Chapter 931

"Xue Bing, what's the matter? Did Liangzi tell you when those two people would be able to sit together? " Qiao Xinyao sat on the sofa in the living room of the presidential suite, took out a bottle of weak alkaline water and drank it slowly.

Xue Bing looked at Qiao Xinyao and said, "those two guys think they are the best in the world. How can they sit together and negotiate so soon? It's estimated that they will have to wait for some time. How can they have three or four days?"

Qiao Xinyao frowned. She didn't plan to fight for a long time this trip. She still has a lot to do! She wants to go to the golden triangle, because there is no keepsake. Now it's a mess. Even Li Chongyang is helpless. She wanted to go over and see if she could find anything. Baman might stay.

"Since the two of them are still so stubborn, give them a little pressure. Now the government is a little impatient, but it still depends on their strength, because they have not disturbed the normal public security." Qiao Xinyao said with a smile.

So Xue Bing did not understand anything, so he assured Qiao Xinyao with a smile“ Princess, just sit in front of the TV and watch! Good news will come soon. "

Less than an hour after Xue Bing went out, the TV showed that there was a fight between inagawa society and Yamaguchi group on the street, which injured a lot of foreign tourists. Of course, except for the personnel of the two organizations, no "outsider" died, but a lot of them were injured.

Just like the original Las Vegas bombing incident, which hurt foreigners, the nature of the incident immediately changed dramatically. Soon, embassies of various countries found the R government and asked them to give a reasonable explanation.

Qiao Xinyao looks at the changing news, and her smile is growing. Now inagawa and Yamaguchi should be in a mess! The government can tolerate their expansion and exclusion, but it can't tolerate their destruction of the national image and the hostility of so many countries.

You don't have to think and know that the above two forces will certainly come forward to suppress the two forces this time. Then it's impossible for these two people to defeat each other again. At least there won't be any action in a short period of time, and the peace talks that Qiao Xinyao wants will appear soon.

Before that, Qiao Xinyao had one more thing to do. The three brothers of the Japanese family had already died in the liumangxing lost forest for one day. Now there are two brothers, riichiro and Rihong. In addition to them, in fact, the Japanese family has an illegitimate son.

The illegitimate son is named Zong Zheng Kangping, the half brother of the three brothers. But because Zong Zheng's mother was a primary school teacher and died long ago, Zong Zheng was not treated as a young master although he was in the family.

However, in terms of talent, Zong Zheng could be the top three men in his family. Moreover, at the beginning, Mr. RI was also very optimistic about him. Unfortunately, those brothers forced him to death and got the inagawa club.

After Qiao Xinyao got on the phone with Zongzheng, Liangzi Hirakawa also called Qiao Xinyao, saying that the government had found Ichiro and Yamaguchi and asked them to settle the matter in the shortest time, otherwise the government would intervene.

Therefore, the two decided to meet tomorrow night, and negotiate in person. They must maximize their own interests, so that the enemy can get one less point.

After hearing this, Qiao Xinyao tells Zongzheng to take Rixiang honger to the designated nightclub tomorrow night. Like many men in r country, Rihong Er has no other hobbies, but likes beautiful women.