Chapter 1012

At four o'clock in the morning, they were called up, and all the people assembled in one minute. Then dikal, the chief drillmaster, stepped out with the morning dew and the faint halo. As soon as he appeared, he showed a big smile to everyone. All the people who looked at him trembled fiercely. Some people would feel at ease when they were cold to you, but when they were smiling at you, you would feel that they didn't know the end of the world was coming, and that's the impression of Descartes in people's hearts.

Sure enough, after laughing, dicar gave orders to everyone seriously“ In view of your excellent performance yesterday, I am optimistic about all of you, so we must not waste these two months. All the next two hours and twenty kilometers of cross-country running, now on. "

It was the same route yesterday, so we had to be obedient. However, it was a little more than 20 kilometers in two hours. However, they were all proud special forces soldiers. Even if they complained that they couldn't do it, no one left behind. You know, now they stay here, and unless they leave after two months of training, they will die on this island.

Unfortunately, they met yesterday's tiger again today. At this time, the tiger was still with his family. There were seven tigers in total. Except for two half grown tigers, the other five were majestic. This time, even if the people showed their murderous spirit, they could not get rid of these tigers.

It seems to feel the human breath here, there are two cheetahs to join in the fun, for a time, we are really a little panic. If we want to say that they were not afraid of these beasts before, it's not a big deal. But before they came out this time, dicar made a special order not to hurt the animals here.

What dicar means is that all beings are equal. If you can't make those beasts yield, it's probably meaningless. You can just stay and eat for those beasts. How many wild animals have been harmed by human beings for so many years. Now let these proud human beings see the power of wild animals.

Of course, the purpose of dikal's arrangement is not that he has no love and wants to send food to the wild animals. He just wanted to train these special forces' close combat ability and let them know that their strength is the most useful, instead of pinning all their hopes on weapons. Otherwise, if they lose their weapons, they will be treated as a meal on the plate.

However, not everyone can understand dikal's good intentions. In addition to Qiao Xinyao and a few other people who can understand, other people want to strip dikal naked, wash and send them to these beasts to enjoy.

It's impossible to take advantage this time. There are so many brothers of wild animals to help. Yesterday's tiger vowed to get back yesterday's field, so there was no need to discuss at all. When people saw them coming, they jumped on them. It was really a surprise attack without even saying hello!

Different from the animals that are assimilated by human society and only know how to eat and die in urban parks, these animals are all masters of hunting, and their skills are absolutely not built. Directly with the tiger will be a relatively thin special forces on the ground, even the opportunity to reflect did not give the man, directly bite off the artery on his neck, blood instantly splashed out.

This scene is absolutely shocking. Before looking at their partners, they are still alive. But the next second, they become a bloody fountain. They can't die any more. The heart of these hot-blooded men is like a basin of cold water poured on the fire, which not only attacks their self-confidence, but also arouses their fighting spirit.