Chapter 907

Qiao Xinyao doesn't feel proud at this time. She can't make the people she loves happy. She even makes them lose their lives because of her own reasons. This kind of business is her own loss.

Thinking about this, she suddenly felt that she didn't know what she was pursuing in her life. For a moment, it seems that all the power of life has been lost. Just when she looked up at Li Chongyang, she saw the face that had been very deep in her memory, and she suddenly laughed.

When did the demons invade the territory in their hearts? Where did they go, who used to live freely and would not complain even if they were abandoned by the whole world?

Yes, she used to be alone. Later, she had a Li Yuanzhou beside her. Gradually, she was no longer alone, but fighting side by side with many people. So unconsciously put down all the precautions, and gradually become a need to be taken care of all the time.

Li Yuanzhou is the person who knows her best, so he did not forget to tell her not to be alone when he was dying. Because he knew that if she was alone, she would feel lonely, and the negative emotions in her heart would constantly jump out and affect her.

At this moment, I see the face of the person I love deeply. I look down to see that Li Qing's eyes are full of worries about herself even though she has faced death. She doesn't doubt that if Li Qing really dies, what she worries about most is herself.

After thinking about everything, Qiao Xinyao suddenly lowers her head and prints a kiss on Li Qing's forehead, then looks at him with her most beautiful smile“ Li Qing, they all say that I look good when I laugh, but if you die, I don't know if I can still laugh. "

The slender hand gently stroked his pale, bloodless face“ Even if it's for me, would you hold on for a while? They are bound to come. You have to believe me, even if there is only a little hope, don't give up, OK

Li Qing's eyes are moist. He thinks that he was too persistent before. It's not so important whether Qiao Xinyao loves him or not. As long as he knows that she cares about herself, he doesn't have any regrets even if she really dies soon.

It's easy to die, but it's hard to live. Now he knows he can't die. Although I don't know whether Meng Lige will come or not, he has to insist, even if he dies after Meng Lige comes, at least let Qiao Xinyao get some comfort in her heart.

At this time, he also feels that he owes something to Meng Lige. If he can understand what love is earlier, he won't really force Meng Lige's parents to die. They are really dispensable to him, but unfortunately there is no if in the world.

Although Meng Lige's father died in the hands of Li Yuanzhou, Li Qing also understood that Li Yuanzhou was trying to save his mother, but did not expect that the woman would be so determined, even followed him.

At that time, Li Qing was only angry when she knew about it, but now she thinks that maybe she will do the same thing. It turns out that love can really make a person change completely, and the things that he disdains to do will be done naturally.

Li Chongyang's sadness is just like this for a while. He soon found a good reason to comfort himself. So the anger of his son's death was all added to Qiao Xinyao. In his opinion, it was Qiao Xinyao and Li Qing who died. Qiao Xinyao was the murderer.

"Qiao Xinyao, you are a beauty. Like your man is not to give up man's dignity and other people's wife, is to use their own life to continue your life, how can you let them so? " Li Chongyang asked angrily.