Chapter 1034

The reason why Li Chongyang didn't have any doubt before is that Li Weichen was really injured before, but at this time he thought more and naturally understood that it was just a small injury, but Li Weichen had been raised for such a long time. There was only one possibility, that was Qiao Xinyao's intentional arrangement. And she did it because she knew it was dangerous to come to diachi island this time, so she left the people she loved in a safe place.

At this time, Li Chongyang was angry. He thought that Qiao Xinyao could be forced to hand over the "elixir" after catching those people, but now he knows that those people were chosen by Qiao Xinyao to be cannon fodder, so even if he really killed them, Qiao Xinyao would not blink an eye. At this time, his idea almost failed.

But Qiao Xinyao looks at Li Chongyang at this time such tyrannical appearance, in the heart is actually greatly relieved. Originally, she really took Li Weichen, but later she thought that once she took Li Weichen, she would really have some scruples. Li Weichen is not here. These four people have no intimate relationship with Qiao Xinyao. Qiao Xinyao can pretend that he doesn't care about them. He takes them just to confuse Li Chongyang. Li Chongyang will certainly think so, so naturally he won't put his energy on those four people, and they won't have any accidents.

But Li Weichen is not the same. Li Weichen is Li Chongyang's grandson, but his status in Li Chongyang's heart is not necessarily important. So when he threatens himself with Li Weichen, Qiao Xinyao can only compromise. Because she and Li Chongyang compare, impossible to Li Weichen ruthless next heart, of course other people also impossible.

Li Chongyang's uncertain eyes linger on Qiao Xinyao, and finally she laughs“ Ha ha ha, Qiao Xinyao, do you think I really believe you? You think you can muddle through in this way. I know you deliberately let me think so. In fact, you want to save these people. I didn't expect that you are a good man. "

Qiao Xinyao gave him a look at the idiot again. It seems that Li Chongyang's words are so stupid. The contempt in her eyes can be seen by everyone. But in the heart is surprised, did not expect Li Chongyang unexpectedly you so quickly figured out. However, she also guessed that Li Chongyang should be testing herself, so she would be fooled if she showed a little panic.

By Qiao Xinyao every junior despise, Li Chongyang even if the psychological quality is good also want to angry, not to mention this is not the first time she showed such a look. Li Chongyang has long forgotten the previous exploration. Whether those people are important to Qiao Xinyao is not the point. He looked at Qiao Xinyao crazily: "Qiao Xinyao, I told you more than once that I am not a gentleman, so of course I will not use the gentleman's way to you."

Hearing this, Qiao Xinyao was flustered and had a bad feeling in her heart. She seemed to overestimate Li Chongyang's moral integrity. He was a busy man with no lower limit. Sure enough, Li Chong Yang said with a smile: "even if they are really useless to you, I can kill them to entertain myself!"

Qiao Xinyao has to admit that he really underestimates Li Chongyang. He doesn't care about other people's lives at all. Even if it's just a little bit possible, he is willing to have a try. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether Qiao Xinyao really cares about those four people in the end, or whether they will really lose their lives because of his decision. All he cares about is himself!

For a time, Qiao Xinyao is in a dilemma. Li Chongyang is not a gentleman, so he won't tell you any promise. Those four people were brought by Qiao Xinyao, willing to live and die with her. But this kind of person is exactly what Li Chongyang hates most. Anyone who is good to Qiao Xinyao can be divided into his enemy ranks. Since they are enemies, it is impossible for them to survive.