Chapter 942

After the funeral, it's natural to deal with the remaining problems. In recent days, foreign embassies have not put any pressure on the R government. Some sensitive people immediately discovered some of the details, and finally realized that someone was behind the development of this matter, and the purpose was probably to let inagawa society and Yamaguchi group exchange blood.

Now, the leaders of inagawa society and Yamaguchi group, riichiro and Yamaguchi, both died at the same time, and they shot each other to death by themselves. Each side has no position to let the other suffer. The new boss liangko Hirakawa and suzerain Kangping have to face the problem of getting the support of the government again.

In order to get the support and consent of the government, it's really not enough to see what kind of members there are. So in the name of inagawa society and Yamaguchi group leader, Ryoko Hirakawa and suzerain Kangping sent a salutation note to R Prime Minister matsutada, hoping to meet him for a talk.

As the leader of the R government, matsutada shiichi naturally knew about these two gangs. The inagawa society and the Yamaguchi group who knew about this matter were no longer the kind of antagonistic relationship between riichiro and Yamaguchi. At this time, they share a common enemy relationship, which is definitely not good news for the government.

Matsutada's first year in office, the R government has been very turbulent over the years. Few of them have been re elected for more than five years, and his previous ones have been out of office for one or two years. Men are ambitious, he hopes to do a few more years, but nothing can let him make achievements.

In the past, the people of yazaku didn't feel so disgusted with gangs. However, since the two bastards, Ichiro RI and Kazuo Yamaguchi, split yazaku, because they were always fighting with each other, the people's disgust became more and more intense. In dealing with this issue, previous prime ministers all hoped to raise one side and weaken the other.

Matsutada is also in accordance with this tradition, he supports the inagawa will. But riichiro is really a Dou who can't help him. Even though he has given so many benefits, he is still equal to the Yamaguchi group.

After a lot of consideration, I finally decided to meet them! The present inagawa Association and Yamaguchi group are not something that the government can handle at will. He wants to test what Liangzi Hirakawa and Kangping Zongzheng think and how long this peace can last. See if they really want a truce or are forced to make a temporary choice.

Hirakawa Liangzi and Zongzheng Kangping get an interview with matsutada and tell Qiao Xinyao about the date and practice. Because Prime Minister matsutada is very busy every day, he met with liangko Hirakawa and suzerain Kangping in the evening, and the meeting place is the prime minister's official residence.

In fact, it's easy to guess why they chose to meet at the prime minister's residence, because it's all his people there, and it's impossible for these two gangsters to do anything to him, otherwise they will explain it themselves first.

Matsutama shiichi is not an ordinary person who looks at things, that is to say, he looks at things on the surface. He is a person with strong political sensitivity and sense of touch. If he can do this, he can see something.

He saw a lot of doubts about the whole thing. Why only riichiro and Yamaguchi died, while Hirakawa Liangzi and Zongzheng Kangping were only slightly injured. These people, whom he believed inagawa society and Yamaguchi group also thought about, but still chose them to be the leaders, which is very questionable.

Another thing is that he is very curious about Hirakawa liangko. Hirakawa liangko married Yamaguchi as a Geisha, which is very popular with Yamaguchi. Therefore, he also participated in many events of the Yamaguchi group, and the people of the Yamaguchi group are also very optimistic about her. These are obvious to all, and they are not secrets.