie has been covering her face and crying

Huo Mian and Qin Chu are also dignified.

The twins sat on one side and comforted, "Auntie Jie, don't cry, my uncle will be OK."

"Little sleeping sister, I still can't believe it's true How could he...? "

"Xiaojie, be strong We don't know what's going on now. We're talking about it when we get to the hospital. " Huo Mian patted Chen Jie on the shoulder.

Qin and Chu drove very fast. In less than 20 minutes, they arrived at the south district.

A group of people rushed directly to the door of the emergency room.

"Dr. Cai, how is Ni Yang injured? Heavy or not? " Asked Hermione.

"Four minutes ago, the brain died..."

"What?" Chen Jie felt that for a moment, she fell into the ice cellar.

The twins cried and were very sad.

"Xiao Chen, as his fiancee, go to see him and tell him goodbye." Cai looked at Chen Jie and said cruelly.